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Cross-FactionKhitomer Alliance

Active (2411)
Capital World:
Political System:
Multi-faction Alliance
Foreign Policy:
Mutual defense Humanitarianism

A.F.S. Khitomer
An Alliance-built ship flanked by Alliance member flagships

Alliance redirects here. For other uses, see Alliance (disambiguation).

The Khitomer Alliance (often shortened to "the Alliance") is a coalition between the major factions of the four Quadrants. The United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic established the Alliance after the signing of ceasefire between the Federation and the Klingon Empire in 2410 on Qo'noS. The Alliance later expanded to other powers including the Dominion, Cardassian Union, Deferi, Lukari Concordium, and Kentari Union. The Alliance actively continues its expansion in 2411, most recently with the Liberated Elachi and Mo'Kai Klingons.

Early in its creation, the coalition was sometimes referred to as the "Delta Alliance", as it also includes several Delta Quadrant races who allied with the forces of Alpha and Beta Quadrants during the conflict with the Vaadwaur.



Seg'pa vs Musashi

The Federation and the Klingon Empire were at war from 2405 to 2410

The Federation and the Klingon Empires had been at peace during the 24th century, with the exception of a brief conflict stemming from the Klingon invasion of Cardassia. The Khitomer Accords of 2293 ended centuries of conflicts, laying the foundation of a close alliance between the two powers. During that period, the Romulan Star Empire tried several times to undermine the two Khitomer powers and their alliance for strategic gain.

In 2393, J'mpok became Chancellor of the Klingon Empire, after he had seemingly slain former Chancellor Martok in personal combat over his refusal to invade the Gorn Hegemony and fight the Federation and Romulans. J'mpok then invaded Gorn space, claiming that the Gorn leadership had been infiltrated by the Undine. The Federation Council did not agree there was evidence to support an invasion which led to escalating tensions and the Empire's second withdrawal from the Khitomer Accords.

When J'mpok attempted to annex the Hromi Cluster, the Federation refused to withdraw from the sector. President Aennik Okeg asserted that the Federation would continue its explorations of the cluster and would not uproot its settlements that have been in these sectors for decades. In 2405 the Klingons invaded the Korvat System, beginning the Federation-Klingon War. In 2406, President Okeg called for peace, but J'mpok refused.

Moving towards peace[]


Early tensions in the Alliance over Dyson Spheres

In 2409, both the Federation and the Klingon Empire agreed to recognize the Romulan Republic as a legitimate interstellar power. Members of the Romulan Republic hoped that such recognition would help institute an armistice between two warring sides. ( “Turning Point”)

Shortly after, Borg incursions led to a meeting of Klingon, Federation and allied leaders at Deep Space 9 to discuss joint actions against the Borg threat. The meeting was interrupted by a Dominion attack force which took control of the station, but both forces eventually decided to set up a joint operation on Defera to end the Borg Invasion. ( “Second Wave”)

Further joint missions between the three powers took place in fluidic space ( “Fluid Dynamics”), on New Romulus ( “New Romulus Aid”) and in the Solanae Dyson Sphere where "Joint Alliance Command", with Romulan Republic taking the lead, was formed. ( “Circles within Circles”)


Federation-Klingon cease-fire 2410

Admiral Quinn and Chancellor J'mpok establish ceasefire following the Iconian return.

In 2410, disputes over the ownership of the newly discovered Jenolan Dyson Sphere led to Admiral Tuvok organizing a summit for diplomats from all three sides. During the conference, Federation Captain Va'Kel Shon admitted that the Federation made a mistake when they failed to recognize the Undine threat, but the Klingons remained wary of their new interest, noting that, conveniently, the Federation only admitted their mistake when something they claimed was under threat.

The summit was interrupted by a massive Undine invasion of the Beta Quadrant. Joint forces worked together to protect Earth and Qo'noS from invasion, culminating in Va'Kel Shon nearly sacrificing himself to prevent the Undine from destroying the Klingon homeworld. Following their victory, the three powers and their leaders celebrated in the Great Hall.

As Admiral Jorel Quinn and Chancellor J'mpok took the stand together, they were interrupted by the appearance of an Iconian who killed several members of the Klingon High Council as a warning for the forces of the Alpha Quadrant to not attract their attention again. When the Iconian left, Quinn and J'mpok agreed that the Iconian threat was too dangerous and imminent for them to continue fighting against each other, announcing a formal ceasefire. ( “Surface Tension”)



The Delta Alliance

The three powers worked together in the Delta Quadrant and formed an alliance with a number of species including the Benthans, Talaxians, Kobali, Hirogen, Hierarchy, the Borg Cooperative, Turei and the Kazon-Ogla. Other Kazon sects previously agreed to be members, but betrayed the alliance. The Octanti remained neutral - although they were sympathetic to the Alliance, they still had a high level of enmity with the Borg Cooperative who were already members.

