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TOS (The Original Series) Era Uniforms[]

23rd Century Romulan Uniform


The majority of Romulan crewmen in the 23rd century wore blue pants with optional helmets, sashes, and gloves. Red was worn by higher ranking officers.

Head Selection Colors
Category Helmet - Romulan
Head Covering (optional) Romulan 22nd Century A21, O22
Upper Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Jacket Loose
Upper Romulan 23rd Century C23
Sash (optional) Romulan 23rd Century G20
Hands (optional) Romulan Republic 1 I24, I24
Wrist Attach Left (optional) Romulan Republic 2 B18, B18
Wrist Attach Right (optional) Romulan Republic 2 P1, P1
Lower Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Pants Tucked High
Belt Romulan 23rd Century I24
Lower Tucked - Romulan 23rd Century I24, G20
Feet Boot Romulan 23rd Century I24
Red Variant
Upper Body Selection Colors
Sash Romulan 23rd Century A5
Lower Body Selection Colors
Lower Tucked - Romulan 23rd Century I24, A5


A variant of the red 23rd century uniform worn by female Commanders.

Upper Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Jacket Loose
Upper Romulan 23rd Century C23, A5
Sash Romulan 23rd Century A5
Lower Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Skirts
Belt Romulan 23rd Century I24
Lower Skirt - Romulan 23rd Century C23
Bare Legs Stockings
Feet Boot Thigh High Romulan I24, I24, I24

Romulan Republic Uniforms[]

Romulan Republic Uniform 1, Romulan Republic Uniform 2.

There are two different styles of uniform available to Romulan Republic officers. This guide always uses pieces that match the NPCs, however the colors should apply equally well to the other variants. Some Republic characters mix and match pieces from both uniform variants.

  • Yellow jackets are worn by Engineering bridge officer candidates and certain ranked NPCs. Sublieutenant mobs use this uniform. They used to be the standard color worn by all NPCs and this scheme is still used by the Flotilla Romulan preset uniforms.
  • Red jackets are worn by Tactical bridge officer candidates and Security Officer NPCs.
  • Blue jackets and pants are worn by Science bridge officer candidates and Researcher NPCs like A'dranna t’Kerhav.
  • Admiral Kererek wears a green jacket variant of the uniform.
Brown Variant
Upper Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Jacket Loose
Upper Romulan Republic 1 C20, I18, I19, I22
Hands (male) Romulan Republic 2 I22, D17
Hands (female) Romulan Republic 2 I22, I17
Undershirt Romulan Republic 1 I22, I24
Lower Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Pants Tight
Lower Tight - Romulan Band Triple I19, I19
Feet Boot Romulan Republic 2 A12, A12, B16, B16

These light brown jackets are worn by Uhlan rank NPCs, including Security Escorts. Other color variations are used by bridge officer candidates and higher ranking NPCs.

Jarok's Uniform
Upper Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Jacket Loose
Upper Romulan Republic 1 D20, I18, I19, I22
Hands Romulan Republic 2 I21, I21
Wrist Attach Left Romulan Republic 2 B15
Wrist Attach Right Romulan Republic 2 B15
Undershirt Romulan Republic 1 I23, I24
Lower Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Pants Tight
Belt Romulan Republic 1 B17, B16, B16, A3
Lower Tight - Romulan Republic 2 I21, I22, I22
Feet Boot Romulan Republic 1 B17, B14, B14, B14

This uniform is worn by Commander Tiaru Jarok. The jacket is greener than the standard uniform and it uses darker shades of gray.

Romulan Star Empire/Tal Shiar 25th Century Uniforms[]

Tal Shiar Uniform.

Players do not receive all of the pieces needed to fully recreate any of the uniforms worn by Romulan Star Empire and Tal Shiar officers in the 25th century. The Uhlan and Centurion uniforms can be partially recreated, however.

Upper Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Jacket Loose
Upper Romulan Tal Shiar H10, H8, H1, H10
Lower Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Pants Tight
Belt (female only) Romulan Tal Shiar Lieutenant H1, H1, H1, H9
Lower Tight - Romulan Tal Shiar I5, H5, I1
Feet Boot Romulan Tal Shiar P23, P23, P24, P18
Upper Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Jacket Loose
Upper Romulan Tal Shiar I4, H14, H14, H14
Chest Gear (male only) Romulan Tal Shiar P5, P5, P5, O2
Lower Body Selection Colors
Category Uniform - Pants Tight
Belt (female only) Romulan Tal Shiar Lieutenant I5, I5, I5 B5
Lower Tight - Romulan Tal Shiar H1, H12, I1
Feet Boot Romulan Tal Shiar P23, P23, P24, P18