Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction FedRomKDF Defeating Drones
Given by:
Lena Kuzmina
Yes (4h)
2165 Expertise icon
You will receive the following reward:

Defeating Drones is a Zone Wide mission in the Defera Invasion Zone, given by Captain Kuzmina.


Mission Text[]

We're holding the line, but some days it seems like for every drone we put down the Collective makes two more to take its place.

I need soldiers to do whatever it takes to stop the Collective. Are you up to the task?


Defeat Borg.


  • Defeat Borg (0/100)
  • Return to Base Camp


There are no accolades specific to this mission.


There is no walkthrough for this mission, yet. You can help STOWiki by writing it here.
Borg Invasion of Defera Missions (Level 50) Rewards per mission
[Easy] Missions (15 minutes cooldown)
“City: Automated Aggression”“City: Modus Operandi”“Power Plant: Cooler Heads”“Power Plant: Power Hogs”
“Temple: Preservation of Knowledge”“Temple: Higher Ground”
13 Fleet Marks + 5 Omega Marks + 240 Dilithium Ore icon
[Medium] Missions (30 minutes cooldown)
“City: Locked In”“City: Peer Pressure”“Power Plant: Closed Off”“Power Plant: Power Play”
“Temple: What's Mine is Mine”“Temple: Conflicted Orders”
35 Fleet Marks + 7 Omega Marks + 336 Dilithium Ore icon
[Hard] Missions (20 hours cooldown)
“City: Knowledge is Key”“Power Plant: Getting to the Bottom of Things”“Temple: Uninvited Guests”“Probe: Counter Offensive”
60 Fleet Marks + 10 Omega Marks + 480 Dilithium Ore icon
[Borg Neural Processor]
[Box - Invasion Requisitions]
[Zone Wide] Missions
“Culling the Collective”“Defeating Drones”“Borg Beatdown”“Blow Back”“Forward Observations”
“Cybernetic Collection”“Systems Stockpile”“Agile Assembler”“Deft Designer”“Prolific Producer”
“Memento Vitae” (Kranek)“Field Functionality Figures” (Jula)“Plumbing Power” (Railuk)
15 Omega Marks
and/or Borg Crafting Materials