Star Trek Online Wiki
StarfleetJames Kurland
James Kurland
Military Rank:
Mission giver
Voiced by:
Jeremy Randall

James Kurland is the commander of Deep Space 9 as well as the captain of the U.S.S. Defiant. He coordinates Starfleet's operations within Cardassian territory.

Missions involved[ | ]

  • ALL “Second Wave”: Captain Kurland is one of the delegates of the Borg conference at Deep Space 9. The delegates are successfully evacuated when the station is captured by Dominion forces in 2409. During the invasion, Kurland loses his first officer, Commander Karen Andrews.
  • ALL “Of Bajor”: Captain Kurland attempts to negotiate with Loriss for the release of Deep Space 9. He is ultimately unsuccessful.
  • ALL “Boldly They Rode”: Captain Kurland guides the player as they infiltrate DS9 via spacewalking on the outside of the station. He later commands the Defiant in the battle to retake the station from Kar'ukan's forces.
  • ALL “Midnight”: In 2410, Kurland commands the Defiant in the Sol System attempting to defend Earth from an Iconian assault. He requests assistance in protecting the shipyards long enough for all docked ships to disembark.
  • ALL “Scylla and Charybdis”: He is commanding DS9 during a Tzenkethi attack and is briefly heard over the comms.

Other involvement[ | ]

  • "Season 5 Dev Blog #30": In a personal log, Captain Kurland mourns the death of Karen Andrews and prepares to lead the Defiant on its mission to retake Deep Space 9, with the cooperation of the Female Changeling.
  • "Utopia Planitia Report 3": Kurland is present on the bridge of the Defiant while it is docked at Utopia Planitia for extensive repairs following “Midnight”. When the ship is rocked by an explosion, Kurland authorizes a dangerous rescue attempt to recover Ensign Elyos, a Utopia Planitia crew member who had been conducting an EVA.

Notes[ | ]


Holo-Kurland performing an archaic, 21st century dance move

  • Prior to its complete revamp with Season Eleven: New Dawn, Kurland used to be a mission giver for a majority of the Cardassian Struggle episode.
  • On April 1, 2018, a holographic impersonation of Kurland was added to the Promenade of DS9, located just outside of Quark's Bar. Interacting with the false Kurland awarded the Dab emote for all characters on the account.
  • According to the development team, this character was originally intended to be Jake Kurland, as seen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Coming of Age".[1]

Gallery[ | ]

External links[ | ]

Deep Space 9
Residents Station Staff Adina CharlesBridge Officer TrainerEntara OdainJames KurlandKaren AndrewsPaj EsmaRo LarenRo SennaSarish MinnaSecurity Officer
Promenade Merchants' Association AdjkaDolgunFerengi TraderGar'ConHadronJumja VendorKalti VrannKilta VrannKlingon ChefKonzaarLatinum ExchangeMo'NekeMugato HandlerOnnaQuarkTargoskTohmoeUrgmahtYeserinZazritZentanZhyi'Ahne
Shipyard Services ArcolC'grashDetEcliaObbShuttle Information OfficerTor Mazo
Civilians Loret RazhaMornPag
Visiting Personnel & Dignitaries Federation D'VakGorahJulian BashirKira NerysMarconiNogRoxyStarfleet Observer
Klingon Empire Adet'paS'taassSecurity OfficerKurnMartok
Dominion Assault OfficerDukan'RexLorissOdoShock Trooper
Other Powers Tell BarrattElim GarakRomRomulan Ambassador
Related BajorBajoran wormholeU.S.S. DefiantDominion WarEmpok NorGamma QuadrantTerok Nor (mirror)
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