Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Cross-faction Competitive Wargames Tier 5
Given by:
65,000 Expertise icon
32,000 Dilithium Ore icon
40,000 Energy credit icon
You will receive the following reward:

Competitive Wargames Tier 5 is a capstone mission automatically awarded for completing Tier 5 of the Competitive Wargames-track of the Reputation System.


Mission Text[]

Your progress in the Competitive Wargames has been impressive. The lessons you have learned will impress both friend and foe in battle!

A token of appreciation has been awarded to you by the Alliance for your efforts. May it serve you well!


Hail Kagran to claim your reward.


There are no mission objectives available.


There is one accolade that the player will get simultaneously with this mission:

Icon Name Description Points
Competitive Wargames icon Competitive Wargames You have completed the fifth tier of Reputation with the Competitive Wargames. 10


Having earned 100,000 Reputation on the Competitive Wargames through Reputation System projects, and claimed the Tier 5 Upgrade (through the Collect Rewards button), the player will automatically get the Competitive Wargames accolade. The mission can be turned in directly through the dialog field.
