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Dera IV System[]

The Chase[]

Go To Dera IV System[]

Head to the Psi Velorum sector block and enter the Dera IV system to begin.

Modify Array[]

Science Officer:

Captain, the Remans are jamming our sensors, and there is no way to determine where their base is located without assistance.

We need a guide.

Sensors are picking up a communications satellite nearby. We should be able to modify it to emit a signal that the Remans will think is from one of their ships.

When the Remans send someone to investigate the signal, we can get a sensor lock on their ship and follow them back to their base.

Modify the communications array.

Head to the communications array. By the most direct route, you will pass through a micronebula on the way there.

Science Officer:

This micronebula is limiting sensor function. We can use it to hide from the Reman ship when we send the fake distress signal.

Once within range of the communications array, make the modifications necessary.

Send Signal[]

Science Officer:

The modifications are complete, Captain. When we trigger the transmission, the Remans should think it is from a vessel that is losing power and needs assistance.

There's a micronebula aft of our location. That should be sufficient to conceal the <Shipname>'s energy signature while we wait for our Reman guide to arrive.

Retreat to the micronebula and send the distress signal to the Reman base.

Head back to the micronebula and then send the signal. A cutscene ensues, showing the Remans responding to your faked distress call and then being ambushed by Romulans.

The signal worked Captain. Reman scout ship in range. It's moving to scan the area.

I have a sensor lock on the Reman vessel. We'll be able to track it if it goes to warp.

Detecting a large energy build-up ... sir, it's near the Reman ship!

Romulans! The battleship is powering disruptors, Captain. Should we go to red ...

Captain! They're firing on the Reman ship!

The scout ship's weapons and engines are damaged, sir. It can't take much more!

The Remans are cloaking sir. Attempting to re-establish sensor lock.

Deal with Romulan Forces[]

Science Officer:

Captain, the Reman ship has cloaked, but its engines are damaged and sensors are detecting a tachyon leak. They can't stay hidden for long.

We should attack the Tal Shiar ships, sir! When we destroy them, the Remans will be able to escape. They will lead us right to their base!

Engage the Romulan ships.

Proceed out of the micronebula, and you will be hailed by the Romulan commander.


Tactical Officer:


Incoming hail from the lead Romulan vessel. They know we're here!

Putting it on the main viewscreen now:

Commander Taak:

Ah, the famed U.S.S. <Shipname>. You're a good distance out of your Federation's territory, aren't you?

Offer no aid or assistance to these Reman rebels and leave this system immediately. If you do so, I can overlook your intrusion into an internal affair.

Otherwise, I will be forced to see your presence here as an invasion of Romulan territory. That would be unfortunate ... for you.


Tactical Officer:


Incoming hail from the lead Romulan vessel. They have detected us!

I don't think those honorless peta'Q will say anything that we want to hear, but they are insisting on speaking with you, Captain.

Putting it on the main viewscreen now:

Commander Taak:

Ah, the famed I.K.S. <Shipname>. You're a good distance out of your Empire's territory, aren't you?

I know it's probably useless to expect someone like you to be civilized about this, but I wish to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

Offer no aid or assistance to these Reman rebels and leave this system immediately. If you do so, I can overlook your intrusion into an internal affair.

Otherwise, I will be forced to see your presence here as an invasion of Romulan territory. That would be unfortunate ... for you.

Battle the D'deridex battleship. Once it is destroyed, the Reman Bird-of-Prey will reappear and you can follow it.

Follow Reman Scout[]

Science Officer:

Captain, the Reman scout ship has decloaked.

They'll try to shake us -- we need to stay close until we get a lock on the ship's warp signature.

Follow the Reman scout ship.

Approach the Reman Bird-of-Prey and it will flee.

Science Officer:

The Reman ship is on the move, sir. We should follow it.

Follow the Reman ship to the next navigational beacon.

Deal with Romulan Forces[]

As you reach the navigational beacon, the Reman ship will cloak and a Romulan will warp in.

