Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki

A Gul.

Gul is a rank in the Cardassian military held by commanding officers, roughly equivalent to Captain. While the Gul is high ranking, it lacks any significant special abilities, making it simply a stronger version of the Gil and Glinn.

The Gul's uniform is heavily armored compared to that of its subordinates, and has a more brown color than the traditional gray.



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Level Standard Difficulty Advanced Difficulty Elite Difficulty
Shields Health Shields Health Shields Health
37 501 1003 - - - -

Missions encountered[]



  • The Gul's uniform is different to that seen on screen, but this is probably a design choice by the Star Trek Online team to distinguish the Gul from other mobs.

External links[]

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Cardassian Union
Faction Cardassian
Details Cardassian UnionCardassianCardassia Prime
Ground Forces Gil • Glinn • Gul • Interrogator • Legate • Assault Legate
Starships Hideki Class • Galor Class • Keldon Class
NPCs Antos • Elim Garak • Natima Lang • Surjan • Rugan Skyl
NPC starships C.U.V. Damar • C.U.V. Tain
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True Way Alliance
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Starships Hideki Class • Jem'Hadar Attack Ship (Mob) • Galor Class • Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort • Keldon Class • Jem'Hadar Battleship • Jem'Hadar Dreadnought
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