Star Trek Online Wiki
Holographic Combat Drone
Rare Ground Device
Consumed On Use
Bind On Pickup
Unique - Max of one per character
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

to self: Creates a level __ Holographic Combat Drone for 60 sec
Value: 0 Energy credit icon


Holographic Combat Drone icon
Rare icon

This hovering drone resembles a traditional Exocomp, but is actually a non-sentient holoprojection designed explicitly for combat scenarios. This technology has been utilized extensively in the Federation for the purpose of security and defense, but several shipments have also been appropriated by privateers and readily available to the highest bidder at black markets across the galaxy.

The drone attacks with a basic Tetryon beam as well as a wide-beam attack that can hit and Expose many targets at once. The power source will only function for a limited amount of time, and a limited number of uses overall.


This item is obtained by opening a [Special Requisition Pack - Holographic Combat Drone] which is available from the Phoenix Prize Pack redemption store at a cost of 1 Uncommon Prize Token - Phoenix Prize Pack iconUncommon icon Uncommon Prize Token. It was previously available from the [Ferengi Lock Box] and [Ferengi Lock Box - Gold] before September 20th, 2012.


Exocomp MACO

Actual appearance

  • This item's icon doesn't exactly match its appearance in the field, being a recolor of the other Exocomp item icon; once summoned, it appears as a Military Assault Command Operations (M.A.C.O) Exocomp with red paint.
  • This is a consumable item with 10 charges.
  • This drone has a very long engagement range, having been observed to target and close in on enemies over 80 meters away.
  • The Photonic Tactical Officer from the Lobi Crystal Consortium has a passive trait that summons these same drones called Drone Summon Passive icon Drone Summon Passive.

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