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Rom Ship Valkis - Craeul Frigates

A Valkis-class dreadnought with deployed Craeul frigates

Craeul Frigates are a type of Hangar Pet for Romulan Republic characters.

They are obtained and unlocked with the purchase of the Faction Romulan Republic Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird, and are exclusive to that vessel. Slotted hangar pets will add a launch ability: Launch Craeul Frigates icon (Romulan) Launch Craeul Frigate.

Hangar overview[]

Name Squad Energy type Projectile Abilities
Faction Romulan Craeul Frigates 1/2 Plasma Beam Array icon Plasma Quantum Torpedo Launcher icon Quantum  Beams: Fire at Will I • Channeled Deconstruction • Torpedo: High Yield I • Emergency Power to Weapons I
Faction Romulan Advanced Craeul Frigates 1/2 Plasma Beam Array icon Plasma Quantum Torpedo Launcher icon Quantum  Beams: Fire at Will II • Channeled Deconstruction • Torpedo: High Yield II • Emergency Power to Weapons III
Faction Romulan Elite Craeul Frigates 1/2 Plasma Beam Array icon Plasma Quantum Torpedo Launcher icon Quantum  Beams: Fire at Will II • Channeled Deconstruction • Torpedo: High Yield II • Emergency Power to Weapons III

The 26th century Romulan Craeul-class frigate is the support vessel of choice for the colossal Valkis-class dreadnought.

Two wings of standard-issue (rare) Craeul Frigates come pre-loaded as part of the Faction Romulan Republic Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird's standard equipment.


Hangar - Craeul Frigates icon
Rare icon
Hangar - Craeul Frigates
Rare Hangar Bay
Character Bind On Pickup
Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird
Craeul Frigate Equipment and Abilities:
* 1x Plasma Beam Array (Fore)
* 1x Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Fore)
* 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
* 1x Plasma Beam Array (Aft) I
* Beam: Fire at Will I
* Emergency Power to Weapons I
* Channeled Deconstruction
* Torpedo: High Yield I
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Launch Craeul Frigate
Launch Craeul Frigate
Launches a Level __ Craeul Frigate. Each hangar supports 2 deployed ships at any given time.
40 sec recharge
Value: 0 Energy credit icon

- RESTRICTION: Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird

- AVAILABLE: Once unlocked, this pet becomes available for purchase from the Hangar section of the Requisition Starship Equipment vendor found on most hubs for 25,355 Energy credit icon.


  • Capacity: Launches 1 at a time, and can support up to 2 per hangar.
  • Base cooldown: 40 sec recharge

Hangar - Craeul Frigates icon
Veryrare icon
Hangar - Advanced Craeul Frigates
Very Rare Hangar Bay
Character Bind On Pickup
Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird
Advanced Craeul Frigate Equipment and Abilities:
* 1x Plasma Beam Array (Fore)
* 1x Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Fore)
* 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
* 1x Plasma Beam Array (Aft) I
* Beam: Fire at Will II
* Channeled Deconstruction
* Torpedo: High Yield II
* Emergency Power to Weapons III
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Launch Advanced Craeul Frigate
Launch Advanced Craeul Frigate
Launches a Level __ Advanced Craeul Frigate. Each hangar supports 2 deployed ships at any given time.
40 sec recharge
Value: 0 Energy credit icon

- RESTRICTION: Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird

- AVAILABLE: Once unlocked, this pet becomes available for purchase from the Hangar Pets section of the Dilithium Store for 30,250 Refined dilithium icon. The cost can be lowered to 25,712 Refined dilithium icon provided the player has access to a Fleet Dilithium Mine with all Fleet Project Dilithium Discounts unlocked.


  • Capacity: Launches 1 at a time, and can support up to 2 per hangar.
  • Base cooldown: 40 sec recharge

Hangar - Craeul Frigates icon
Ultrarare icon
Hangar - Elite Craeul Frigates
Ultra Rare Hangar Bay
Character Bind On Pickup
Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird
Elite Craeul Frigate Equipment and Abilities:
* 1x Plasma Beam Array (Fore)
* 1x Plasma Dual Beam Bank (Fore)
* 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
* 1x Plasma Beam Array (Aft) I
* Beam: Fire at Will II
* Channeled Deconstruction
* Torpedo: High Yield II
* Emergency Power to Weapons III
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Launch Elite Craeul Frigate
Launch Elite Craeul Frigate
Launches a Level __ Elite Craeul Frigate. Each hangar supports 2 deployed ships at any given time.
40 sec recharge
Value: 0 Energy credit icon

- RESTRICTION: Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird

- AVAILABLE: Once unlocked, this pet becomes available for purchase from the Hangar Pets section of the Fleet Space Supplies officer onboard a Fleet Starbase with a Tier V Communications Array for 45,000 Refined dilithium icon and 100,000 Fleet Credits. The Dilithium cost can be lowered to 38,250 Refined dilithium icon provided the player has access to a Fleet Dilithium Mine with all Fleet Project Dilithium Discounts unlocked.


