Nopada System[]
Mesmerizing Monolith[]
Go to Nopada System[]
Enter the Nopada System in the Gasko sector block to begin.
Investigate Destroyed Ships[]
Science Officer:
Captain, I'm not reading any active vessels on scanners. There is, however, a debris field nearby. It's clustered around a satellite in orbit of the planet, and the composition of the debris corresponds with ships that have gone missing in this region.
I'll keep scanning, sir, but we'll need to take a closer look before I can determine if there are thalaron weapons on one of the hulks.
Approach the Derelict Hulk and scan it.
Science Officer:
Captain, I'm not detecting the vessel that Obisek sent us to find. But all of the ships in this debris field show signs of being affected by the same thing -- a high-frequency energy beam that overloaded all of their systems.
If the Remans' ship was hit by that beam, it might have crashed into the planet's surface or gone adrift somewhere else in the system.
I'm detecting energy readings from the satellite, sir. If the Reman crew detected them as well, they could have tried to use it to record a distress signal.
We'll need to be closer before I can attempt an uplink with the satellite's communications array.
Scan Satellite[]
Your ship is immediately zapped by an energy beam from the nearby satellite. Scan the satellite to see if there is anything that can be done about it.
Science Officer:
Captain, we're stuck!
This beam is holding us like a fly in a spider's web. We've managed to keep life support and environmental systems active, but almost everything else is offline. Shields, weapons, engines ... nothing works!
I'm not detecting any lifesigns on the satellite, sir, but there is a compartment with life support. The systems operating the beam must be automated.
The chief says we have enough power in the backups for one transport. Recommend we send a team over to that satellite and find a way to turn the beam off!
Beam over the Satellite[]
Science Officer:
We are ready to beam over to the satellite on your orders, sir.
Beam over to the satellite and see what can be done to free your ship.
Mysterious Satellite[]
Rewired Relic[]
Find a Way to Access the Computer Consoles[]
Bridge Officer (from ship):
Captain, the consoles here appear to control the beam that is draining power from the <Shipname>, but there is a security lock preventing access.
We need to find a useable console.
There are three systems that are currently engaged in keeping your ship trapped; Operations, Power generator, and Satellite Targeting. If you attempt to access any of these three, they are unresponsive:
Each of these three systems has an Override Console located nearby. While these consoles provide some status information, they don't provide a way to override the system.
Operations Override Console:
- Operational State ... Locked Online
Power Generator Override Console:
- Power Save Modes ... Disengaged
- Process Priority Order ... Overwritten
Targeting Override Console:
- Long Range Scanners ... Overriding Selection Algorithm
- Ship Identification Program ... Overriding Friendly Safeties
- Telemetric Data ... Forcing Target Selection
- Firing Control ... Automating Actions
There is one other console in the area: the Cargo Bay console. Access it.
Collect Numeric Pass Codes for Computer Consoles (3)[]
Engineering Officer:
This console doesn't appear to be locked like the others. Whoever did this must not have thought that the console used for inventory control was important.
I think I can access a back door into the rest of the satellite's programs from here.
I see the problem.
The Romulan consoles are causing a lockout by forcing the satellite's primary processors to run through a series of equations and removing key bits of information from the answers, which causes the processors to lock up. If we can solve these equations and input the correct information directly into the consoles, the security lock on the satellite's controls should be released.
I've downloaded the corrupted equations onto this console for you to work on.
If you do consult your bridge officers, they provide you with the following advice:
Engineering Officer:
I think I've figured out what we need to do here.
If we solve the equations on this screen then we should get a solution without letters that we can use to figure out what the missing digits are for each letter.
Each letter has four possible values that are represented by the sliders at the bottom, we'll need to manipulate each one until the correct value for each letter is highlighted at the left of each row.
For example on this first equation I think the letter "A" needs to correspond to 7.
The first access code is: 7599 , The second access code is: 6317 , The third access code is: 4400
Cargo Bay Computer:
Your choices are:
- A = 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
- B = 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
- C = 8 | 9 | 0 | 1
- D = 7 | 8 | 9 | 0
Shift the numbers so that the correct answer is the first number in the list. If the number is incorrect, it will be displayed orange. When you have the correct answer, the number will turn green.
By simple math, process of elimination, or looking at the answers (A = 7, B = 5, C = 9, and D = 9), get the right numbers lined up. You will then have the option of cycling to the next set of equations, which will complete the first numeric pass code.
