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Defera System[]

Ceremonial Escort[]

Go To Defera System[]

Travel to the Defera system in the Defera Sector of the Alpha Quadrant.

Get Status Report[]

Science Officer:

We have arrived at the Defera system, sir.

Performing standard sensor sweeps now ... sir, some of this debris is only days old, but there have been no reports from the Deferi of accidents or combat in this area.

I don't like the looks of this. I recommend that we proceed with caution.

The Jeska is standing by for the approach to Defera, sir.

Shall we begin our escort?

Escort the Jeska to transport distance of the planet Defera.

Contact the Deferi Ambassador[]

You are immediately contacted by Ambassador Surah from the Jeska.


Ambassador Surah:

Greetings, my friend. May you be blessed with balance.

I remember well the assistance that you provided during negotiations at your Starbase 39-Sierra. I am gratified to see that just as I went to visit your people before, now you have come to visit mine. Surely this balance will be beneficial for both of us.

We appreciate the Federation's willingness to meet with us in these trying times.


Ambassador Surah:

Greetings, honored ally. It is good to meet you.

We appreciate the Empire's willingness to meet with us in these trying times.

Escort the Jeska[]

Accompany the Jeska toward the planet. Eventually you will encounter a strange warp signature, and a mysterious ship.

Tactical Officer:

Sir! We're picking up an approaching warp signature!

Attempting to identify it now ...

The ship will jump to warp speed and vanish from the system, leaving only some warp residue.

Scan Warp Residue[]

Science Officer:

Sir, the ship was running a subspace jammer, so we weren't able to get a lock on it before it warped out. I am, however, picking up a residual warp signature, and we might learn more from a detailed scan.

Scan the warp signature.

Scan the warp residue.

There's not enough here to get a lock on the warp trail, Captain. The ship is using jamming technology.

Proceed until you are hailed by Deferi Space Security.

Present Security Codes[]

Deferi Space Security:

Greetings, Jeska escort ship <Shipname>.

We are required to identify your credentials and verify you are in fact the correct ship prior to granting you access to Defera. Please submit to a scan at this time.

  • Understood. Do you require assistance?

Deferi Space Security:

No assistance is required at this time, <Shipname>. Thank you for your cooperation.

Our scans are complete. Please provide us with your clearance code before you establish orbit around Defera.

  • Our Defera access code is 946W2QOS.

Talk to the Ambassador[]

Once cleared through security, you will be hailed by Ambassador Surah again.


Ambassador Surah:

Thank you for the protection and escort. Your diligence and readiness does you credit. Perhaps later we will be able to learn more about that strange ship.

For now, let us discuss the possibility of trade and diplomacy between our peoples. My attache will send you the planetary coordinates for transport. These coordinates will take you to one of our famous historical parks and preservation sites.

I hope that you enjoy your visit to Defera. When you are ready to talk, please meet me on the steps of the historic tower. It will be across the park, past the monument, when you arrive.


Ambassador Surah:

Thank you for the protection and escort. Your readiness to aid us against potential enemies is a mark of honor. Perhaps later we will be able to learn more about that strange ship.

For now, let us discuss the possibility of mutual protection and assistance between our peoples. My attache will send you the planetary coordinates for transport. These coordinates will take you to one of our famous historical parks and preservation sites.

I trust that you will find Defera impressive. When you are ready to talk, please meet me on the steps of the historic tower. It will be across the park, past the monument, when you arrive.

Beam Down to Surface[]

Science Officer:

I've received planetary coordinates from the Jeska. Are you ready to beam down, sir?

Beam down to Defera and meet with Ambassador Surah.

Gather your away team and beam down to the surface.


Unwelcome Visitors[]

Speak to Ambassador Surah[]

Head through the center of the city and up the steps to speak to Ambassador Surah.

Ambassador Surah:

Welcome to Defera, honored visitor.

This site is the oldest continually inhabited site on my world, and as such, we find it to be the ideal place to welcome visitors.

  • Tell me about the Deferi.

Ambassador Surah:

We have an old culture steeped in tradition and respect for all beings.

The Makers taught us the concept of Balance, and we strive for it in all things. For more than a century we have remained neutral in our dealings with other worlds, for where there is balance, so also there is truth.

We are now looking to expand. Our population is growing to a point where we will put a strain on our world's resources. To correct this imbalance, a portion of our people have volunteered to seek new homes among the stars.

This, of course, has put us into greater contacts with beings such as yourself, and we welcome the new ideas and technology that you have to offer.

Perhaps by looking inward for so long, we have become out of balance with the galaxy as a whole. I look forward to your help in correcting this.

  • Tell me about the ruins to the east of here.

Ambassador Surah:

We believe that the site to the east of here was once used by the Preservers, because we have located several artifacts that appear to correspond with their technology.

Although we do not know for certain, it is our belief that the Deferi were one of the races seeded throughout the quadrant by the Preservers. They, like us, revered balance and saw life as sacred. They went to great lengths to preserve all life.

  • Can you explain more about balance?

Ambassador Surah:

Everything must be in balance.

When one side is dominant over the other, the inequity breeds resentment. The resentment leads to hatred and misunderstanding.