  • Capacity: Launches 1 at a time, and can support up to 2 per hangar.
  • Base cooldown: 40 sec recharge

Playable version[]

Craeul Frigate - Pet

A Craeul frigate.

No playable version of the Craeul frigate currently exists in-game.


Hangar pet performance may be affected by various factors (unless stated otherwise), all listed below.

  • Innate
    • All Hangar pets are immune to warp core breaches and have a unique version of the Strategist specialization ability "Layered Defense", known as "Layered Defenses III", which makes them immune to a single torpedo hit every 30 seconds.
    • Starships with Hangar Bays by default can use Carrier commands, a set of four abilities that issue orders to your Hangar pets.
  • Subsystem
    • Auxiliary Power level will determine the recharge rate before a Hangar pet can be launched again; if Auxiliary subsystem is knocked offline, the Hangar will not operate.
  • Skill Tree
    • Skill Nodes
    • Unlocks
      • Adm eng fed 5 points in Engineering track: Hangar Health: Hangar pets have an additional 10% Maximum Hull Capacity.
      • Adm tac fed 5 points in Tactical track: Hangar Weaponry: Hangar pets deal an additional 10% Damage from all sources.
  • Starship Mastery (Carriers, Flight Deck Carriers, Flight Deck Raptors)
    • Mastery passive quick deployment tac fed Quick Deployment: 20% recharge time reduction to launching Carrier pet crafts; +50% Rank Up XP for all Hangar Pets.
  • Duty Officers
    • Flight Deck Officer: Reduces the time to recharge Hangar Bay abilities after use.
    • Flight Deck Officer: Increases the accuracy of any carrier pet launched from your Hangar bays while they are in Intercept mode.
    • Flight Deck Officer: Increases the damage of any carrier pet launched from your Hangar bays while they are in Escort mode.


  • Prior to the hangar pet rebalance released as part of Season Thirteen: Escalation on April 25, 2017, Craeul frigates were one of many pets with the Scratch the Paint ability. With the rebalance, this ability was removed and made innate for all hangar pets. As such, Craeul frigates received the following changes:
    • Normal Craeul Frigates now have Emergency Power to Weapons 1.
    • Advanced and Elite Craeul Frigates now have Emergency Power to Weapons 3 instead of Emergency Power to Weapons 1, and the Elite versions will use it significantly more frequently.
  • While the overall design of each 26th Century Dreadnought frigate pet is shared between the various craft, each variant uses their faction's traditional energy weapon types - Phaser for Starfleet, Plasma for the Romulans, and Disruptors for the Klingons. All variants share Quantum torpedoes as their projectile weapon.

See also[]