Cargo Bay Computer:
The same number choices are available for the four variables A-D. Once again math, process of elimination, or just putting in A = 6, B = 3, C = 1, and D = 7 will complete the second numeric pass code and give you the option to cycle to the third set of equations.
Cargo Bay Computer:
The same number choices are available for the four variables A-D. The answer is A = 4, B = 4, C = 0, D = 0. Lock those numbers in place and you will complete the third numeric pass code and exit the console.
Unlock the Satellite Control Consoles[]
Science Officer:
Captain, we've solved the equations that were causing issues in the other consoles. Now we need to plug these correct values into the console controlling the security lock, and then we should be able to access all of the satellite's major operations.
Unlock the Satellite's Operations Console[]
Go to the Satellite Operations Override Console and access it. You will have the opportunity to input code 4 4 0 0, which will unlock the Operations controls.
Operations Override Console:
Pass Code Correct
Operational State ... Conditional
You will now be able to access the satellite's Operations console.
Science Officer:
Captain, this console controls the satellite's general operations. Perhaps we can turn off all of the functions that are affecting our ship.
However if you try to turn it off without first adjusting the satellite's power settings, there is a system error which prevents you from successfully ordering a shutdown.
ERROR: Current power usage level is too high. Satellite operational state cannot be set to OFF at this time.
You will have to adjust the power levels at the Power Generator console.
Unlock the Satellite's Targeting Console[]
Go to the Targeting Override Console and access it. You will now have the opportunity to input code 7 5 9 9, which will unlock the Targeting controls.
Targeting Override Console:
Pass Code Correct
- Long Range Scanners... Selection Algorithm Active
- Ship Identification Program... Friendly Safeties Online
- Telemetric Data... Targeting Information Stored
- Firing Control... Set to Manual
Unlock the Satellite's Power Generator Console[]
Go to the Power Generator Override Console and access it. You will now have the opportunity to input code 6 3 1 7, which will unlock the Power Generator controls.
Power Generator Override Console:
Pass Code Correct
Power Save Modes ... Engaged Process Priority Order ... Defaults Restored
You will now be able to access the satellite's Power Generator Console.
Engineering Officer:
Captain, this console controls the satellite's power supply. Perhaps we can decrease the power to the satellite's weapon and disable it that way.
Rerouting the satellite's power requires you to have first changed its targeting systems. If you have not done so, attempting to do adjust the power settings will fail.
ERROR: Current power usage allocated to targeting computer prevents change in power save mode at this time.
You will have to retarget the satellite away from your ship at the Targeting console.
Retarget Satellite Away From Ship[]
Go to the Satellite Targeting Console and access it.
Tactical Officer:
Captain, this console controls the satellite's targeting functions.
I'm not sure if there's a way to disable whatever it is that is disabling systems on our ship, but if we can get this satellite to target something else we may have a chance of prying our ship free.
Satellite Targeting Console:
Please select an option:
- 1) Access Long Range Scanners
Satellite Targeting Console:
- Objects Detected:
- <Shipname> * Currently Targeted
Keep expanding the scan radius until you detect something other than your ship... like that Derelict Hulk 1000 km away.
- 2) Open Ship Identification Program
Satellite Targeting Console:
- Object Detected: VESSEL
- Identified: DISABLED
- Object Detected: DERELICT HULK
- Identified: NON-FUNCTIONAL
Reclassify the Derelict Hulk to Active.
- 3) Examine Telemetric Data for All Identified Targets
Satellite Targeting Console:
Nothing to do here but return to the main menu.
- 4) Access Targeting Control
Satellite Targeting Console:
- Active Targets:
- <Shipname>
Please select an option:
Select the option to designate the Derelict Hulk as priority target, then end the session.
Bridge Officer (from ship):
Captain, the satellite has ensnared a piece of debris near the ship.
Its stranglehold on us is weaker, but we're not out of the woods yet. Critical systems are stable, but we still don't have weapons or communications.
You will now be able to successfully adjust the satellite's power.
Reroute Satellite's Power Away From the Warp Inverter[]
Access the Power Generator Console.
Engineering Officer:
This console looks controls the satellite's power supply.
Since we weren't able to free our ship by targeting something else, perhaps we can decrease the power to the satellite's weapon. Then the <Shipname> might be able to break free.
Power Generator Console:
Please select an option:
- 1) Update Power Save Modes
Power Generator Console:
- Current Power Save Mode: POWER USER
- Triggered Save Mode: NEVER
- Power Allocation: FULL
Please select an option:
Set power save mode to Economical.