Tactical Officer:

The Reman scout is cloaking. Sir! Romulan forces warping in.

Deal with the Romulan ambush.

Follow Reman Scout[]

Once the Romulans are defeated, a cutscene of the Reman ship going to warp is shown.

Science Officer:

The Reman ship has executed a short warp jump and I have a lock on its coordinates, sir.

We can engage warp as soon as you're ready.

Warp to the Reman scout ship's coordinates.

Follow the Reman ship and warp to the planet. When you arrive, you will detect signs of a large underground base.

Science Officer:

I'm not picking up any ships here, Captain, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is one or more cloaked ships in the area.

Reman cloaked ships can appear as concentrations of tetryon particles. I will continue scanning the area.

There is something interesting on the planet's surface, however.

Sensors are detecting a large, underground installation -- it could very well be the base that the Reman resistance is using. The entire area is protected by a magnetic shield, though, so we can't transport inside.

There is a series of caverns connected to the installation. We could send a team there and try to find a way to disable or circumvent the magnetic shielding.

Beam down to the caverns and find a way inside the base.

Beam Down[]

Beam down to the surface and investigate. You might want to bring a coat.

Reman Base[]

Obisek's Gambit[]

Locate Base Entrance[]

Science Officer:

Captain, this is incredible!

The underground cavern we are in is natural, but the base itself -- it's a ship! D'deridex class, if my tricorder readings are correct. The Remans moved a derelict vessel into the cavern!

We appear to be in a maintenance area adjacent to the hull of the ship. The Remans probably mine these tunnels for raw materials -- I'm picking up multiple veins of ore that could be useful if they are replicating ship parts or weapons.

I'm not reading any way into the ship from here, though -- we'll need to find an entrance.

Find a way to enter the Remans' grounded ship.

As you head forwards into the tunnels, one of your bridge officers will warn you about the presence of hostile wildlife.

Science Officer:

Sir, this cavern seems to be occupied by indigenous fauna. We should proceed with caution.

Proceed through the ice caverns, dealing with attacks from jackal mastiffs along the way. Straight ahead at the end of the tunnel is a large room filled with equipment.

Tactical Officer:

The consoles in this room appear to operate the heavy machinery the Remans used to create the cavern. The entrance to the base should be just ahead.

On the other side of the equipment is a metal grating which prevents further advance.

Scan the Gate[]

Science Officer:

This tunnel leads directly into the main area of the base, sir, but it's completely blocked.

I wonder if a weapon on its highest setting would breach it?

Scan the grate and find a way into the base.

Scan the grating that blocks your way.

Use Mining Laser Controls[]

Engineering Officer:

This gate is made of tritanium alloy, Captain. There's no way a hand weapon will blast through it.

We need something with a lot more power ... that's it!

Sir, did you see the mining laser? If it's operational, we might be able to modify it to do the job.

I think the controls for the laser are on the other side of this wall.

Use the mining laser control panel.

Head back around all the equipment to access the controls that operate the mining laser, and try cutting through the grating. You will be treated to a cutscene of the mining laser... not working.

Malfunction. Engaging automatic shutdown.

Scan the Mining Laser[]

Engineering Officer:

Something must be wrong with the mining laser, sir. We should perform a more detailed scan to determine the source of the problem.

Scan the mining laser.

Go back to the mining laser and look it over to determine what is wrong.

Repair the Mining Laser[]

Engineering Officer:

Captain, the mining laser's power system isn't strong enough. We won't be able to cut through tritanium.

I think there are several different ways we can fix this -- your career training will help.

You only need to complete one of the career-based objectives to advance.

Engineering Option[]

Use Diagnostic Terminal[]

If you are an Engineering captain, you can call upon your engineering training to diagnose the problems with the laser and repair them.

Engineering Training:

Your Engineering instructors always said to determine the cause of a problem before you attempted to solve it.

You could start by running a Level 1 Diagnostic on the mining laser's power system.

Find and use a diagnostic terminal.

Find the diagnostic console and run a diagnostic.

