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Faction Cross-Faction Arena of Sompek
Given by:
Normal difficulty
February 23, 2017
You will receive the following reward:
Skill Dilithium Ore icon Elite mark R&D
Normal difficulty 480 x Normal Queue R&D Material Reward Package iconCommon icon

The Arena of Sompek is a PvE Queue in which 5 players enter a Klingon holodeck on Qo'noS to train in one of the Empire’s oldest traditions, the qaD HoS - an endless battle against allies and enemies alike. This mission is only available during the recurring Arena of Sompek Event.


In the interest of strengthening the Alliance against its enemies, and providing entertainment, the Klingons have agreed to allow other members to participate in the legendary qaD HoS event. You've been invited to Qo'noS to participate as representatives of the Alliance. It will be good practice for the battles ahead, and should be good for morale.

Mission text[]

The simulation lasts until all players are simultaneously defeated. (Time version only: or until 15 minutes have elapsed.)


  • Briefing
    • Enter the Holodeck
    • Gather In the Holodeck 1:00
  • Win as Many Rounds as Possible
  • Battle Until All of You Fall
    • Round: #
  • (Timed Version Only) Survive for: 20:00
  • Leave the Holodeck



  • During the Lightning Round, powerful bolts of lightning will target random players. An indicator is placed on the floor, giving some warning to allow you to get out of the way (less time than an Orbital Strike, however). The strike deals heavy Electrical damage in an area, so it's best to not clump together with other players during this period. Fabrications such as Medical Generators are particularly vulnerable, so it's best to stay away from them during Lightning Rounds. Standing underneath the raised platforms provides good protection from these strikes, but only if the player has evaded previous lightning strikes. This strategy will not work if the player is still being targeted as they enter the "bunkers".
    • If the lightning targets a player while they are in the central water, it will visually electrify the water, but players and fabrications in the water will not be harmed unless hit by the lightning directly. The whole-area electrocution effect appears to be cosmetic.
  • During the Hazard Round, hazards will appear in predetermined places on the map. These give longer warnings, allowing you to vacate the area. The hazards are:
    • Near the four gates, vents on the floor will begin burning, dealing Fire damage to anyone standing on them.
    • On top of the raised platforms, vents will release gases, dealing Toxic damage to anyone standing on them.
      • This damage cannot be mitigated by a Rebreather device.
    • The area underneath the raised platforms is between two beam emitters, which deal Proton damage to anyone standing in that area.
      • Fabrications don't seem to be affected by this hazard, perhaps because they are too short.
    • The central area with the water can have two different hazards, or possibly both at the same time:
      • The water will become electrified, dealing Electrical damage to anyone standing in it.
      • The water will begin to drain, visually circling around as it pulls players toward the center like a Gravity Well.


  • The Arena of Sompek was originally released on February 23, 2017 as a limited Weekend Event, where it rewarded [Weekend Event Voucher]. For the August 2017 run, [Merit of Sompek] was used as an event input for the three-week version. For the August 2019 run of the event, a special version was created to finish off the PC-only Coupon Progress Token event. This iteration of the event is available from Level 10+, has no death penalty, and ends after Round 7. After this event, Sompek was brought back as a permanent fixture in the Task Force Operations list.
  • The Emote Dance (Victory of Sompek!) unlocks when the player reaches Round 22.


Date (PC) Date (Console) Unique reward
23 February - 27 February 2017 4 May - 8 May 2017 Universal Kit Module - Sompek Lightning
17 August - 7 September 2017 19 October - 9 November 2017 Sompek Pulsewave
11 January - 16 January 2018 22 February - 26 February 2018 Sompek Blast Assault
3 May - 7 May 2018 5 July - 9 July 2018 Tsunkatse Gloves
1 November - 5 November 2018 7 February - 11 February 2019 Sompek Personal Shield
8 August - 29 August 2019 10 September - 1 October 2019 Section 31 Heavy Phaser Rifle

External link[]

