- This page is for the NPC ship. For the playable ships, see Class F Shuttle, Type-8 Shuttlecraft, Type-10 Shuttlecraft, Danube Class Runabout, and Delta Class Shuttle.
The Federation Shuttlecraft is a fighter-level shiptype used by the Federation. They are better armed than Peregrine Fighters, but far less maneuverable. There are Six variants: Class F Shuttle, Type-8 , Type-10, Danube class, Yellowstone class, and Delta class. Their abilities appear to be the same regardless of appearance.
Armament[ | ]
Missions encountered[ | ]
- “Graduation Day”: Federation players travel from Starfleet Academy to their starship in a Type 8 Shuttlecraft.
- “Empire Defense Against Federation Spies”: Shuttles hide in the Kahless Expanse with other Federation ships.
- “Fleet Alert” (FED): Fleet Starbases will occasionally launch groups of shuttlecraft, though they do not engage in combat.
- “Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning”: Numerous shuttles patrol the Utopia Planitia Shipyards orbiting Mars.
- “No Win Scenario” (KDF): In Combat Simulation 347, Federation Shuttlecraft are among hundreds of Federation ships attacking a Civilian Transport.
- “Welcome to Earth Spacedock”: Type 8 Shuttlecraft as well as Danube and Yellowstone Runabouts patrol the space around Earth Spacedock.
- “Punch Through the Federation Blockade”: Federation shuttlecraft, including Danube Runabouts and Delta Flyers, are among a Starfleet force occupying the Yov'bot System.
- “Slowing the Expeditionary Force”: Players are tasked with rescuing survivors from Danube Runabouts caught in the midst of a Klingon attack.
- “Empire Defense Against Federation Spies”: Federation Shuttlecraft are part of a Federation fleet hiding in the Kahless Expanse.
- “Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning”: KDF players engage Federation Shuttlecraft during a raid on the Utopia Planitia Shipyards.
- “All That Glitters”: The Doctor has borrowed a Type 8 Shuttlecraft from the U.S.S. Voyager to respond to a medical emergency in the Shenda System.
- “Uneasy Allies”: The Tereshkova, piloted by Lt. Cmdr. Kyla VanZyl, comes under attack by Romulan Star Empire forces in the Hobus System and must be rescued by the player.
Gallery[ | ]
See also[ | ]
- Terran Danube Runabout (mirror counterpart)
External links[ | ]
- Class F shuttlecraft at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Type 8 shuttlecraft at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Chaffee type shuttlepod at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Danube class at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Delta Flyer type at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.