A joint force of these powers helped take down the Vaadwaur. At that point, the Alliance was often referred to as the "Delta Alliance". ( “Alliances”, “Takedown”)

In the following Iconian War, the three major powers fought together and recruited the Krenim, hoping to end the war by changing time. ( “Time in a Bottle”) At the final battle, fleets of all three powers arrived at the Sol System to help protect Earth. Allies from the Delta Quadrant, as well as previously neutral Cardassian Union and the Dominion arrived as well. ( “Midnight”)

Official Peace Treaty[]

The Temporal Front

The Peace Conference on New Romulus

Following the war, President Aennik Okeg, Chancellor J'mpok and Proconsul D'Tan met for a summit on New Romulus to establish a formal peace agreemeent. The summit was once again interrupted, this time by the Na'kuhl who attempted to assassinate the leaders. It is not known whether the treaty was finished after the interruption. ( “The Temporal Front”)

Following the war, the term "Alliance" became frequently used, even by enemy forces such as the Kentari and Tzenkethi. ( “Mirrors and Smoke”, “Brushfire”, “Melting Pot”)

Hur'q Conflict[]

Alliance actions against the Tzenkethi eventually led to a conflict with the Hur'q. The main strategy of this conflict was to bolster the Dominion to prevent the Hur'q from spreading to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. During this conflict, cooperation with the Cardassian Union increased as they took a leading role, filling a vacuum led by the Klingons as J'mpok refused to commit Klingon forces. Despite J'mpok's reticence, some Klingon forces did participate, notably under Martok's banner.

At the resolution of the Hur'q conflict, the Cardassians and the Dominion were accepted into the Alliance. As a price for their admission, the Dominion was asked to relieve the Jem'Hadar of their addiction to Ketracel White. The Alliance began assisting the rebuilding of Havas-Kul, patrolling the newly-established Hur'q neutral zone with the Dominion and the establishment of peace talks between the Dominion and the Karemma. ( “Home”)

J'Ula, Joint Actions, and Closer Cooperation[]

Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser

The Alliance began jointly designing and constructing ships by 2411

Early in 2409, a fleet of House Mo'Kai vessels, led by Matriarch J'Ula, had been transported from the mid 23rd Century by accident after a Mycellial-based weapon. ( “Downfall”) Much of the Mo'Kai fleet retreated into the darkness through the next two years but increasingly became a notable threat to the Alliance following the Hur'q conflict. These House Mo'Kai members appealed to traditionalists in the Klingon Empire, with an open hostility towards the Alliance, especially the Federation with which the House Mo'Kai Klingons had been at war with in the 2250s. By the end of 2410 and into early 2411, Alliance began pursuing the House Mo'Kai forces in joint operations, including a defense of the Andoria system from an attack by House Mo'Kai forces, and a raid on shipyards in Beta Lankal where renegade Klingon houses were assisting the Mo'Kai in updating their antique vessels to modern standards. ( “Beneath the Skin”, “To Hell With Honor”)

At the same time, the Khitomer Alliance, now a formalized power, began its own joint fleet operations with the launching of the A.F.S. Khitomer under Captain Kagran, the first joint starship creation of the Alliance. The Alliance's joint service would feature mixed crews from the various members of the Alliance using ships that featured a mix of Alliance technologies and design specifications. ("The Khitomer Alliance Launches New Joint Service") An Alliance uniform was created for use aboard the Alliance ships.

Khitomer Alliance Chamber

Khitomer redesigned as the Alliance's hub

Klingon Civil War

The Klingon Civil War between House Mo'Kai and Klingon Defense Force dragging the Khitomer Alliance into the conflict.

Khitomer became a diplomatic hub for the alliance and saw representatives of the four major powers, plus smaller members such as the Cardassians and Deferi. They worked under Chairman Ksenneta. But the membership of the Klingon Empire within the Alliance stirred resentment among some Klingons who preferred the way of conquest over diplomacy. Tensions within the Klingons eventually boiled over into a Klingon Civil War, dragging the Alliance into the fighting. ( “The Khitomer Discord”)

Regretting his actions of simply following J'mpok's orders on Khitomer, Kagran joins the final battle of Qo'noS alongside the recently cloned L'Rell, J'Ula, Martok, Adet'pa and their allies from Houses Martok, Noggra, Kang and Korath, as well as the Gorn, Orion Syndicate and Tarsev's Liberated Elachi force. While J'Ula, Martok, L'Rell and an Alliance captain defeat J'mpok and Aakar on the surface, he and Adet'pa coordinate Alliance forces in destroying the Kri'stak and the Targ in space.