On our world, there is equity in everything. All major decisions are made by polling the populace, so that a small group of leaders will not have power over the whole.

Persons in what can be deemed leadership positions, like myself, serve at the pleasure of our people. If we abuse our positions, there will be inbalance, and we will be removed.

  • Tell me more about the Preservers.

Ambassador Surah:

The Preservers were an ancient race that died out eons ago, but made a great impact on the galaxy in their time.

The Preservers would transplant members of races that were threatened by extinction to worlds where they could thrive. The planet Amerind was settled by them, and they brought ancient Terrans there to create a new community.

For many years, scientists theorized that the Preservers were responsible for the spread of humanoids across the galaxy. We now know that the Preservers not only transplanted communities, but also created them.

The Preservers believed they were alone in the galaxy. In the hopes of creating an ecosystem of races like themselves, they seeded their genetic material on other planets. In this way, they gave their "children" the companions that they never had.

Incoming Message[]

As you finish your talk with the Ambassador, you will receive a warning from one of your bridge officers.


Tactical Officer:

Sir, sensors from the <Shipname> are picking up Breen transporter signatures!

Get ready, sir! They could be hostile!


Engineering Officer:

Sir, sensors from the <Shipname> are picking up Breen transporter signatures!

The crew is prepared for battle and awaits your commands, sir.

Defeat the Hostile Invaders[]

Clear the City[]

Breen immediately beam in on top of your location and begin attacking. Once this initial skirmish is over, there are four other locations within the city where Breen can be found. You will have to clear them all out.

Clear the Ruins[]

The Breen have also beamed in to the location of the Preserver ruins outside the city. One group can be found at the crossroads of the paths leading there, and the other group can be found at the ruins themselves.

Again, defeat the Breen.

Answer Incoming Transmission[]


Thot Wen:

We broke through Federation defenses and attacked your homeworld. We ruined your fleets during the war. You should know better than to oppose us, Starfleet. We will wrest the Preserver secrets from this place, and we will destroy anyone who attempts to stop us.


Thot Wen:

Klingons ... your Empire desires war, and we shall oblige. We will wrest the Preserver secrets from this place, and we will destroy anyone who attempts to stop us.

Defeat Thot Wen[]

Thot Wen and some other Breen beam in on top of the Presserver ruins. You must defeat them all.

Beam to Ship[]

Once the Breen have been defeated, Ambassador Surah contacts you again.

Ambassador Surah:

Obviously, it is not safe for me to remain here, given the threat of further attacks.

  • What now?


Ambassador Surah:

I shall return to the Jeska for now, my friend.

I believe I will be of best use there.


Ambassador Surah:

I shall return to the Jeska for now, honored ally.

I believe I will be of best use there.

Science Officer (from ship):

Sir, there are more ships warping in!

We need you and the away team back on the ship, sir. Prepare for emergency transport!

Return to your ship.

Beam up to your ship for some more space combat against the Breen.

Defera System[]

On the Defensive[]

Defeat Hostile Squadrons[]


Tactical Officer:

Sir, the Breen are attacking the Jeska. We should intervene before they are overwhelmed.


Tactical Officer:

Sir, the Breen are attacking the Jeska. We must move to defend them from the Breen dogs!

You will have to defeat four squadrons of Breen to successfully defend the Jeska. The final squadron will contain at least one Sarr Theln Warship.

Mission Complete[]

After all four squadrons are defeated, you will speak to the Ambassador again.


Science Officer:

Sir, the Breen don't attack at random. I'd say that there is more going on here than the Deferi are telling us!

We're being hailed by the Jeska, sir. Shall I put it onscreen?


Science Officer:

Sir, the Breen have no honor, but they are cunning. If they are attacking a race like the Deferi, there may be more going on there than is readily apparent.

We shall have many stories to tell when we return to Qo'noS. Not every crew can say that they have defeated the Breen in battle!

We're being hailed by the Jeska, sir. Routing the message to the main viewscreen now!

Jeska Captain:

Thank you for the assist, <Shipname>!

We took some damage, but it's nothing that a few days in spacedock won't fix.

Jeska Captain:

Thank you for the assist, <Shipname>!

We took some damage, but it's nothing that a few days in spacedock won't fix.

You do your Empire honor by assisting us.

Ambassador Surah:

My friend, I have not been completely honest with you. I fear my actions are out of balance with the universe.

I think we should speak face-to-face. Do I have your permission to come aboard the U.S.S. <Shipname>?

Ambassador Surah:

Honored ally, I have not been completely honest with you, and my actions are out of balance with the universe.

I apologize for my ... secrecy, but my people felt it was the best course of action.

Many years ago, in the time of Emperor Sompek, we assisted a Klingon fleet that was heavily damaged in an attempt to explore the Badlands.

We helped them repair their ships and heal their wounded. In exchange, the emperor in his wisdom told us that if we ever had need of the Empire's assistance, all we needed to do was ask.

We are asking now, honored soldier of the Empire. The Breen are attacking our ships and colonies. Hundreds have already died, and I fear that more lives will be lost unless we have your assistance.