- 2) Set Process Priority Values
Power Generator Console:
- Current Priority Values:
- Life Support: 01
- Environmental: 05
- Pulse Emitter: 15
- Beam Displacer: 15
- Targeting: 60
Please select an option:
Restore to factory default settings, then end your session.
Bridge Officer (from ship):
Captain, we've found that if the <Shipname> does not attempt to move or fire at the satellite, that it will engage a lower-power version of the beam affecting us. It's almost like an energy-saving mode.
We can use that to our advantage -- at least we won't have to worry about life support! We'll hold the ship stable and keep working on boosting power to critical systems while you try to disrupt the satellite's functions and free us.
Turn Off All Satellite Operations[]
Access the Satellite Operations Console.
Science Officer:
This console controls the satellite's general operations, Captain.
We've managed to minimize the power output of the satellite. I think if we keep at it, we can switch the satellite's controls over to a sleep mode that will shutdown everything but life support and power.
Satellite Operations Console:
Please select an option:
- 1) Change Operational State
Satellite Operations Console:
Current Operational State: ON
Please select an option:
Set the satellite's operational state to off and end your session.
Return to Ship[]
Bridge Officer (from ship):
Captain, systems are coming back online all over the ship. We have weapons, shields ... even the replicators are working again!
Transporters are standing by, sir. We can beam you back as soon as you're ready.
Beam back to your ship ... and end up somewhere else.
Nopada Arena[]
Fight for Your Right[]
Where Are You?[]
You find yourself in a cage, next to a Reman prisoner designated 1478.
Click "Where Am I?" and there will be a cutscene pan around the cave in which you are imprisoned.
Now What?[]
Click "Now What?" and some force fields will raise, funneling you down a tunnel.
Your cell door and the cell door of Prisoner 1478 will be unlocked and you can exit.
Prisoner 1478:
Get a Melee Weapon[]
Prisoner 1478:
There is an alcove to your right along the tunnel which contains some weapon racks.
Weapons Cache:
You can get either a [Klingon Bat'leth], a [Vulcan Lirpa], or a [Tsunkatse Falchion] (or all three if you feel like it and don't currently have any of them). There is another set of weapons to your left. When you ask about what those weapons are, Prisoner 1478 tells you "I've never seen those weapons used before by anyone in the Arena. I think the mercenaries who act as the occassional guard thought that those weapons might actually be worth something unlike the beat up ones they let us use. My best guess is that they're looking to sell them at some point when their contract here is up for some extra money. But until we find a way to get past these forcefields those weapons don't really concern us."
However, you can still actually get a weapon from there. Those weapons are superior to the ones you will find at the other one, and it is recommended to get one of those.
Enter Arena[]
Prisoner 1478:
Equip your weapon and head for the arena. Prisoner 1478 will accompany you to the arena and fight with you.
Survive in the Arena[]
Defeat the Desert Acari Swarm[]
The voice of your unseen captors accompanies your entry into the arena, and a horde of arachnids are released in a short cutscene.
These are relatively easy to defeat.
Defeat the Warrigul Pack[]
Once all the Desert Acari are defeated, a second short cutscene accompanies the release of the next set of foes.
Defeat the Mugatu[]
Defeat the Warriguls and a third cutscene will announce the release of your final opponents (for the moment).
Return to Your Cell[]
As soon as you have defeated the Mugatu, your compatriot will be immobilized by energy beams.
Prisoner 1478:
You can do nothing but return to your cell.
Wait to be Let Out[]
Once comfortably returned to your cell, wait until you are let out again. Eventually Prisoner 1478 will be beamed back into the cell next to you.
Talk to Slamek[]
Might as well chat to pass the time. Perhaps you can learn something else about your fellow captive. Like his name.
Prisoner 1478:
- Are you enjoying this?
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- I'm sorry about what I said. Can we continue?
- -> Conversation ends, but will start over from the previous dialog if you speak to him again.
- I think you should apologize to me before we continue.
- -> Conversation ends, and recommences at this point if you speak to him again... so you'll have to apologize.
- What is your story?
- Prisoner 1478: You want to know my story? I'm stuck in this prison, just like you. That's my story.
- Did you do something to deserve to be locked up in here?
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previous. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- I think you should appologize to me before we continue.
- -> Conversation ends, and recommences at this point if you speak to him again... so you'll have to apologize.
- That's not what I meant. What led you to be here?
- Prisoner 1478: My name is Slamek.