Repair Power Conduits[]

Engineering Training:

Diagnostic results:

No malfunctions detected in mining laser.

Power supply is inadequate to operate laser at full power.

Recommendation: Replace power conduits to increase capacity.

The damp and cold conditions in the cave could have caused some of the power conduits to fail. If you can find the damaged ones and repair them, you should be able to increase the output of the mining laser.

Repair damaged power conduits.

There are three power conduits to repair, all back the way you entered. One is located in a larger cavern to the south. Entering it, you will disturb more local wildlife which will react with hostility.

Tactical Officer:

Glikar'ma Ice Spiders! I hate spiders. Why does every new species we encounter try to kill us?

The second power conduit is located in one of the little alcoves off the main tunnel. The final power conduit is located in the room you first beamed into, where you will encounter more ice spiders.

Repair all three conduits and the mining laser will be ready for another try. You will receive the accolade Mr. Fixit.

Science Option[]

Collect Crystals[]

If you are a Science captain, you can call on your science training to figure out a way to focus the laser for more power.

Science Training:

You remember working with a similar laser in your applied sciences classes. If you could augment the focusing lens, you should be able to amplify the effect.

There are crystal formations in the maintenance tunnels. One of them might have a crystal with the correct properties.

Find a suitable crystal formation to create an amplification lens.

There are three crystal formations you can collect crystals from, all back in the direction from which you entered. The first is in a larger cavern south located to the south. Entering it, you will disturb more local wildlife which will react with hostility.

Tactical Officer:

Glikar'ma Ice Spiders! I hate spiders. Why does every new species we encounter try to kill us?

The second crystal formation is located in one of the little alcoves off the main tunnel. The third is located in the room you first beamed in to, where you will encounter more ice spiders.

Align Crystals[]

Science Training:

This crystal appears to be the correct size and purity, but it will need to be shaped and refined before you can use it to amplify the mining laser's output.

Use a lab station to refine the crystals.

Now that you have all the crystals you need, you will need to align them to focus the laser correctly. There is lab equipment located in the larger cavern to the north of the tunnel.

Engineering Officer:

This abandoned lab station was probably used to refine the ore the Remans collected while creating this maintenance tunnel.

There are also more ice spiders in this cavern, so you will have to fight them off before you can use the equipment.

Place the crystals on the equipment, then use the console to align them properly. Once they are aligned, remove the crystals from the equipment.

Modify Mining Laser[]

Science Training:

Refining process complete.

Install the amplification lens on the mining laser.

Take the crystal to the mining laser and install it, and the mining laser will be ready for another try. You will receive the accolade Crystal Method

Tactical Option[]

Collect Weapon Power Supplies[]

If you are a Tactical captain, you can rely on your tactical training to adapt and overcome. If the laser isn't strong enough, you just need to find more power!


Tactical Training:

Your applied tactics instructor always told you to use whatever was available to get the job done.

You think you could modify the power cell of a hand weapon to boost the output of the mining laser. Starfleet weapons aren't compatible, but the Remans might have left something suitable in the cave.

Search the cave for an alternate power source.


Tactical Training:

Your applied tactics instructor always told you to use whatever was available to get the job done.

You think you could modify the power cell of a hand weapon to boost the output of the mining laser. Klingon weapons aren't compatible, but the Remans might have left something suitable in the cave.

Search the cave for an alternate power source.

Search the tunnels and caverns for weapon power cells. The first is in a larger cavern south located to the south, back in the direction from which you entered. Entering it, you will disturb more local wildlife which will react with hostility.

Tactical Officer:

Glikar'ma Ice Spiders! I hate spiders. Why does every new species we encounter try to kill us?

A second bundle of power cells is located in one of the little alcoves off the main tunnel. The third is located in the room you first beamed in to, where you will encounter more ice spiders.

Fuse Weapon Power Packs[]

Tactical Training:

You have all the power cells you need, but before you can use them to boost the output of the mining laser you will need to fuse them together and install a single control unit that is strong enough to handle the burst of power without burning out.

Use a lab station to prepare the power cells for use in the mining laser.

