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Fleet Space Shields are Ship Shields with special modifiers that are available for requisition through the Fleet Starbase and Fleet Colony World. They are purchased at Ultra Rare quality, but can be upgraded like standard shields.


Modifier Description
[Cap] Increases Maximum Capacity by 10%
[ResA] Reduces Phaser Damage by 15%
Reduces Polaron Damage by 15%
Reduces Tetryon Damage by 15%
[ResB] Reduces Disruptor Damage by 15%
Reduces Plasma Damage by 15%
Reduces Antiproton Damage by 15%
[Reg] Increases Shield Regeneration by 10%
[Adapt] When your shields are hit, Adaptive Shielding gains one charge, increasing your Shields' resistance to the incoming damage type by 2% for 30 seconds. You can only have a maximum of 10 charges of resistance to each damage type at any given time.


Advanced Fleet Space Shields[]

Advanced Fleet Resilient Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
Value: __ Energy credit icon
Advanced Fleet Covariant Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
Value: __ Energy credit icon
Advanced Fleet Regenerative Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
Value: __ Energy credit icon

Advanced Space Shields are Ultra Rare ship shields. They are similar to standard ship shields, but are some of the only ones obtainable already at Ultra Rare quality; other ship shields need to be upgraded to reach that level. These ship shields have 4 modifiers.

These shields are available from a Fleet Starbase with a Communications Array at Tier II. They each cost 10,000 Fleet Credits 10,000Refined dilithium icon. The Dilithium Store Discounts from the Fleet Dilithium Mine apply to these purchases; with Dilithium Store Discount III, the Dilithium cost is reduced to 8500Refined dilithium icon.

Icon Ship Shield Type Modifiers
Resilient Shield Array Mk XII icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Advanced Fleet Resilient Shield Array Mk XII] [Cap]x3 [Reg]
[Cap]x3 [ResA]
[Cap]x3 [ResB]
Covariant Shield Array Mk XII icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Advanced Fleet Covariant Shield Array Mk XII]
Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Advanced Fleet Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII]

Elite Fleet Space Shields[]

Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
When your shields are hit, Adaptive Shielding gains one charge, increasing your Shields' resistance to the incoming damage type by 2% for 30 seconds. You can only have a maximum of 10 charges of resistance to each damage type at any given time.
Value: __ Energy credit icon
Elite Fleet Adaptive Covariant Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
When your shields are hit, Adaptive Shielding gains one charge, increasing your Shields' resistance to the incoming damage type by 2% for 30 seconds. You can only have a maximum of 10 charges of resistance to each damage type at any given time.
Value: __ Energy credit icon
Elite Fleet Adaptive Regenerative Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
When your shields are hit, Adaptive Shielding gains one charge, increasing your Shields' resistance to the incoming damage type by 2% for 30 seconds. You can only have a maximum of 10 charges of resistance to each damage type at any given time.
Value: __ Energy credit icon

Elite Space Shields are Ultra Rare deflectors. Compared to Advanced Space Shields, they exchange 1 [Cap] modifier for a [Adapt] one, gaining a passive ability which can increase the Shield's resistance to incoming damage types.

Fleet Adaptive Shields use the latest technology to automatically resequence in response to attacks, gradually increasing the resistance of the shields against incoming damage.

When your shields are hit, Adaptive Shielding gains one charge, increasing your Shields' resistance to the incoming damage type by 2% for 30 seconds. You can only have a maximum of 10 charges of resistance to each damage type at any given time.

These shields are available from a Fleet Starbase with a Communications Array at Tier IV. They each cost 14,000 Fleet Credits 15,000Refined dilithium icon. The Dilithium Store Discounts from the Fleet Dilithium Mine apply to these purchases; with Dilithium Store Discount III, the Dilithium cost is reduced to 12,750Refined dilithium icon.

