Glowing Attendants (also reffered to as Glowing Drantzuli by the Tzenkethi) are a slight variation of the Hur'qAttendants.
- See Attendant for more information about the species in general.
These Attendants have a strange, alien bio-luminescence. An ability they use called Glowing Carapace reinforces all fellow Attendants in its radius, adding to their damage resistance. It is recommended to prioritize these mobs for they will often be the backbone of a ground Hur'q swarm.
Missions encountered[]
- “Melting Pot”: Drantzuli hatch from germanium eggs and start wreaking havoc all over joint Lukari-Kentari colony. Alliance officer, assisted by Tzenkethi ground team led by Neth Parr put an end to their threat.
- “Turn the Tide”: Jem'Hadar First fights the attendants, as well as other Hur'q, while attempting to exfiltrate Tzenkethi Admiral Aarn Tzen-Tarrak.
- “Storm Clouds Gather”: Hur'q forces attack Deep Space Nine during a meeting between the Alliance and the Dominion.
- “Armistice”: Attendants are part of a Hur'q ground force which attacks the prison colony in the Olt System.
- “The Search”: Drawn to a signal from the Dominion emitter, Hur'q attack Karemma.
- “Doomed to Repeat”: Hur'q attack an ancient Dominion facility, sending a large ground force, including the attendants, to take the station apart.
- In “Melting Pot”, glowing attendants were referred to simply as Glowing Drantzuli and had unique faction emblem. In the Victory is Life storyline, no more mentions of the Drantzuli were made (except for logs about the caretaker race) and the attendant ground mobs were marked as Hur'q and shared their emblem.
- Killing Drantzuli-marked mobs in Melting Pot does count for Hur'q kill accolades.
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Details | Hur'q • Havas-Kul • Germanium • Ketracel White • Masan Research Reports | |
Ground Forces | Attendant • Glowing Attendant • Vakyat Aggressor • Mekcrid Guardian • Vekcrid Overseer | |
Starships | Chidyat Swarmer • Chidyat Collector • Vridyat Ravager • Nekcrid Assembly • Nekcrid Capital Ship • Hur'q Swarm • Vedcrid Hive | |
NPCs | Hur'q Mutant | |
NPC starships | None |