Now that you have all the power packs you need, you will need to chain them together for maximum power output. There is lab equipment located in the larger cavern to the north of the tunnel.

Engineering Officer:

This abandoned lab station was probably used to refine the ore the Remans collected while creating this maintenance tunnel.

There are also more ice spiders in this cavern, so you will have to fight them off before you can use the equipment.

Place the power packs on the equipment, then use the console to fuse them together. Once this is done, remove the fused power pack from the equipment.

Modify Mining Laser[]

Tactical Training:

The combined power pack is now ready to use. All you need to do now is install it in the mining laser and cross your fingers.

Install the power pack in the mining laser.

Take the power pack to the mining laser and install it, and the mining laser will be ready for another try. You will receive the accolade Field Strip.

Use Mining Laser Control[]

Engineering Officer:

That did it, sir!

Power to the mining laser is steady and it should be ready to fire!

Use the control panel to operate the mining laser.

Whichever method you used to repair/recalibrate the mining laser, it's ready to go. Head to the control console and fire it up. There will be a brief cutscene of the mining laser blasting a hole through the metal grating, and you will be able to proceed into the Reman base.

Enter Base and Locate Obisek[]

Tactical Officer:


The path inside the Reman base is clear, Captain.

The Remans will be alerted to our presence, so we will need to be careful. But I have a feeling that Obsiek wants to see us.

Enter the Reman base and locate Obisek.

Head into the Reman base and you will encounter numerous members of the Reman resistance. They do not seem disturbed by your presence.

Tactical Officer:

The Remans seem to have been expecting us. Perhaps we should have just knocked?

There are several refugees and members of the Reman resistance that will talk to you, if you speak to them.

Resistance Fighter:

Ask your questions. I will answer.

  • Tell me about your life here.

Resistance Fighter:

The nights are cold and there's not enough food.

It is a place like any other. For now we are safe from the Tal Shiar, but I fear that will soon change.

  • Why are you fighting the Romulans?

Resistance Fighter:

My wife was working on a mining ship.

This was not a military vessel. It had no weapons and limited shields. It was not in restricted space, and it threatened no one.

The Tal Shiar captured it and "questioned" everyone on the crew for weeks. My wife died screaming in a Tal Shiar interrogation chamber.

I fight for her.

  • What do you want when this conflict ends?

Resistance Fighter:

What do I want?

I cannot answer that question. All I wanted -- all I will ever want -- died with my wife.

Resistance Fighter:

What do you want?

  • Why do you follow Obisek?

Resistance Fighter:

Obisek has a vision.

He wants all Remans to be free from Romulan oppression. He wants us to have a world of our own, and not have to beg for scraps from the Romulans' tables.

Obisek will lead us to victory. I, for one, am happy to fight at his side.

  • Are there people here who aren't happy with Obisek's leadership?

Resistance Fighter:

Many of the people here have lost family members to the Tal Shiar.

It's hard to be happy about anything when all you're thinking about is what you don't have.

  • What do you want out of this war?


Resistance Fighter:

I want out.

I will fight by Obisek's side until we are free, but then I want to explore. I have had enough of despair. There are hundreds of ships that need a capable warrior. I will find one of them, leave this space and never look back.

Perhaps I will join the crew of a Starfleet vessel!


Resistance Fighter:

I want out.

I will fight by Obisek's side until we are free, but then I want to explore. I have had enough of despair. There are hundreds of ships that need a capable warrior. I will find one of them, leave this space and never look back.

Perhaps I will join the crew of a Klingon vessel!

Reman Refugee:

You have questions? Fine. Ask them, and then go.

  • Why don't you want us here?

Reman Refugee:

Obisek says we must trust you. He says we need allies, and that the Empire will help us.

I do not believe him.

If I have learned anything in my long years, it is that outsiders cannot be trusted. In the end, you will turn on us like vipers.

  • Why do you think Obisek is wrong?

Reman Refugee:

I am old, and I have seen much.

