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Maintenance Engineer — Space
[SP] Additional buffs applied based on type of battery activated
"It's only a game, Captain."
  • Faction: Faction Klingon Klingon Empire
  • Quality: Very Rare
  • Species: Wadi
  • Gender: Female
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Department: Doff dept Klingon Engineering Engineering
  • Specialization: Maintenance Engineer
    On use of battery, adds a damage buff for weapons batteries, a damage resistance buff for shield batteries, a perception and stealth buff for auxiliary batteries, and a Control Expertise buff for engine batteries. Special non-consumable batteries instead improve power levels for all subsystems by 5.

    Weapons Battery: Increases damage by 10% for 20 sec
    Shield Battery: Increases damage resistance by 10% for 20 sec
    Red Matter Capacitor: Increases all power by 5 for 20 sec
    Engine Battery: Increases Control Expertise by 10 for 20 sec
    Auxiliary Battery: Increases Perception by 10 for 20 sec
  • Traits