v · d · e
List of Task Force Operations
Min. lvl. Mission name Region Type Team Reputation Location
5 “Starbase Fleet Defense” QueueSpace Standard 20 None Fleet Starbase
5 “Fleet Alert” QueueSpace Standard 5 None Fleet Starbase
5 “Fleet Transport Defense” QueueSpace Standard 5 None Fleet Starbase
5 “Starbase Incursion” QueueGround Standard 5 None Fleet Starbase
10 “Romulan Imperial Minefield” QueueSpace Standard 5 None Romulan Imperial Minefield
50 “Crystalline Catastrophe” QueueSpace Standard + Featured 10 None Teneebia Sector
50 “Colony Invasion” QueueGround Standard 5 None Federation Colony
10 “Arena of Sompek” QueueGround Standard + Featured 5 None Qo'noS Holodeck
50 “Kobayashi Maru” QueueSpace Standard + Featured 5 None Gamma Hydra Simulation
50 “Infected: The Conduit” QueueSpace Standard 5 Omega Starbase 82
50 “Infected: Manus” QueueGround Standard 5 Omega Starbase 82
50 “Cure Applied” QueueGround Standard 5 Omega Vorn System
50 “Cure Found” QueueSpace Standard 5 Omega Vorn System
50 “Khitomer Vortex” QueueSpace Standard 5 Omega Quadra Sigma System
50 “Khitomer in Stasis” QueueGround Standard 5 Omega Vega IX
50 “Into the Hive” QueueGround Standard 5 Omega Borg Unicomplex
50 “Hive Onslaught” QueueSpace Standard 5 Omega Borg Unicomplex
50 “Transdimensional Tactics” QueueGround Standard 5 Nukara Nukara Prime
50 “Self Destructive Tendencies” QueueGround Standard 5 Nukara Nukara Prime
50 “Azure Nebula Rescue” QueueSpace Standard 5 Romulus/Nukara Azure Nebula
50 “Vault: Ensnared” QueueSpace Standard 5 Romulus/Nukara The Vault
50 “Vault Shuttle Event” QueueShuttle Standard 5 Romulus The Vault
50 “Atmosphere Assault” QueueShuttle Standard 5 Romulus Rhi System
50 “Defend Rh'Ihho Station” QueueGround Standard 5 Romulus Rh'Ihho Station
50 “Storming the Spire” QueueSpace Standard 5 Dyson Solanae Dyson Sphere
50 “Breach” QueueSpace Standard 5 Dyson Solanae Dyson Sphere
50 “Undine Assault” QueueSpace Standard 5 8472 Various
50 “Undine Infiltration” QueueGround Standard 5 8472 Bajor: Hathon
50 “Viscous Cycle” QueueSpace Standard 5 8472 Fluidic Space
50 “Borg Disconnected” QueueSpace Standard 5 Delta/8472/
Borg Unimatrix
50 “Bug Hunt” QueueGround Standard 5 Delta/Iconian Delta Quadrant
60 “Battle of Korfez” QueueSpace Standard 5 Delta/Iconian Delta Quadrant
50 “Brotherhood of the Sword” QueueGround Standard 5 Iconian Qo'noS: First City
50 “Gateway to Gre'thor” QueueSpace Standard 5 Iconian Qo'noS System
50 “Herald Sphere” QueueSpace Standard 5 Iconian Herald Sphere
50 “Assault on Terok Nor” QueueGround Standard 5 Terran Terok Nor
50 “Counterpoint” QueueSpace Standard 5 Terran Deep Space 9
50 “Days of Doom” QueueSpace Standard 5 Temporal 23rd Century
50 “Battle of Procyon V” QueueSpace Standard 5 Temporal Procyon V
50 “Miner Instabilities” QueueGround Standard 5 Temporal Edren System
60 “Gravity Kills” QueueSpace Standard 5 Lukari Microquasar Hypermass
60 “Tzenkethi Front” QueueSpace Standard 5 Lukari Eta Serpentis II
50 “Dranuur Beach Assault” QueueGround Cooperative 10 Lukari Dranuur System
60 “Dranuur Gauntlet” QueueSpace Standard 5 Lukari Dranuur System
50 “Binary Circuit” QueueGround Competitive 10 Competitive Borg Cooperative Cube
50 “Core Assault” QueueSpace Competitive 10 Competitive Adelphous System
50 “Twin Tribulations” QueueSpace Competitive 10 Competitive Omega Leonis System
60 “Swarm” QueueSpace Standard 5 Gamma Gamma Quadrant
10 “Battle at the Binary Stars” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Unnamed Binary Star System
10 “Best Served Cold” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Rura Penthe
10 “Defense of Starbase One” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Starbase One
10 “Mycelial Realm” QueueGround Standard 5 Discovery Mycelial network
10 “Operation Riposte” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Priors World
10 “Pahvo Dissension” QueueGround Standard 5 Discovery Pahvo System
10 “Peril Over Pahvo” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Pahvo System
10 “Remain Klingon” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Qo'noS System
10 “To Hell With Honor” QueueSpace Standard 5 Discovery Beta Lankal System
Time-limited events
10 “Cat's Tale” QueueGround Seasonal 5 Events Pyris VII
10 “First Contact Day Re-Enactment” QueueGround Seasonal 5 Events Bozeman, Montana
10 “Winter Invasion” QueueGround Seasonal 5 Events Winter Event
50 “Mirror Invasion” QueueSpace Featured 5 Events Vauthil Station
10 “Synth Wave” QueueSpace Featured 5 Events Mars
65 “Operation Wolf” QueueGround Featured 5 Events Star Fortress
65 “Iuppiter Iratus” QueueSpace Featured 5 Events Jupiter
65 “Bird Cage” QueueGround Featured 5 Events Bird Cage
50 “Red Alert: Borg” QueueSpace Red Alert 5 None Alpha and Beta Quadrant
50 “Red Alert: Elachi” QueueSpace Red Alert 5 None Jouret System
50 “Red Alert: Na'kuhl” QueueSpace Red Alert 5 None Alpha, Beta, Delta Quadrants
50 “Red Alert: Tzenkethi” QueueSpace Red Alert 5 None Alpha Quadrant
50 "Red Alert: Tholian" QueueSpace Red Alert 5 None Azure Nebula