I fought with Shinzon, and he was obsessed with outsiders. He risked everything in a useless attack on the Federation!

If he had thought more about our people, and less about his hatred for humans, we would control the empire today.

Instead, we have nothing. This is what comes from dealing with outsiders.

  • What do you want?

Reman Refugee:

I want peace, outsider, and I want quiet.

All of my family and friends are dead. I have no stake in this rebellion. I fight because that is all I know how to do.

But this battle is my last. When it is over, I will find someplace dark. And I will stay there for the rest of my days.

Head through the corridors towards the command center where you will find Obisek. As you go, one of your bridge officers will comment on the construction of the base.

Engineering Officer:

This base is remarkable. The Remans must have disassembled the old ship, and beamed the pieces in one at a time to construct it.

Confront Obisek[]

The door to Obisek's command center is located at the western end. Enter, and a cutscene with Obisek will be played.


This place won't be safe forever. We have to be ready to leave at a moment's notice. Prepare the......

Ah, it's you. Welcome to the heart of the resitance, little spy.

There is so much for us to discuss, and so little time.

The Tal Shiar have discovered this, our last refuge. They will be here soon, and my people and I will have to fight for our lives.

Yet one question remains.

Will you be our friend ... or our enemy?

Decide on Obisek's Fate[]

Go speak with Obisek. Hear his side, and decide both his and your fate.


My hope is that you are here to talk, but I am prepared for the alternative.

The Tal Shiar could arrive at any time. Speak quickly.

  • Why are you doing this? Why fight the Tal Shiar?


Why? You ask why?

This place is one of the last sanctuaries left to my people, and even it is lost to us now.

The Romulans have driven us from our homes, destroyed our ships and captured or killed our loved ones. They seek to exterminate us, and we will not go quietly!

Understand that I do not want this war. I want freedom for my people.

It is the Romulans ... and the dark masters they serve, who have caused this. Now they must suffer the consequences.

  • Did Sela order these attacks?


This campaign of terror is the Tal Shiar's doing, not the empress's. Still, Sela does nothing to stop it.

There is little love between the empress and the Tal Shiar. Did you know that, many years ago, she was exiled from Romulus for attempting to assassinate the head of their order?

The Tal Shiar have their own masters. And Sela despises what she cannot control.

  • Why do you think the Tal Shiar are doing this?


Hakeev and the Tal Shiar no longer serve the empire.

The demons of air and darkness are their masters now. They whisper in the night for chaos and despair, and Hakeev gives them blood as tribute.

Our blood.

  • Tell me more about these "demons."


I have never seen one of these demons, and I will not speak their name. But I know that they exist.

Eons ago, they controlled this part of the galaxy. After thousands of years of tyranny and death, the races that they ruled rose up against them, driving them from their homeworld into unexplored space.

We thought they had been destroyed. We were wrong. The demons of air and darkness survive, and they hunger for revenge.

  • Do you still have thalaron weapons?


A small supply.

They are terrible things. Weapons of war so horrible they should have never been invented at all. But they were. And my enemies are great.

If I must resort to barbarism to free my people ... that is not too high of a price to pay.

  • Have you tried to find a peaceful solution?


There will be no peace, not while Hakeev lives. This is not a problem that can be solved by diplomacy.

Hakeev kills my people. I kill his. That is how it will be ... until one of us is dead.

  • What do you want from me?



We need your help!

Talk to Starfleet Command. Tell them what you have seen. Tell them if my people are to survive, we need assistance!

Starships, soldiers, medicine, protection for the refugees .... I'm asking for the Federation's aid.

You claim to be an organization dedicated to freedom for all peoples. Tell me -- will you help my people now?



We need your help!

Go to the High Council. Tell them what you have seen. Tell them if my people are to survive, we need assistance!

Starships, soldiers, weapons, protection for the refugees .... I'm asking for the Empire's aid.

You are an honorable warrior. I too, am a warrior, and I believe my fight is just. Will you join the battle at my side?