Icon Ship Shield Type Modifiers
Resilient Shield Array Mk XII icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array Mk XII] [Cap]x2 [Reg] [Adapt]
[Cap]x2 [ResA] [Adapt]
[Cap]x2 [ResB] [Adapt]
Covariant Shield Array Mk XII icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Elite Fleet Adaptive Covariant Shield Array Mk XII]
Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Elite Fleet Adaptive Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII]

Colony World[]

Elite Fleet Channeling Space Shields[]

Elite Fleet Channeling Resilient Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
Value: __ Energy credit icon
Elite Fleet Channeling Covariant Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
Value: __ Energy credit icon
Elite Fleet Channeling Regenerative Shield Array
Ultra Rare Ship Shields
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

____ Maximum Shield Capacity
(10% Bleedthrough)
____ Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds
Value: __ Energy credit icon

Elite Space Channeling Shields are Ultra Rare shields. Like the Elite Starbase shields, they have 2 [Cap] modifiers, and then two special modifiers:

  • [ResAll], which reduces All Energy Damage to Shields by 10%
  • [EngCD], [SciCD], or [TacCD], which increase your Starship Engineering/Science/Tactical Readiness based on your current Shield Capacity Percentage.

These shields are available from a Fleet Colony World with Renewable Energy at Tier II. They each cost 14,000 Fleet Credits 15,000Refined dilithium icon. The Dilithium Store Discounts from the Fleet Dilithium Mine apply to these purchases; with Dilithium Store Discount III, the Dilithium cost is reduced to 12,750Refined dilithium icon.

Icon Ship Shield Type Modifier options
Elite Fleet Channeling Covariant Shield Array icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Elite Fleet Channeling Resilient Shield Array Mk XII] [Cap]x2 [ResAll] [SciCD]
[Cap]x2 [ResAll] [TacCD]
[Cap]x2 [EngCD] [ResAll]
Elite Fleet Channeling Covariant Shield Array icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Elite Fleet Channeling Covariant Shield Array Mk XII]
Elite Fleet Channeling Covariant Shield Array icon
Ultra Rare icon
[Elite Fleet Channeling Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII]

List of Fleet holdings
Image Name (Added) Departments Tiers Purchasable item category Location
Fleet Starbases Starbase
(July 12, 2012)
5 Ship Weapons, Deflectors, Engines, Shields, Elite Hangar Pets;
Ground Weapons, Body Armor, Personal Shields, Skill Boosts, Operational Assets
Aldebaran Sector Faction Federation
Archanis Sector Faction Klingon
Fleet Embassy interior Embassy
(November 13, 2012)
3 Weapon Signature Nullifiers and Amplifiers
Romulan Kit Frames and Modules, Consumables, DOff Assignment Slots
Embassy Bridge Officers and Duty Officers
New Romulus
Fleet Dilithium Mine Dilithium Mine
(June 20, 2013)
3 Fleet Warp Cores, Fleet Singularity Cores and Miner DOffs
Advanced Engineering Armor Consoles/Advanced Engineering RCS Consoles
Bajor Sector
Fleet Spire Spire
(November 12, 2013)
3 Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores, Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores
Advanced Tactical Vulnerability Consoles, Spire Hangar Pets, Voth duty officers
Spire Experimental and Prototype Kit Frames and Modules
Solanae Dyson Sphere
Fleet Research Lab Research Lab
(July 16, 2015)
3 Versatile Kit Frames and Profession-Specific Modules
Strategic Secondary Deflectors, Particle Focuser Science Consoles
Additional slots for traits and R&D projects, Krenim BOffs and DOffs
Alsuran Sector
K-13 K-13
(October 25, 2016)
3 23rd Century Ground Weapons, Space Weapons
23rd Century BOffs, DOffs, Training Manuals, Kit Modules
Trait Enhancements, Xenotech Engineering Consoles
Draconis Sector
DranuurColony Colony World
(October 3, 2017)
Renewable Energy
5 Lukari & Kentari Themed Ground Weapons, Personal Shields, Armor, Space Weapons
Protomatter Matrix Infuser Tactical Consoles; Protomatter Warp Cores, Singularity Cores
Deflectors, Secondary Deflectors, and Engines; Channeling Ship Shields
Lukari/Kentari Boffs, Doffs, Kit Frames, Kit Modules & Training Manuals
Dranuur System