I am part of a ... resistance. Perhaps you have heard of it?
About a week ago, I was part of a crew ferrying weapons from one base to another. When we passed through this system, a satellite disabled our ship. It drifted into the planet's atmosphere.
I activated the emergency transporter and a few of us were able to transport to safety before the ship crashed in the desert.
We were looking for shelter and a way to contact our people when a group of soldiers found us. They took us here and kept throwing us into the arena. Now I'm now the only one remaining.
That is all I know.
- Soldiers? What kind of soldiers?
- Slamek: I don't know who is responsible for this place. The trainers and guards all appear to be mercenaries without any clue about what's going on. They're paid to keep us in cages and look the other way.
The night I was brought in, I was interrogated. There were bright lights in my eyes and a synthetic voice asking me questions. Whomever it was took care to conceal his identity.
- Was that the first time you were interrogated?
- Slamek: No, I have been questioned by these people several times before. My reluctance to answer their questions earned me this shock collar. Refusal to help them now is ... quite painful.
Interestingly enough, this was the first time I've been questioned about another participant in the arena. They asked how you treated me and if you had said anything about why you were here. They even wanted to know if I thought we could become friends.
Someone thinks you are very important.
- Did you tell them anything? If you did, I will make you pay.
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Why would they want to know these things?
- Slamek: I have no idea what they want with us or why they make us fight.
This all seems like some sort of giant game, but there is no one in the stands to be entertained.
- You've been here a week. You should know more than this!
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Are there other prisoners being forced to fight?
- Slamek: I think there are others. I hear other fights.
If there are other prisoners, I have never been able to contact them. We are kept separated and caged unless we are fighting.
- How many fights have you been in?
- Slamek: Too many.
- Are you telling me that you can't handle a little bit of violence? How weak are you?
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Do you know of any way past their defenses?
- Slamek: The trainers carry key cards. That's the only way I know to get through the defenses.
- Do you think we can get one of those cards?
- Slamek: Can I trust you?
- Yes.
- Slamek: I can see that we think the same way, friend.
A few years ago I worked as a bodyguard for a Ferengi merchant. He had a talent for acquiring latinum, and during my time with him I learned a few things.
I was able to lift a key card from one of the trainers during my interrogation. If you help me, I think we can overpower the guards and escape through the main door in the arena.Escape with Slamek. - -> Mission proceeds.
- No.
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Have you tried finding a way to contact the other prisoners?
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Is there any way out of here?
- Slamek: The trainers carry key cards. That's the only way I know to get through the defenses.
- -> The conversation proceeds as from this same response above.
- Am I the only person you've been paired with so far?
- Slamek: I've had several "partners" in my battles. You're the only one about which I have been questioned.
You must have impressed our masters. I know you have impressed me.
- Only a psychopath would be impressed by mindless killing. Are you a psychopath?
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Are we the only ones here?
- Slamek: I think there are others. I hear other fights.
If there are other prisoners, I have never been able to contact them. We are kept separated and caged unless we are fighting. - -> The conversation proceeds as from this same response above.
- How could you be so stupid? You've been here for a week. Surely you have seen something!
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Any idea what they want with us?
- Slamek: I have no idea what they want with us or why they make us fight.
This all seems like some sort of giant game, but there is no one in the stands to be entertained. - -> The conversation proceeds as from this same response above.
- You said you were transporting weapons? What happened to them?
- Slamek: We were transporting a shipment of thalaron weapons. I know that your people will not use them. We do not want to, but our fight is getting desperate. We needed to do something -- anything -- that would shift the tide of war, even if that choice was horrific.
I jetisoned our cargo as we were entering the atmosphere. They were completely destroyed.
I've seen what thalaron weapons are capable of first hand. I could not allow them to contaminate a world not involved in my people's fight.
- Any idea who brought you here?
- Slamek: I don't know who is responsible for this place. The trainers and guards all appear to be mercenaries without any clue about what's going on. They're paid to keep us in cages and look the other way.
The night I was brought in, I was interrogated. There were bright lights in my eyes and a synthetic voice asking me questions. Whomever it was took care to conceal his identity. - -> The conversation proceeds as from this same response above.
- You didn't put up a fight when you were captured?
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- You must be a terrible resistance fighter if you allowed your ship to crash on this planet.
- Slamek: I do not wish to continue talking with you.
- -> Same conversation-ending options as previously. You'll need to apologize in order to proceed.
- Who are you?
- Prisoner 1478: My name is Slamek.
