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Faction Starfleet Liuen System Patrol
Cp 3 (33)
Story Arc:
Cardassian Front
167 Expertise icon

Mission Text[]

Captain, Starfleet is concerned that the Klingons may try to make an alliance with the True Way.

The Klingons and the Cardassians have been enemies for Decades, but stranger things have happened.

The True Way is actively looking for allies to help them in their campaign against the Federation, and the Klingons may be willing to work against a common foe.

Long range sensors have been picking up Klingon ships in this system recently as well.

We will need to force the Klingons out of this system before they can meet with Gul Madred and his people.

The Klingons like to lurk around the larger asteroids, which have minerals that help mask the emissions from their cloaking devices. I suggest we start our search there, sir.


  • Secure Liuen System
    • Klingon Squadrons Removed (0/5)


Engage the Klingons in the Liuen System.

NPC starships[]


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