Fleet Spire
The Fleet Spire is a fleet holding located in the Solanae Dyson Sphere and it provides similar amenities as the Fleet Starbase , including mail , exchange , and bank terminals. It can be reached by flying due north from the Dyson Sphere Joint Command (ie the starting point of the starting zone when you enter the Solanae Dyson Sphere ) until you pass the border of the map.
Spire Locations [ | ]
Exterior [ | ]
Light Cruisers
Star Cruiser
Typhoon Class Battleship
Majestic Class Cruiser
Interior [ | ]
Interior of the Fleet Spire
Advancement [ | ]
See also: List of spire projects
Instead of the three Starfleet tracks present in the Fleet Starbase advancement process, only two tracks (Research and Operations ) are present in the Fleet Spire advancement process.
Unlocking higher Research tiers will grant access to provisionable rewards: Obelisk Swarmers, Tactical Consoles, Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores and Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores.
Unlocking higher Operations tiers will grant access to provisionable rewards (Voth Science Duty Officers, Personal Ground Kits), and upgrade the Duty Officer Active Roster.
Tier requirements and rewards [ | ]
Tier I
1,000 Spire XP
Restore Power to Spire Exterior
Ship Selector NPC
Command Credit Discount I
Atmospheric Flight Training I
New Provisioned Requisitions
New Construction Projects
Construct Personal Transwarp Transporter
8,500 Spire Research XP
New Provisioned Requisitions
Equipment: (Rare) Obelisk Swarmer (Hangar Pet)
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Advanced Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Advanced Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores
8,500 Spire Operations XP
New Provisioned Requisitions
Tier II
3,000 Spire XP
Mail Access
Bank Access
Command Credit Discount II
Atmospheric Flight Training II
Dyson Sphere Space Reinforcement Bonus
New Provisioned Requisitions
* 1000 Day Veteran Reward
New Construction Projects
25,500 Spire Research XP
New Provisioned Requisitions
Equipment: (Very Rare) Obelisk Swarmer (Hangar Pet)
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Vulnerability Exploiter Mk XII Tactical Consoles
25,500 Spire Operations XP
New Provisioned Requisitions
Tier III
6,000 Spire XP
Exchange Access
Atmospheric Flight Training III
New Provisioned Requisitions
New Construction Projects
59,500 Spire Research XP
New Provisioned Requisitions
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Elite Obelisk Swarmer (Hangar Pet)
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Vulnerability Locator Mk XII Tactical Consoles
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Elite Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores
Equipment: (Ultra-Rare) Elite Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores
59,500 Spire Operations XP
New Provisioned Requisitions
Notes [ | ]
In order to determine whether or not Atmospheric Flight Training has been purchased, and which rank(s), check:
menu > Ship & Crew > Captain > Stats > Passives
, which will show the highest rank that has been purchased (if any).
External link [ | ]
List of Fleet holdings
Name (Added)
Purchasable item category
Starbase (July 12, 2012)
Military Engineering Science
Ship Weapons , Deflectors , Engines , Shields , Elite Hangar Pets ;Ground Weapons , Body Armor , Personal Shields , Skill Boosts , Operational Assets
Aldebaran Sector Archanis Sector
Embassy (November 13, 2012)
Recruitment Diplomacy
Weapon Signature Nullifiers and Amplifiers Romulan Kit Frames and Modules , Consumables, DOff Assignment Slots Embassy Bridge Officers and Duty Officers
New Romulus
Dilithium Mine (June 20, 2013)
Development Trade
Fleet Warp Cores , Fleet Singularity Cores and Miner DOffsAdvanced Engineering Armor Consoles /Advanced Engineering RCS Consoles
Bajor Sector
Spire (November 12, 2013)
Research Operations
Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Cores , Fleet Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores Advanced Tactical Vulnerability Consoles , Spire Hangar Pets , Voth duty officers Spire Experimental and Prototype Kit Frames and Modules
Solanae Dyson Sphere
Research Lab (July 16, 2015)
Research Development
Versatile Kit Frames and Profession-Specific Modules Strategic Secondary Deflectors , Particle Focuser Science Consoles Additional slots for traits and R&D projects , Krenim BOffs and DOffs
Alsuran Sector
K-13 (October 25, 2016)
Xenotech Retrofit
23rd Century Ground Weapons , Space Weapons 23rd Century BOffs , DOffs , Training Manuals , Kit Modules Trait Enhancements , Xenotech Engineering Consoles
Draconis Sector
Colony World (October 3, 2017)
Morale Infrastructure Renewable Energy
Lukari & Kentari Themed Ground Weapons , Personal Shields , Armor , Space Weapons Protomatter Matrix Infuser Tactical Consoles ; Protomatter Warp Cores , Singularity Cores Deflectors , Secondary Deflectors , and Engines ; Channeling Ship Shields Lukari/Kentari Boffs , Doffs , Kit Frames , Kit Modules & Training Manuals
Dranuur System