I am part of a ... resistance. Perhaps you have heard of it?
About a week ago, I was part of a crew ferrying weapons from one base to another. When we passed through this system, a satellite disabled our ship. It drifted into the planet's atmosphere.
I activated the emergency transporter and a few of us were able to transport to safety before the ship crashed in the desert.
We were looking for shelter and a way to contact our people when a group of soldiers found us. They took us here and kept throwing us into the arena. Now I'm now the only one remaining.
That is all I know. - -> The conversation proceeds as from this same response above.
Once you have agreed to work with Slamek to escape, wait a bit longer and you will be released for further "tests".
Return to the Arena[]
Head to the arena again with Slamek. As you enter, a cutscene will show your next set of opponents.
Survive in the Arena[]
Defeat the Aehallh Worm[]
We need more help. I'll try to free the other prisoners. You fight the worms!
Go fight the worms while Slamek tries to access a control panel by one of the gates. Once you have defeated them all, a gigantic worm shows up in the center of the arena.
Use the consoles on the sides of the arena to fight the Elder Worm!
Use one of the consoles. A cutscene will play of one of the defense turrets firing on the elder worm, and then being destroyed by it.
The elder worm retreats, and more Aehallh show up in the arena to battle you. In addition to the ones you need to defeat to proceed, there are some others which lie hidden and pop up to attack you if you get close. Look for a disturbance in the sand which indicates their location; these Aehallh will respawn after being defeated, so don't mess with them more than you have to.
If at any point during this battle you find yourself running low on health, there are bunches of regenerative herbs growing around the edge of the arena that will restore some of your HP.
Once you have defeated all the smaller Aehallh, the elder worm shows up again.
Just like last time, use the remaining console on the side of the arena to fight the Elder Worm!
Use other console on opposite side of arena this time. Once again there is a cutscene of the defense turret firing on elder worm and being destroyed.
Free the Rest of the Prisoners[]
I've freed the prisoners from the other cell block! Quickly -- go to our cell block doors and release the rest of them!
Assorted prisoners enter arena to engage elder worm (and a third batch of the smaller Aehallh) from the gate Slamek was working at.
At some point in all this, Slamek will get hit by something, and be injured.
Arruugh! I've been hit! I can't continue, my friend. You'll need to protect me.
Head to the gates leading back to your cell and open them using the console next to them. More assorted prisoners enter arena to engage elder worm.
There's another set of consoles by the metal wall. Use them while the worm is distracted!
Use one of the consoles near the metal wall opposite the prison gates. A cut scene will show all the remaining defense turrets firing on elder worm until it is defeated.
Escape the Arena[]
The worm destroyed the metal wall! Run! That's our way out!
Assist the other prisoners in defeating the remaining Aehallh if you desire.
Now is a good time to return to your cell area and pick up the uncommon or rare melee weapon that will be available on the weapon racks there, now that the force fields that prevented you from accessing them are down.
Once you are ready, proceed through the gates and begin your escape. The path will lead into an underground base.
A Romulan base? Here? What did they want with us? And what is that device?
Disable Dampening Field[]
There is a small console near the entrance that will disable the dampening field.
There are a couple other consoles around here that can yield information, though they do not exactly help you escape.
Access the Gateway Console.
Main Controls:
It appears as if whomever created this laboratory has rigged controls to an Iconian Gateway.
You might be able to pull some information off of the logs.
- Access Communications
Accessing most recent communication:
Our masters' patience wears thin, Hakeev.
The time grows short, and still you have not provided all of the species data that they require.
Are you having trouble acquiring targets? I provided you with the necessary technology to modify the satellite in the Nopada system, but your little snare is slow.
What we need is more test subjects. Perhaps a small colony would be enough.
I will contact you again to work out the details.
- Access Transport Log
Transport Log:
Accessing last five destinations:
- Nopada Base Delta.
- I.R.W. Leahval
- Brea III
- Dera IV
- Hfihar Listening Post Gamma
- Access Gateway Controls
Gateway Controls:
Biometric signature mismatch.
Access denied.
Gateway shutdown in 10 seconds ...
Access the remaining console.
Project Decimation:
Project Decimation:
New subject: <Rank> <Name>; captured from <Shipname>.
Initial Analysis: Subject's threat level is high and risk of escape or intervention in testing is elevated. Notify Colonel Hakeev and escalate to Level Six trials.
