Fleet Personnel - Very Rare Quality Duty Officer
Very Rare Inventory
Bind On Pickup
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers
Open this pack to have one (1) Very Rare quality Duty Officer assigned to your roster.
Fleet Personnel - Very Rare Quality Duty Officer is a duty officer pack which contains one (1) random Very Rare quality duty officer from any department and can be bought for 20,000 at the Personnel Officer from your Starfleet Base.
- Fleet Personnel - Very Rare Quality Duty Officer is a bound item and cannot be traded or sold.Cannot be purchased from Zen Store .
Right-click or double-click to Use the item.
Item Variations[]
There are 4 variations of this item according to the quality :
- [Fleet Personnel - Common Quality Duty Officer]
- [Fleet Personnel - Uncommon Quality Duty Officer]
- [Fleet Personnel - Rare Quality Duty Officer]
- [Fleet Personnel - Very Rare Quality Duty Officer]
- The duty officer obtained is not bound and you can use him/her for :
- downgrade (Exchange - Uncommon or higher for lower rarity, only at Personnel Officer - same office with Ferra) from Starfleet Academy for Federation players; or only at Imperial Personnel Officer - inside the main building from Klingon Academy for the Klingon players.
- Contribute in Fleet Starbase Upgrade Projects.
- Assignments.
- Sell or trade with other players.