L'Rell, new Chancellor of the Klingon Empire in 2411.

L'Rell, having assumed Chancellorship, ceases hostilities and announces the end of J'mpok's reign, and a celebration event was held in the Great Hall two weeks following the fall of J'mpok. Kagran, alongside other Alliance ambassadors, pledges the Alliance's support in Qo'noS' rebuilding efforts and ensures their readiness if another tyrant were to set their eyes on the Federation, the Republic and the Dominion. While many of his people have assumed their former lives in the mycelial network, Tarsev has been requested to serve in the Alliance as an ambassador of the Liberated Elachi instead. Furthermore, J'Ula, with her people incorporated into the Alliance as well, takes on the role of Chancellor L'Rell's Torchbearer moving forward. ( “A Day Long Remembered”, “Remain Klingon”)

KCW end

The celebration event two weeks following the fall of J'mpok.

Terran Gambit[]

With peace cemented in the Klingon Empire and a bright future ahead, the Khitomer Alliance moves into a new era. Admiral Leeta returns to the Prime Universe and warns them about the Terran Emperor's plans. With assistance from Marshal Janeway, an Alliance captain infiltrates Terran Spacedock and rescues Ilia, engaging the Inquisitor, Captain Killy and Captain Kuumaarke, with Janeway reclaiming command ofVoyager. ( “Firewall”, “Red Shift”, “Blue Shift”)

Meanwhile, with information via Rae'Yeet, the Inquisitor and Killy lead a Terran force on Pahvo in preparation for the Emperor's arrival. The Alliance captain on the other hand, boards the Enterprise and defeat Kuumaarke, allowing Leeta to regain command of her flagship. Ilia, having awoken, explains that V'Ger discovered the existence of its mirror counterpart, the Other, and the Emperor wishes to use it for his own means. Redirecting her connection from V'Ger to the Other, Ilia attempts to sooth its rage, but to no avail. ( “The Calling”)

The Alliance engages a battle with the Terran Empire in orbit of Pahvo, but are immobilized by the arrival of Emperor Wesley Crusher. While the Alliance is preoccupied with Terran ships, he, the Inquisitor and Tilly head into The Other and merges with it at its core while Tilly and the Inquisitor battles Leeta, who is utilizing the Pah-wraiths. Before Tilly could kill Leeta, the latter convinced the Inquisitor about the danger of Emperor Crusher. They kill Tilly and escape The Other with Leeta while formulating a plan to deal with Emperor Crusher. ( “Eye of the Storm”)


The Alliance briefing before the final battle in the Sol System against the Terran Empire.

As a last resort, Admiral Quinn calls the Alliance for a briefing on Earth Spacedock just as The Other slowly closes in the Sol System. Here, it is revealed that the Inquisitor has established contact with Dr. Beverly Crusher, Wesley's mother, to provide the countermeasures to deal with her son. During the battle in Sol, the Bortasqu' and the Lleiset along with Jupiter and Mars were digitized by The Other, forcing the Alliance to fall back to Earth and make their last stand. Before Earth is digitized, Ilia arrived in time with V'Ger to hold off The Other's attacks. Captain Shon, the Inquisitor, Leeta, Dr. Crusher and the Alliance captain enter The Other and managed to stop Emperor Crusher using the countermeasures and allowing the latter to come to his senses after nearly killing his mother. The Alliance celebrates the end of the battle, but not without warning that the next time they face the Terran Empire, it would be as enemies. ( “The Fujiwhara Effect”)


Following the development of temporal technology during the Iconian War, an Alliance representative was invited to the future to witness the signing of the temporal accords. There they learn that by 2769 most of the galactic powers are now part of a "Galactic Union". ( “Time and Tide”)

Relations with other powers[]

In 2410, the Alliance member's foreign policies have been largely aligned due to common threats, in contrast to the Klingon War period where Federation and Klingon policy towards their neighbours differed significantly and the Romulan Republic had yet to be formed. On the whole, all three powers maintain friendly relations with the Cardassian Union, Deferi, Ferengi Alliance, Lukari Concordium and the various Delta Alliance powers. The Alliance continues to incorporate more members such as the Dominion following the Hur'q conflict, and most recently the Liberated Elachi and Mo'Kai Klingons following the Klingon Civil War in 2411.

Likewise, all three factions have been in some level of conflict with powers such as the Breen Confederacy, Tholian Assembly, True Way and the Terran Empire. The most significant antagonist of the Alliance have been the surviving Iconians and various races who became their servitors or were otherwise manipulated into attacking Alliance powers, namely the Tal Shiar, Elachi, Solanae, Bluegill, Undine and the Vaadwaur.