- Access Test Parameters
Test Parameters:
Project goal: To develop a matrix of Alpha Quadrant species. We must determine which species can be pitted against one another for maximum devastating effect to each. Tests will not be limited to sentient species, as the Iconians have technology that will allow us to effectively introduce new flora and fauna to alien worlds.
- Access Research Observations
Research Observations:
Honored Master,
It will take some time to complete my report, but I have a few personal observations for you that may prove useful. Please consider them when you make your plans.
- Humans and Klingons show the greatest proclivity toward fighting when there is no chance of victory.
- Breaking a Vulcan's emotional control will usually render him helpless. They have no ability to process the emotions that they so zealously suppress.
- Bajorans will fight to the death to defend homes or loved ones, but they may reject a fight that doesn't threaten what they hold dear.
- Betazoids will detect betrayal almost instantly, but their telepathic senses can be overwhelmed by extreme pain or violent thoughts. This can allow an infiltrator to escape their notice.
- A possible wedge to break the Klingon Empire may be the Gorn. More than 77 percent of Gorn captives chose to help another Gorn before assisting a Klingon, even if that choice resulted in the death of the Klingon.
- Hirogen are formidable in single combat, but their fractured society reduces their threat level significantly.
- I have been unable to separate a Trill symbiote from its host for separate study. Two attempts to implant a symbiote in a host from another species have failed. Both the symbiote and the host died within hours.
- Undine are quite interesting. I request more time to study this race in greater detail.
- Access Records for Prisoner 1478
Prisoner 1478:
Captured along with a small group of Reman soldiers by desert patrol.
- Interrogation: Inconclusive. Recommend use of holographic conditioning.
- Single Combat tests: Subject was wounded on four occasions, but survived all tests.
- Recommendation: Prisoner 1478 may be a suitable subject for team testing or alternative study. Forward data to Colonel Hakeev for evaluation.
- Access Personal Logs
Personal Log:
They've contacted me again.
My ... associates have two tasks for me now. First is the destruction of the Remans.
I understand their anger. The Remans are attempting to rise above their station. They're mindless slaves, and they need to respect their betters!
Taris was able to control them. After Starfleet captured her, the surviving Remans developed delusions of self-worth. This troublemaker who calls himself Obisek ... who is he to tell them that they can be free? Does a beast of burden have the right to choose its own destiny?
If the problem were not so ... irksome, it would be almost comical.
I will present Obisek's broken corpse to the Iconians in tribute. They will reward me richly for my loyalty.
The second task will take more effort.
The Iconians want data. They want the species of the Alpha Quadrant tested until they break. They want to know their weaknesses and how to exploit them. They want to see their strengths ... and know how to destroy them.
I will admit that I take no little pleasure in this task. It will be quite entertaining to make some of those self-righteous humans turn on one another, or push one of those blustering braggarts from Qo'noS until he begs for death.
Oh, and the Vulcans ... I will make Vulcans weep, and I will savor each tear.
I know of an abandoned coliseum in the Nopada system. We can find a way to lure test subjects there. It will take time and effort, but I am confident I can do what the Iconians want.
Climb Through Waste Pipe[]
Now that we have some real weapons and I've disabled my shock collar, let's get out of here! That waste pipe has to lead out of this place.
Head to the waste pipe and escape the arena.
Nopada Desert[]
Run Away from the Arena[]
Watch out!
There are Romulan Scorpion fighters overhead. They're looking for us. We need to move quickly and smartly to avoid detection.
I recommend we head to the east. See that mountain in the distance? My ship crashed on the other side. It may have something we can use to signal your vessel.
The search for us will only get more intense the longer we stay here. We need to get away from the Arena as quickly as possible.
Head away from the arena entrance and make towards the mouth of the canyon to the east. Eventually you will be overflown by a Scorpion fighter.
Take Cover in Rock Formation[]
There's a fighter heading straight for us! Quick, take cover in those dark rocks over there and wait for it to pass overhead.
Run towards the small rock formation marked on the map and take cover.
Wait for Fighter to Pass Overhead[]
Stay still and wait for the fighter to pass overhead. If we are fortunate, they won't detect us.
Wait for a while and the Scorpion fighters will move on.
Continue Journey Away from Arena[]
They didn't see us. Let's move on.
Find a Place for Slamek to Rest[]
I can't go on. My injuries from the arena are too painful. We need to find a place to rest for a moment.
Proceed to the next location marked on the map. Near another rock formation, Slamek will sit down in pain. Talk to him to figure out how to treat him.
Find a Way to Treat Slamek[]
Speak to Slamek about his condition.