You have a choice as to how to proceed. You can choose to let Obisek go forward with his plans unhindered, or you can instead choose to arrest Obisek to prevent the use of thalaron weapons by the Reman resistance.

Let Him Go[]

  • I may not agree with your tactics, but I will not stop you.


I am glad you see things my way.

Get instructions from your commanders if you must, but the battle rages and we must join it.

With your help, my people will be free!

Another cutscene will play, just before Romulans invade the base.


I'm pleased that you see that my cause is just. We can do great ...

Commander Rashna:

Sir, Romulan transporter signals detected.


I will return to my ship and attempt to hold off their forces. Help my soldiers defend this base.

Start the evacuation! We must get the civilians out!

Commander Rashna:

The Tal Shiar have entered the base!


Commander Rashna, transport the remaining reinforcements here. Tell them to assist our new ally.

Commander Rashna:

Security forces transporting.


Fight well, my friend. My people are counting on you.

Obisek and most of the Remans in the command center will beam out, leaving two of them to accompany you and assist in your fight against the Romulans.

Arrest Him[]

  • Surrender, and I will see that you are treated fairly.



I was afraid that you would try something foolish.

I understand why you have made this decision, but to attempt to detain me in my own stronghold ....

Surely, your instructors at Starfleet Academy trained you better than that?



I was afraid that you would try something foolish.

I understand why you have made this decision, but to attempt to detain me in my own stronghold ....

Surely, the battle masters on Qo'noS trained you better than that?

Another cutscene plays where Obisek escapes and leaves you to battle his resistance fighters.


It saddens me that we will part on such hostile terms. We could have done great things together.

But while I appreciate the moral quandry with which you wrestle, I am afraid that my friends here do not.

Commander Rashna, execute Plan Beta.

Farewell. If we meet again, perhaps you will reconsider your position.

Defeat Reman Guards[]

Obisek, Rashna, and most of the Remans in the command center will beam out, leaving only a couple guards for you to fight.

Disable Transport Inhibitor[]

If you sided with Obisek, your ship will contact you with some bad news about the arrival of the Tal Shiar.

Bridge Officer (from ship):


We've lost our transporter lock on you and the away team! The Tal Shiar must have activated a transport inhibitor!

You'll need to find that inhbitor and shut it down!

Locate and disable the transport inhibitor.

You will have to battle your way through Romulan forces, but you will be aided by the two Remans Obisek left behind to fight at your side, as well as by groups of Reman resistance fighters who are battling the Romulans in the corridors.

If you decided to try and arrest Obisek, once the guards in the command center have been defeated your ship will contact you with an obstacle to your pursuit of Obisek.

Bridge Officer (from ship):


We can't get a transporter lock to beam you and the away team back to the <Shipname>. The Remans must have activated a transport inhibitor!

You'll need to find that inhbitor and shut it down!

Locate and disable the transport inhibitor.

You will then have to fight your way through groups of the Reman resistance to shut down the transport inhibitor. The Remans you defeat will not vanish, however. They remain lying on the ground or standing in a daze, and you can scan them.

Medical Scan:

The Reman resistance fighter is no longer a threat. You can beam him to your ship's brig, once the transport inhibitor has been deactivated.

Once you have defeated the hostile forces in your way, you can access the console that will disable the transport inhibitor, which is located in the corridor at the opposite side of the command center from the door that lets you enter it. Once you get the transport inhibitor disabled, you will receive either the accolade Cease and Desist if you tried to arrest Obisek, or Like Minded if you let him go.

Beam Up[]

If you let Obisek go:


Tactical Officer:

The Remans should be able to handle it from here, Captain.

We should return to the ship and report to Admiral T'nae.

Obisek trusts us. I don't know if he's right about the outside influence on Hakeev's actions, but I'm sure that he believes these "demons" are real.

If there is someone directing Hakeev to attack the Remans, this isn't a purely internal matter now and the requirements of the Prime Directive aren't as clear. Even if he's wrong -- Obisek is asking for the Federation's help. Without it, the Remans may be exterminated.

Are we supposed to simply ignore genocide?