Faction Recent Relations
Faction APUAutomated Personnel Unit Antagonistic, low level conflict
Faction BenthanBenthan Delta Alliance member
Faction BluegillBluegill Open warfare, Iconian servitor
Faction BorgBorg Collective Open warfare
Faction CooperativeBorg Cooperative Delta Alliance member
Faction BorgBorg Kingdom Open warfare
Faction BreenBreen Confederacy Antagonistic, low level conflict
Faction CardassianCardassian Union Member
Coalition Friendly
Faction DeferiDeferi Member
Faction DevidianDevidian Antagonistic, low level conflict
Faction DominionDominion Member, previously antagonistic.
Faction ElachiElachi Open warfare, Iconian servitor, Liberated Elachi under Ambassador Tarsev are members.
Faction Fek'lhriFek'Ihri Horde Open warfare
Faction FerengiFerengi Alliance Member
Faction HazariHazari Delta Alliance member
Faction HierarchyHierarchy Delta Alliance member
Faction HirogenHirogen Delta Alliance member, although initially in conflict in Beta Quadrant
Faction Hur'qHur'q Open warfare / Friendly
Faction IconianIconian Whole Open warfare. On resolution to war, some Iconians still in opposition to the Alliance
Faction KazonKazon (excluding Ogla) Antagonistic, low level conflict.
Faction KazonKazon-Ogla Delta Alliance member
Faction KentariKentari Union Member, after initial minor conflict.
Faction Klingon 2256Klingon 2256 Open warfare, Mo'Kai Klingons under J'Ula are members.
Faction KobaliKobali Delta Alliance member
Faction KrenimKrenim Delta Alliance member, but rogue elements allied to Temporal Liberation Front.
Faction LukariLukari Concordium Member
Faction MalonMalon Antagonistic, low level conflict.
Faction Na'kuhlNa'kuhl Open warfare, Temporal Liberation Front
Faction OcampaOcampa Delta Alliance member
Faction OctantiOctanti Supportive of Delta Alliance
Faction Romulan Star EmpireRomulan Star Empire Antagonistic, Iconian servitor
Faction Son'aSon'a Antagonistic, Dominion ally
Faction TalaxianTalaxian Delta Alliance member
Faction Terran EmpireTerran Empire Open warfare, Temporal Liberation Front
Faction TholianTholian Assembly Antagonistic, low level conflict.
Faction True WayTrue Way Open warfare
Faction TureiTurei Delta Alliance member
Faction Sphere BuildersTuterian Open warfare, Temporal Liberation Front
Faction TzenkethiTzenkethi Coalition Open warfare, manipulated by the Founders, some elements are friendly
Faction UndineUndine Open warfare, manipulated by Iconians
Faction VaadwaurVaadwaur Supremacy Antagonistic, Iconian servitor
Faction VorgonVorgon Open warfare, Temporal Liberation Front
Faction VothVoth Open warfare due to territorial conflict, some elements are friendly


  • In 2015 the Delta Recruitment event was positioned in-game to be related to building up the Delta Alliance with new officers to help fight the Iconian War.
  • “Beyond the Nexus” was released as a Featured Episode in 2017 when the alliance had been firmly established. However when the featured episode was put into the regular order, it was placed after “Temporal Ambassador”. At this point in time the hostilities between the Federation and Klingon Empire persist even though in the mission the Klingon player comes to Starfleet's aid at their request. The turn-in text from J'mpok also references the Alliance. It was subsequently moved back to the New Frontiers arc.

v · d · e
Factions by Quadrant
α Breen ConfederacyCardassian UnionDeferiDrantzuliFederation (Starfleet) • Ferengi AllianceKentari UnionLukari ConcordiumNa'kuhlTholian AssemblyTrue Way AllianceTzenkethi Coalition
β Federation (StarfleetDSC StarfleetTOS Starfleet) • Gorn HegemonyIconianKlingon Empire (Klingon Defense Force) • Klingon Empire RebelsKlingons (2256)NausicaanOrion SyndicateRomulan RepublicRomulan Star EmpireReman ResistanceSon'aVulcan
γ DominionFek'Ihri HordeHur'q
Δ Automated Personnel UnitBenthanBorg CollectiveThe CooperativeBluegillHazariHierarchyHirogenKazonKobaliKrenimMalonOcampaOctantiTalaxianTureiTuterianVaadwaur SupremacyVoth
Others Borg KingdomCoalitionCreaturesDevidianElachiTerran EmpireUndine (Species 8472)Vorgon