The Mission: Mryax System Patrol takes place in the Mryax System, located in the Orias Sector of the Alpha Quadrant.
Mission Text[]
We had a plasma overload in the warp core, and the only way to stop it was to vent the plasma through the nacelles. The ship is safe, but our warp coils are severely damaged.
Warp engines are currently offline. We can maintain limited impulse power, but we need to make repairs before we're dead in space.
Sensors are picking up multiple veins of minerals in the planetoids in this system, so we should be able to gather enough polysilicate verterium and monocrystal cortenum to replicate the replacement parts we need.
We have also detected traces of recent Klingon weapons fire. We should be alert for any opportunistic Klingon raiders in the area.
- Secure Mryax System
- Gather Necessary Minerals
- Polysilicate Verterium
- Monocrystal Cortenum
- Depart System
- Gather Necessary Minerals
- Hail Starfleet to Report
- Originally part of the Sector Patrol wrapper mission “Patrol the Vanden Sector”.