Star Trek Online Wiki
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment icon
Common icon
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment
Common Inventory
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Activate to assign crewman to a Temporal research assignment.
Value: 100,000 Energy credit icon

Mirror Incursion Research Assignments are series of ten (10) Duty officer assignments, randomly rewarded from the Mirror Incursion Lock Box iconCommon icon [Mirror Incursion Lock Box].

Item description: This item contains the research and briefing reports acquired by intelligence agents who infiltrated Mirror Universe. Because resources are stretched thin in the wake of the Iconian War, any available operatives are authorized to follow up on these leads.

Activating this consumable device will allow you to send Duty Officers on a single Mirror Universe assignment, garnering large experience, dilithium and R&D materials as rewards.

Mirror Incursion Research Assignment is not bound and can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange.
At the Exchange, it can only be found under "All" tab with "Any quality" selected as rarity type. Choosing Common rarity will not result in successful search. When typing keyword such as "research assignment" in Search window, it can be mixed up with [Temporal Research Assignment], which has the same icon, but isn't part of the same assignment set.


Info You must have access to the Duty officer system in order to activate this item. (Faction FederationFaction KlingonFaction Romulan Republic Level 11)
Right-click or double-click the item to activate the Duty Officer mission.
The following list are available Mirror Incursion Research Assignments:

Mirror Incursion Research Assignment
Item Assignment Name
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Agonizer Countermeasures “Study Agonizer Technology to Develop Countermeasures”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Imperial History “Develop a Timeline of Terran Empire History”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Interphase “Research Interphase Phenomenon in Tholian Space”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Klingon-Cardassian-Bajoran Rebels “Connect with Rebel Cells Among Klingon-Cardassian-Bajoran Faction”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Mirror Dominion “Communicate with Mirror Universe Dominion”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Mirror Romulans “Investigate State of Romulan Empire in Mirror Universe”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Mirror Universe Portals “Explore Methods of Mirror Portal Creation”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Terran Fleet Strength “Determine Terran Empire Fleet Strength”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon Terran Future Tech “Study Terran Use of Future Technology”
Mirror Incursion Research Assignment iconCommon icon The Emperor “Build Dossier about the Mirror Emperor”


Completing all 10 of the Mirror Incursion Research Assignments rewards player with Mirror Agent accolade. This will unlock the Lobi Store prize from the "Device" tab, which will grant you the title "Mirror Agent" along with 10,000 Dilithium Ore icon Dilithium Ore.

Achieving a "Critical Take!" on all 10 of the Mirror Incursion Research Assignments rewards player with Mirror Infiltrator accolade. This will unlock the Lobi Store prize from the "Device" tab, which will grant you the title "Mirror Infiltrator", along with 50,000 Dilithium Ore icon Dilithium Ore.

Devices containing duty officer assignments
Zhat Vash Cold CasesTerran Empire ResearchHur'q ResearchGamma Quadrant ResearchTzenkethi Intelligence Briefings
23rd Century ResearchMirror Incursion ResearchTemporal ResearchTal Shiar Command CodeTemporal BeaconHolonovel