Forgive me, my friend, but the pain ....
I need to rest, just for a moment. My wounds ... it is agony!
I fear that the worm's venom may have infected me. The pain is excruciating, my vision is blurred and my blood burns in my veins!
Before we were captured, my science officer said that the local plants here had medicinal qualities.
Please, I need your help. Find something to ease my suffering. I need something to disinfect my wound, something to treat my fever and anything that will ease my pain.
Thank you, my friend. I know that I would have died today if it weren't for you.
Find a Disinfectant for Slamek's Wounds[]
Locate a nearby herbacious plant and scan it.
Nopadan Desert Plant:
This plant looks like it would work as a disinfectant. It should be strong enough to clear out whatever infection Slamek might have picked up in the arena. But we'll need more samples from this type of plant in order to deal with an injury as severe as Slamek's.
This type of plant grows in the washes of the desert. Look for it in large flat areas.
Find an Antipyretic for Slamek's Fever[]
Locate a nearby leafless woody shrub and scan it.
Nopadan Desert Plant:
This plant looks like it would work as an antipyretic. It should help to alleviate Slamek's fever.
Unfortunately, this particular plant doesn't look healthy, and you aren't getting much sap from it. You will need to find a more robust sample of this plant before you can treat Slamek's injuries.
This type of plant likes sunny and windy growing conditions. Look for it at the tops of hills and mountains.
Find an Analgesic for Slamek's Pain[]
Locate a nearby plant with some large egg-like seed pods on it and scan it.
Nopadan Desert Plant:
This plant has analgesic qualities. It won't be as strong as anything you have in the medbay on the <Shipname>, but it would take the edge off of Slamek's pain. That might be enough to get him on his feet again.
This type of plant grows in the shade. Look for it on the sides of hills and cliffs.
Treat Slamek[]
Collect all the necessary ingredients (check the areas marked on your map), then return to Slamek.
Thank you, my friend.
I'm feeling better now. I think I can continue.
Head to the Canyon Entrance[]
Continue on to the canyon entrance to the east.
Follow the Canyon[]
Now that we're in the canyon we shouldn't have to worry about the fighters any more; just the local wildlife. Keep your eyes open.
Head up the canyon, dealing with hostile wildlife as you encounter it.
Talk to Slamek[]
The weather isn't going to hold out for too much longer. We should look for a place to spend the night.
I've also noticed that there are some things we can gather along the way to make our night more pleasant.
Talk to Slamek and get his suggestions.
The search patrols are moving on, <Name>.
We will not survive a night in this desert. We need to find shelter and safety. If we can scavenge provisions to create a camp, then we will have a better chance of reaching the wreckage of my ship alive.
- What do we need?
Engineering captains will be told:
I don't know about you, but it has been many hours since I last ate.
Our captors gave us just enough food to keep us alive, but I can hear a pack of wild warriguls.
I have killed hundreds of warriguls in the tests. I wonder what they taste like.
Science captains will be told:
We will need water if we are to survive.
I have noticed gourds growing in this area. If we can hollow one out, it will give us a container to carry water. And there should be a few, small springs near this mountain.
Tactical captains will be told:
The temperature is dropping. If we don't find warmth, we risk hypothermia.
We can't use a phaser on the rocks here to heat them -- they are too porous. We will need firewood.
Look to the dry plants. If we can collect tinder, kindling and logs, we will be able to create a fire that will last through the night.
Find a Safe Place to Spend the Night[]
You will be staying in a cave all the way up the canyon to the east. You can accomplish all your other objectives along the way.
Find Provisions for the Night[]
[Engineering] Find Food[]
There is a Warrigul pack to the NW of the cave you will be spending the night in. Kill the warriguls and carve their meat. You will receive the accolade Feeding Fellows.
[Science] Find Water[]
Three locations are marked on your map where you can potentially find a gourd to hollow out. They also appear to harbor Desert Akari which don't take kindly to being disturbed.
Spores will pour out of the first two you try to hollow out, ruining your work, but finally you will have a hollow gourd that you can fill with water from a spring located near the cave you will be camping out in. You will receive the accolade A Toast to Teammates.
[Tactical] Find Fire Wood[]
There are three locations along the path to the cave you will be spending the night in from which you can collect the firewood you need. The locations are guarded by Aehallh Crawlers. You will receive the accolade Fuelling Friendship.
Camp Out in the Cave[]
Once you have completed gathering all the provisions you need for the night, time to head for shelter.
That should last us through the night. Let's get into this cave before the temperature drops any more.
