Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
  • Which woman needed help to learn how to use the powers of a Q? A: Amanda Rogers
  • The Gorn can be such a violent race. In fact they once destroyed an Earth outpost. On which planet was the outpost located? A: Cestus III
  • Spock violated General Order 7. How did he do this? A: Approached Talos IV
  • What was the name of the ship Jean-Luc Picard commanded before he was captain of the Enterprise-D? A: Stargazer
  • At Farpoint Station, how much time did captain Picard have to prove humans moved beyond their savage past? A: 24 hours or 7 years depending on your understanding of temporal mechanics
  • When I was a child, my father thought I needed to learn human qualities like compassion and self-sacrifice. He sent me to a Starfleet vessel to be tutored in humanism by the ship's captain. What ship did I visit as a young Q? A: Voyager
  • My father and I had an antagonistic relationship when I was a small Q. What did he threaten to turn me into? A: Oprelian Amoeba
  • I recently visited the Gateway System. Who created the Guardian of Forever located there? A: An unknown civilization
  • My father once gave a group of lucky Starfleet officers a trip to the universe of their fair damsels and merry men. Captain Picard played robin hood and he looked quite fetching in his green tights! What part did my father play? A: Sheriff of Nottingham
  • What is the name of the Bajoran festival of gratitude? A: Peldor Festival
  • What Large, ape-like creature attacked captain James T. Kirk on planet Neural? A: Mugato
  • Human have made many attempts at world-building, although I find most of your terraforming techniques woefully primitive. There was one, though that showed daring innovation. It was called the Genesis Project. Who was the lead researcher on the project? A: Carol Marcus
  • I have traveled to the twenty-second century as part of my studies of human history. There I met Jonathan Archer, and he introduced me to the loathsome little creatures that humans call "dogs." What was his dog's name? A: Porthos
  • I find tyrants of history extremely interesting. When you're freed from societal norms and morality, you mortals become very entertaining! A Federation citizen once tried to exterminate the entire population of Antos IV. Who was he? A: Garth of Izar
  • Where was the U.S.S. Defiant trapped in the Tholian web? A: Interphasic Rift
  • My father once offered to join the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D what reason did he give for wanting to do so? A: They would eventually need a guide
  • How many lights are there? A: FOUR
  • Starfleet Academy uses a "no-Win Scenario" to train its cadets. I of course, do not believe in no-win scenarios... not when its so easy to change the laws of physics of send a troublesome opponent to live out his life as oprelian amoeba. Tell me -- what was the name of this training simulation? A: Kobayashi Maru
  • When we aren't rearranging stars, creating alternate time lines or changing the gravitational constant, my people exist on an extra-dimensional plane of reality. Collectively, what is my race known as? A: Q Continuum
  • I find the rituals of you mortals so amusing recently I was on Vulcan to observe two of those repressed boring stick-in-the-muds complete their marriage ritual. What is the ceremony called? A: Koon-ut-kal-if-fee
  • What was the basis of my fathers argument for preventing Quinn's suicide? A: It would cause chaos and disorder
  • Who is believed to be the founder of Vulcan civilization? A: Surak
  • The Romulans once clones a Starfleet captain. This clone, known as Shinzon, was later expelled from Romulus and sent to work as a slave in the mines of Remus. Who was the captain that was cloned? A: Jean-Luc Picard
  • How would you describe me? A: Devious, amoral, unreliable and irresponsible
  • A Starfleet officer once has the chance to join the Q Continuum. Who was the lucky devil? A: William T. Riker
  • The providers of planet Triskelion loves to gamble on gladiatorial combats. When captain James T. Kirk faced off against the thralls, what currency was wagered? A: Quatloos
  • I can travel anywhere in the galaxy in an instant, but I understand that you mere mortals need some assistance. What quadrant was opened to Starfleet exploration by the discovery of the bajoran wormhole? A: Gamma
  • The bajorans believe that these entities who live in the wormhole near their planet are gods, which I find somewhat mystifying. If the bajorans want to worship someone why not me? What do the Bajorans call these entities? A: Prophets
  • How old was Jean-Luc Picard when he was stabbed by a Nausicaan on Starbase Earhart? A: 22 years old
  • Who took Vash sightseeing across the universe? A: Q
  • My race has had many dealings with the El-Aurians, a race known as travelers and listeners. Which El-Aurian lived on a Starfleet vessel? A: Guinan
  • One of the things I remember most about my time on Voyager was the non-stop prattle from their holographic doctor. I've never met a collection of photons that loved the sound of his own voice more than he does! What humans scientist was used as the basis for the Doctor's appearance? A: Lewis Zimmerman
  • The chief medical officer of the Enterprise NX-01 was from a race that had large extended families, thought it was healthy to hallucinate and hibernated for five to six days each year. What is the name of this species? A: Denobulan
  • What treaty prohibited the Federation from developing cloaking technology? A: The Treaty of Algeron
  • Lieutenant Commander Data was very nearly destroyed while protecting a Q. What attack did he thwart? A: The Calamarain
  • Who was the first captain of the Enterprise-B? A: John Harriman
  • During my temporal Travels I spent a few weeks hunting targ with Kahless the Unforgettable. I also met his mate. What was her name? A: Lukara
  • The Enterprise-D once encountered a being from Tau Alpha C with the ability to alter time and space with his thoughts. Who was he? A: The Traveler
  • If you don't die in battle, is there any way for you to gain admission to Sto-vo-kor? A: Have a major battle fought in your name.
  • Who was the first human to consume bloodwine? A: Jonathan Archer
  • Which planet modelled their society after a book titled "Chicago Mobs in the Twenties"? A: Sigma Iotia II
  • In the 2280s, a Starflet vessel was retrofitted with the Federation's first version of the transwarp drive with less than favorable results. What ship was used as the test vessel for this experiment? A: USS Excelsior
  • You know, for a warrior race, you didn't start out so well. In fact, one of the first periods of Klingon history I visited was during the time you were slaves to another race. Who conquered the mighty Klingons? A: The Hur'q