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Story Arc:
In Eriksson System Patrol the player drives off the Klingons massing in the Eriksson system.
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Mission Text[]
<Rank>, the Klingons have become much more aggressive in this area of space recently. We believe that they're using this system as a staging ground to prepare for a larger attack.
We can't allow them to get the upper hand, <Name>. What you do here could turn the tide of the war.
We've had some odd readings from the local surveillance beacons, and I want you to check it out.
Pay attention to brief sensor contacts – where there is a brief reading of a Klingon ship, there are likely to be more hidden ships nearby.
Good luck.
Patrol and defeat Klingon ships.
- Secure Eriksson System
- Defeat Klingon Squadrons (3)
- Return to Sector Space
NPC starships[]
- There are no accolades specific to this mission.
- For a walkthrough of this mission, visit the Walkthrough page.
- The Power Conduits and Medical Supplies for the Klingon mission “Eriksson Outpost Incursion” from “Pi Canis Sortie Bravo” can be interacted with when playing as a Federation captain, but provide no rewards and otherwise do not influence the outcome of this mission.