Captain Kira Nerys is a Bajoran Starfleet officer and current commander of the U.S.S. Defiant. A former Colonel in the Bajoran Militia, she became commander of Deep Space 9 following the Dominion War. By 2409, she had been elected Kai, the religious leader of Bajor.
Background[ | ]
After fighting the Cardassians as part of the Bajoran Resistance, she joined the Bajoran Militia in 2369 at the rank of Major. She was appointed liaison officer on Deep Space 9 under Commander/Captain Benjamin Sisko, and would later also serve with Lt. Cmdr. Worf and Ensign/Lt. Nog amongst others.
Kira commanded the U.S.S. Defiant on several occasions, and fought in the Dominion War (including briefly becoming a Commander in Starfleet and forming a temporary resistance cell with Leeta, Rom and Jake Sisko). In 2374 and 2375 she was in a relationship with Odo and was promoted to Colonel in the Bajoran Militia in 2375; when Sisko disappeared in the Fire Caves on Bajor that year, Kira became commander of DS9. After Bajor joined the Federation in 2393, she was commissioned as a Starfleet Captain.
By 2409, she had become Kai of Bajor, and was replaced as commander of DS9 by Captain James Kurland.
Missions given[ | ]
Missions involved[ | ]
- “The Temporal Front”: Kai Kira is present at the Alliance summit.
- “Storm Clouds Gather”: Kai Kira is one of the Alpha Quadrant leaders consulted at the Alliance summit on DS9.
- “Armistice”: Kai Kira asks the player to join her on a mission to retrieve Kai Opaka from the Olt System penal moon.
- “The Search”: Back in Starfleet, Captain Kira joins the player in investigation Hur'q activity in the outer systems of the Dominion.
- “Doomed to Repeat”: Kira, Odo and Elim Garak join the player in investigation an Ancient Dominion Station.
- “Tenebris Torquent”: Kira joins the player in investigating the suspected Hur'q homeworld, Havas-Kul.
- “Home”: Kira aids the player and Odo in defending the Founder homeworld, Empersa, from a Hur'q assault.
Missions mentioned[ | ]
- “Temple Offerings”: In 2409, Kai Kira and the Vedek Assembly want to purchase land from Tor Mazo to build a new monastery. When a Starfleet mediator gets involved, Tor mentions that he is not surprised, as he knows how insistent the Kai can be. Tor finally accepts the purchase after Kai Kira agrees to preserve his old family cemetery at the site. Cpt. Kurland then remarks that Kira looks forward to meeting Tor.
Other involvement[ | ]
- "Na'kuhl": In 2410, the Na'kuhl are facing an ecological crisis due to the disruption of their sun and require immediate help. Although the Bajorans were initially hesitant, Kai Kira takes a personal interest in the matter.
- "The Past and Present": In the Bajoran city of Hathon, Kai Kira awakens from a vision about the recent Tzenkethi and Hur'q attacks. Doctor Likra contacts her and confirms that there had been no Drantzuli eggs or buried Hur'q ships present on Bajor when the Tzenkethi attacked. Kira asks Likra not to share this information with the Science Council, as she wishes to avoid these facts becoming public record.
Notes[ | ]
- For players who have completed “The Search”, Captain Kira can be found in Ops on DS9.
- Kira is also available as a limited distribution holographic bridge officer.
Gallery[ | ]
External link[ | ]
- Kira Nerys at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Kira Nerys at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.