After you enter the cave, a cutscene shows you camping out for the night.
Player Captain:
The temperature is dropping rapidly now.
This cave should protect us from the elements.
I've done some exploring. It looks like this cave continues through to the other side of the mountain.
When the sun rises we could save time and energy by traveling through the cave rather than trying to find a way over.
Travel Through the Cave[]
The cutscene continues the following morning as you emerge from the cave.
Player Captain:
Excellent. That passage saved us hours of walking.
This could be a good day, Slamek. Let's find your ship.
Find Slamek's Ship[]
My ship isn't far from here. I think I can make out smoke from the wreckage on the horizon.
Proceed east. As you emerge from the hills, you will see the wreckage in the valley ahead of you.
There she is. She wasn't much to look at ... but she was ours. And when we were flying through space, we were free. Perhaps she can help us one last time.
Proceed down the valley and approach the ship.
Look for a Way to Contact Your Ship[]
We should check to see if the emergency beacon survived the crash, but in the likely event it didn't, we might be able to piece together some components to create a makeshift emergency beacon.
There is a little cave/corridor at the base of the wreckage. Head in here and look for a way to contact your ship.
Crashed Vessel:
There is no way this vessel will ever fly again.
The damage done by the fall through the planet's atmosphere is severe. If the emergency distress beacon wasn't vaporized in the crash, it's probably buried under 30 meters of rock and sand like the singularity drive and the cargo bays.
You do, however, find a backup generator with a miniscule amount of energy left. If you had the right components, you think you could construct a makeshift subspace beacon to contact your ship.
You won't be able to do anything more than transmit a few pulses to let your crew know where you are, but it should do the trick.
Find Usable Ship Equipment[]
There are salvageable bits of stuff scattered about the crash site. Locate a Communications Array, Navigation Beacon, and Subspace Distortion Invertor, and take the parts you need from them. V
Attach Emergency Beacon to the Ship's Power Source[]
Head back into the cave/corridor and rig up your makeshift emergency beacon.
Wait for Rescue Outside[]
Step outside and you are confronted by cutscene of Romulans beaming in to hold you at disruptorpoint. Hakeev then beams in to monologue at you.
Did you think you could run? From me?
There is no place where I cannot find you. My spies are everywhere.
Prisoner 1478! Take your place!
You did your job admirably. It is good to know that at least one Reman understands who is the master... and who is the slave.
The loss of the listening post is a minor setback.
The Remans' refuge in the Dera system has been destroyed. Dozens of subjects have been tested in my arena.
When the Iconians return they will find I have done all they asked... and more.
But you will not be there on that dreaded day. This tiresome game ends... now.
You could have been such a fascinating test subject, but this time... no, this time I think a more direct approach is best.
*Player Captain is beamed out*
You are beamed safely aboard your vessel, escaping Hakeev's clutches at the last moment, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country style.
Return to Obisek[]
Contact Obisek to let him know the fate of his missing vessel and claim your reward.
I apologize for Slamek's action. I had no idea that there was a traitor in our midst. If his actions caused harm to you or your crew, forgive me. That was not my intent.
However, your trip to the Nopada system was not in vain. Now you see. Now you KNOW!
Hakeev is a pawn of a greater power. The Demons of Air and Darkness are here!
You should report to your superiors. Tell them what you have seen here. Open their eyes to the dangers that lurk in the shadows.
After completing “Coliseum”, you can speak to your faction's mission contact about what you have learned about the Iconians manipulating events in Romulan space.
- Hakeev had an Iconian gateway. Obisek was right.
Admiral T'nae:Hakeev had a working Iconian gateway?
We know that the Iconians survived the destruction of their homeworld. Now we know they are active in Romulan space ... and apparently using these gladiatorial combats as a way to test the species of the Alpha Quadrant.
Starfleet Intelligence will analyze the data you recovered from Hakeev's command center. I must confer with Admiral Quinn and Starfleet Command.
Conflict with the Romulans ... and the Iconians ... may be unavoidable.
Temek:Hakeev had a working Iconian gateway? Finally, the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place.
We know that the Iconians survived the destruction of their homeworld. Now we know they are active in Romulan space ... and apparently using these gladiatorial combats as a way to test the species of the Alpha Quadrant.
Klingon Intelligence will analyze the data you recovered from Hakeev's command center. I must confer with Chancellor J'mpok.
We have fought one ancient enemy and won. If the Iconians seek conflict with the Empire, we will destroy them as well.