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Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Starfleet Hana System Patrol
Story Arc:
The Klingon War
18 Expertise icon

Mission Text[]

I'm glad to see Starfleet approved our request for assistance.

We have orders to board and reclaim the nearby mining outpost. But it's too big of a job for one ship. That's why I asked Captain Sulu for your help.

They've fortified their positions with turrets, but with our combined forces that shouldn't be a problem.

Stay close and keep an eye out for cloaked ships. That's always the real threat.


Help the U.S.S. Mirek reclaim the outpost.


  • Secure Hana System
    • Rendezvous with U.S.S. Mirek
    • Eliminate Outer Defenses
    • Eliminate Base Defenses
    • Provide Cover (1:45)
    • Return to Sector Space


NPC starships[]
