Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Starfleet Vhoran System Patrol
Cmd 8 (28)
59 Expertise icon

Mission Text[]

Captain, a Federation research team in the Vhoran system is asking for assistance. Their leader will hail us when we are in orbit, sir.
Captain, thank you for responding to our request for help!

We do not have sufficient staff to investigate every site of interest on this planet, so we're trying to narrow it down to the areas of greatest interest.

Our scanners have picked up a cluster of artifacts of unknown origin on the eastern continent. We've sent probes, but they're being blocked somehow. Several have been destroyed.

Will you send an away team to survey these relics? We need to determine an origin and know if they will be harmful to my team.

Captain, Doctor Grissom sent us the coordinates for the area of interest to the researchers. We should find one of these artifacts and do a detailed analysis.


  • Secure Vhoran System
    • Gather Information From Artifacts
      • Scan Artifact
      • Scan Remaining Artifacts (0/4)


Find and gather data on mysterious artifacts.

Mission Dialog[]

Upon entering the Vhoran system:

Captain, a Federation research team in the Vhoran system is asking for assistance. Their leader will hail us when we are in orbit, sir.
Orbit the planet and speak to the leader of the research team.

Upon reaching orbit:

Rank, thank you for responding to our request for help!

We do not have sufficient staff to investigate every site of interest on this planet, so we're trying to narrow it down to the areas of greatest interest.

Our scanners have picked up a cluster of artifacts of unknown origin on the eastern continent. We've sent probes, but they're being blocked somehow. Several have been destroyed.

Will you send an away team to survey these relics? We need to determine an origin and know if they will be harmful to my team.

Beam down to the planet and gather info on found relics.

Upon beaming down to the planet:

Captain, Doctor Grissom sent us the coordinates for the area of interest to the researchers. We should find one of these artifacts and do a detailed analysis.
Find and gather data on mysterious artifacts.

Upon completing the objective Scan Artifact:

This relic appears to be of Iconian origin!

That would explain why the research team's probes couldn't get a reading -- Iconian technology is known to reprogram our devices, and even cause them to self-destruct.

This is a major archaeological find, sir. We should gather all of the data we can about these artifacts.

Scan and gather data from the remaining Iconian figures.

Upon completing the mission:

Excellent, Rank!

I've received your data and wanted to thank you for finding those relics! Iconian artifacts are extremely rare, and some of these are possibly operational! Who knows? With a complete dig, we might even find a gateway!

I'm sending a team to expand upon your work. The Daystrom Institute is going to want to hear about this!

Leave the System.


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