Return to your ship.


Tactical Officer:

The Remans should be able to handle it from here, Captain.

We should return to the ship and report to Temek.

Obisek trusts us. I don't know if he's right about the outside influence on Hakeev's actions, but I'm sure that he believes that these "demons" are real.

I respect him as a warrior, though, and I know he's acting to protect his people. I can't agree with his use of thalaron weapons, but if the homeworld were threatened, would we act any differently?

If the High Council agrees to aid Obisek's resistance, it will be an honor to fight the Romulans at his side.

Return to your ship.

If you tried to arrest Obisek:


Tactical Officer:

The transporter inhibitor is down and we can beam back to the ship whenever you are ready, Captain.

The <Shipname> is scanning for a vessel, but they haven't detected anything yet. If Obisek transported to a cloaked shuttle, he could already be out of the system.

I think Obisek believes he's doing the right thing, but I simply cannot condone the use of thalaron weapons, even in self defense. If he doesn't reconsider his actions, I'm afraid that our next meeting won't be as cordial.

We should report to Admiral T'nae, sir. She needs to know what we've discovered here.

Return to your ship.


Tactical Officer:

The transporter inhibitor is down and we can beam back to the ship whenever you are ready, Captain.

The <Shipname> is scanning for a vessel, but they haven't detected anything yet. If Obisek transported to a cloaked shuttle, he could already be out of the system.

I think Obisek believes he's doing the right thing, but I simply cannot condone the use of thalaron weapons, even in self defense. They are the tools of a coward, and I despise cowards.

If he will not face his enemies in honorable combat, then his fight is meaningless!

We should report to Temek, sir. He needs to know what we've discovered here.

Return to your ship.

Before you beam out, you may want to go back to all the Reman resistance fighters you disabled, and beam them to your brig. Capturing a total of 40 of them while playing (and replaying) this mission will net you the Incarcerator accolade.

Once you are done in the Reman base, beam back to your ship.

Report to Admiral T'nae/Temek[]

Report to your mission contact to receive your reward.


Admiral T'nae:

I sympathize with Obisek's plight, but I do not know if we will be able to assist him.

He has no proof of these "demons" that he claims are directing Hakeev's actions. Without that, becoming directly involved in this conflict would be a violation of the Prime Directive.

We will protect the Federation, offer aid to the refugees, and keep this conflict from spilling over into our territory. But if Obisek and his followers are going to continue this fight; they will do so without Starfleet support.



The Remans beg for our assistance, but offer no fealty in return? Obisek whispers about "demons of air and darkness," but offers no proof of their existence! Outrageous!

The Remans have been slaves for too long to be warriors now. If they would ally with us to crush Sela and her ships, we could conquer the entire region in a matter of months!

There is nothing for us to gain by joining his fight, and there is no honor in Obisek's tactics. I will consider the situation, but I must have a good reason to recommend this action to the High Council. As of now, that reason does not exist.


After completing “Frozen”, you will be able speak to your mission contact about Obisek's hints of something sinister in the background.


  • There is more going on here. We can't just ignore it.
Admiral T'nae:

I agree with you. There is more to this story, and we must continue to follow the trail until all is revealed.

As I have said, directly assisting the Remans against the Tal Shiar would be interfering with an internal affair, and that is prohibited by Starfleet regulations. However, I will authorize you to continue investigating this matter. If you can find evidence that supports Obisek's claims, then more options will be open to us.


  • Ask J'mpok. Perhaps he will want to help Obisek.

I will speak to the Chancellor, but I already know what he will say. We will not fight at Obisek's side. Not yet.

There is little to gain by openly attacking the Romulans, and no proof to Obisek's claims that some hidden entity is directing Hakeev. I would dismiss the entire thing as a childish fantasy, but ....

Have you fought the Fek'Ihri?

There are terrible things lurking in the dark. I have seen them. Perhaps Obisek has as well.

Continue to investigate this matter. If there is a new enemy, we must know who they are and what they want.

Until we know more, however, Obisek is on his own.
