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Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Starfleet Alth'ndor System Patrol
Cm 4 (24)
119 Expertise icon

Mission Text[]

<rank>, we've recieved an SOS from a Federation diplomatic team that went missing while en route to Starbase 39-Sierra.

According to the microburst trasmission they were able to send, the team was abducted by Romulans and are being held hostage in a base hidden in the asteroid field.

We'll need to get close to the base to beam out the hostages, but I'm picking up a number of eneny ships. We'll need to take care of them if we're to get the hostages away safely.


  • Free Hostages
    • Eliminate Romulan Squadrons (0/3)
    • Beam Hostages Out of Base
    • Defeat Romulan Battleship
    • Depart System


Eliminate Romulans and free hostages

NPC starships[]

Strategy Notes[]