My people face destruction. I cannot believe that the balance of the universe requires us to die.

I must see to the safety of my people now, but please contact me after you have left Deferi space.

I can only hope that your efforts will tip the Balance in our favor.

For Klingon captains, the mission is now over.

For Federation captains, however, the Ambassador will meet with you on your ship to spill the story behind the Breen attacks.

Observation Lounge (Federation Only)[]

Help Wanted (Federation Only)[]

Speak wih Ambassador Surah (Federation Only)[]

Speak to Ambassador Surah, who is flanked by a pair of Deferi security guards. He will explain the recent Breen attacks on the Deferi, and allow you to ask some questions. Most of the questions and his answers are a rehash of what he explained down on the planet in your first discussion.

Ambassador Surah:

Honorable ally, I apologize for my ... secrecy, but at the time it was the best course of action.

This is not the first time that the Breen have attacked Defera. Their aggression has increased in recent weeks, and we have been unable to either stop them or open a diplomatic dialogue.

The Federation has always promised to be our ally in a time of need. While we preferred to remain neutral in your conflicts, we have looked favorably upon the Federation's actions. You seek to maintain peace and stability throughout the Alpha Quadrant.

Now we are in need of your help. The Breen are attacking our ships and colonies without provocation. Hundreds have already died, and I fear that more lives will be lost unless we have your assistance.

My people face destruction. I cannot believe that the balance of the universe requires us to die.

I will be in contact with you again. I can only hope that your efforts will tip the balance in our favor.

If there is anything else you would ask of me, or if you need greater understanding of my people, please do not hesitate to ask.

  • Tell me about the Deferi.

Ambassador Surah:

We have an old culture steeped in tradition and respect for all beings.

The Makers taught us the concept of Balance, and we strive for it in all things. For more than a century we have remained neutral in our dealings with other worlds, for where there is balance, so also there is truth.

  • Tell me about the historical ruins.

Ambassador Surah:

We believe that the site to the east of here was once used by the Preservers, because we have located several artifacts that appear to correspond with their technology.

Although we do not know for certain, it is our belief that the Deferi were one of the races seeded throughout the quadrant by the Preservers. They, like us, revered balance and saw life as sacred. They went to great lengths to preserve all life.

  • What could the Breen want at the ruins?

Ambassador Surah:

The Breen could share our belief that the ruins are the remains of a Preserver installation.

The Preservers were powerful. If the Breen gained access to their knowledge or technology, they might be able to use it to shift the balance of power in the quadrant.

Our archaeologists have been studying those ruins for decades. If there is anything there that the Breen could use, we have not found it.

  • Can you explain more about the Balance?

Ambassador Surah:

Everything must be in balance.

When one side is dominant over the other, the inequity breeds resentment. The resentment leads to hatred and misunderstanding.

On our world, there is equity in everything. All major decisions are made by polling the populace, so that a small group of leaders will not have power over the whole.

Persons in what can be deemed leadership positions, like myself, serve at the pleasure of our people. If we abuse our positions, there will be inbalance, and we will be removed.

  • Tell me more about the Preservers.

Ambassador Surah:

The Preservers were an ancient race that died out eons ago, but made a great impact on the galaxy in their time.

The Preservers would transplant members of races that were threatened by extinction to worlds where they could thrive. The planet Amerind was settled by them, and they brought ancient Terrans there to create a new community.

For many years, scientists theorized that the Preservers were responsible for the spread of humanoids across the galaxy. We now know that the Preservers not only transplanted communities, but also created them.

The Preservers believed they were alone in the galaxy. In the hopes of creating an ecosystem of races like themselves, they seeded their genetic material on other planets. In this way, they gave their "children" the companions that they never had.

  • We're done for today, Ambassador.

Depart System (Federation Only)[]

Once you are done with the Ambassador, leave the Defera system.

Science Officer:

Ambassador Surah has safely returned to the Jeska, sir, and he requests that we contact him once we have left the system.

We're ready to depart on your orders.

Leave the system.

Depart the Observation Lounge.

Hail Ambassador Surah in the Deferi Sector to Report[]

Speak to Ambassador Surah to turn in the mission and claim your reward.


Ambassador Surah:

You are a friend to the Deferi.

We will speak again, and it is my fondest hope that you will be able to repair the Balance and save my people from the Breen. Then we can have a long-lasting and peaceful alliance.

We will speak again soon.


Ambassador Surah:

You are a friend to the Deferi.

We will speak again, and it is my fondest hope that you will be able to repair the Balance and save my people from the Breen.

We will speak again soon, honored ally.


After completing “Cold Call”, you can speak to your faction's contact about the Breen attacks against the Deferi.

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  • We have repulsed Breen attacks in this sector.
Chancellor J'mpok:

We should have destroyed the Breen at the end of the Dominion War. It seems that we will now have a second chance!

The Deferi are honorable, but they are weak. They require our protection. Show them the benefits of being sheltered under the wings of our Empire!

The Breen are probably looking for slaves to work their mines and serve on their starships. It is inconceivable that the Deferi should serve anyone but the Empire. Teach the Breen the error of their ways.