v · d · e
Hangar Pets     
Faction Federation Starfleet
Rarity Shuttles Fighters Drones Frigates
Rare 32c. Federation
Class C
Class F
Delta Flyer
Mirror Universe
Type 8
Tactical Flyer Squadrons
Tellarite Adamant
Aeon Timeships
  - Stalker Squadron
Shield Repair Units
Kelvin Timeline Assault Drone
Callisto Light Escorts
Caitian Support
Very Rare Adv. 32c. Federation
Adv. Class C
Adv. Class F
Adv. Danube
Adv. Delta Flyer
Adv. Mirror Universe
Type 10
Adv. Tactical Flyer Squadrons
Adv. Tellarite Adamant
Adv. Aeon Timeships
Adv. Peregrine
Adv. Stalker
  - Advanced Stalker Squadron
Re. Shield Repair Units
Adv. Kelvin Timeline Assault Drone
Adv. Callisto Light Escorts
Adv. Cestus
Adv. Caitian Support
Ultra Rare Elite 32c. Federation
Elite Class F
Elite Delta Flyer
Elite Mirror Universe
Elite Type 10
Elite Tactical Flyer Squadrons
Elite Tellarite Adamant
Elite Aeon Timeships
Elite Peregrine
Elite Stalker
  - Elite Stalker Squadron
Armored Shield Repair Units
Elite Kelvin Timeline Assault Drone
Elite Callisto Light Escorts
Elite Cestus
Elite Caitian Support
Faction Klingon Klingon Defense Force
Rarity Shuttles Fighters Drones Frigates
Rare Marauding Force
Orion Slavers
Tactical Attack Squadron
Gorn Heavy
House Mo'Kai Fighters
House Mo'Kai Raiders
Nausicaan Stinger
Orion Cutpurse
Orion Interceptors
Rozhenko Timeships
  - To'Duj Squadron
Power Siphon Drones
Tachyon Drones
Shield Repair Shuttles
Ning'tao Support
Very Rare Re. Marauding Force
Adv. Orion Slavers
Adv. Tactical Attack Squadron
Adv. DuQwl'
Adv. Gorn Heavy
Adv. House Mo'Kai Fighters
Adv. House Mo'Kai Raiders
Adv. Nausicaan Stinger
Adv. Orion Cutpurse
Adv. Orion Interceptors
Adv. Rozhenko Timeships
Adv. S'Kul
Adv. To'Duj
  - Adv. To'Duj Squadron
Adv. Power Siphon Drones
Adv. Tachyon Drones
Re. Shield Repair Shuttles
Adv. Fer'Jai
Adv. baSro'
Adv. Ning'tao Support
Ultra Rare Armored Marauding Force
Elite Orion Slavers
Elite Tactical Attack Squadron
Elite DuQwl'
Elite Gorn Heavy
Elite House Mo'Kai Fighters
Elite House Mo'Kai Raiders
Elite Nausicaan Stinger
Elite Orion Cutpurse
Elite Orion Interceptors
Elite Rozhenko Timeships
Elite S'Kul
Elite To'Duj
  - Elite To'Duj Squadron
Elite Power Siphon Drones
Elite Tachyon Drones
Armored Shield Repair Shuttles
Elite Fer'Jai
Elite baSro'
Elite Ning'tao Support
Faction Romulan Republic Romulan Republic
Faction Romulan Republic - These hangar pets are restricted to Romulan Republic-exclusive ships.
Rarity Shuttles Fighters Drones Frigates
Rare   Kaleh Faction Romulan Republic
Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Faction Romulan Republic
  - Scorpion Squadron
Snakehead Squadron
Suliban Veil
Craeul Faction Romulan Republic
Malem Support
Romulan Drone Ship
Very Rare   Adv. Kaleh Faction Romulan Republic
Adv. Kelvin Timeline Scorpion Faction Romulan Republic
Adv. Scorpion
Adv. Snakehead Squadron
Adv. Suliban Veil
  Adv. Craeul Faction Romulan Republic
Adv. Malem Support
Advanced Romulan Drone Ship
Faction Dominion Dominion
Faction Khitomer - All Dominion hangar pets are Cross-Faction.
Rarity Shuttles Fighters Drones Frigates
Rare   Jem'Hadar
  - Jem’Hadar Squadron
  Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
Jem'Hadar Support
Jem'Hadar Vanguard Gunboats
Very Rare   Adv. Jem'Hadar
  - Adv. Jem'Hadar Squadron
  Adv. Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
Adv. Jem'Hadar Support
Adv. Jem'Hadar Vanguard Gunboats
Ultra Rare   Elite Jem'Hadar
  - Elite Jem'Hadar Squadron
  Elite Jem'Hadar Attack Ship
Elite Jem'Hadar Support
Elite Jem'Hadar Vanguard Gunboats
Faction Khitomer Cross-Faction
Rarity Shuttles Fighters Drones Frigates
Rare Elachi Oschu Shuttles Bleth Choas
Hur'q Swarmers
Lost Souls of Gre'thor
Son'a Assault Fighters
Sphere Builder Heavy
Tholian Widow
Voth Heavy
Xindi-Insectoid Castroi
Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy
Obelisk Swarmers
Baltim Raider
Breen Plesh Brek Raider
Elachi Qulash
Krenim Heavy Raiders
Sphere Builder Arehbes
Terran Empire
Tholian Mesh Weavers
Vorgon Echentis
Xindi-Aquatic Mobulai
Very Rare Adv. Elachi Oschu Shuttles Adv. Bleth Choas
Adv. Epoch
Adv. Hur'q Swarmers
Adv. Lost Souls of Gre'thor
Adv. Son'a Assault Fighters
Adv. Sphere Builder Heavy
Adv. Tholian Widow
Adv. Voth Heavy
Adv. Xindi-Insectoid Castroi
Adv. Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy
Adv. Mir
Adv. Obelisk Swarmers
Adv. Baltim Raider
Adv. Breen Plesh Brek Raider
Adv. Elachi Qulash
Adv. Krenim Heavy Raiders
Adv. Shuk-din
Adv. Sphere Builder Arehbes
Adv. Terran Empire
Adv. Tholian Mesh Weavers
Adv. Vorgon Echentis
Adv. Xindi-Aquatic Mobulai
Adv. Yukawa
Ultra Rare Elite Elachi Oschu Shuttles Elite Bleth Choas
Elite Epoch
Elite Hur'q Swarmers
Elite Lost Souls of Gre'thor
Elite Son'a Assault Fighters
Elite Sphere Builder Heavy
Elite Tholian Widow
Elite Voth Heavy
Elite Xindi-Insectoid Castroi
Elite Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy
Elite Mir
Elite Obelisk Swarmers
Elite Baltim Raider
Elite Breen Plesh Brek Raider
Elite Elachi Qulash
Elite Krenim Heavy Raiders
Elite Shuk-din
Elite Sphere Builder Arehbes
Elite Terran Empire
Elite Tholian Mesh Weavers
Elite Vorgon Echentis
Elite Xindi-Aquatic Mobulai
Elite Yukawa
See main page: Hangar pet