Mission Text[]
The Borg are trying to keep our troops out of the Power Plant by making it too dangerous for anyone to enter the area.
They've started venting the coolant tanks. The Borg biofilters allow them to survive, but there's no way that anyone else can breathe that toxic soup for long.
This is bad, <rank>, really bad. There are still workers trapped in the plant. The'll die if the Borg poison the air. And we simply don't have enough environmental suits to equip all the warriors we would need to retake the Power Plant.
We can't let this happen.
Stop the Borg from venting coolant on the first sublevel of the Power Plant.
You can reach the Power Plant via transporter pad near Railuk.
- Stop the Venting Coolant in the Power Plant (0/10)
- Return to Railuk
- There are no accolades specific to this mission.
- There is no walkthrough for this mission, yet. You can help STOWiki by writing it here.
Defeat the two drones surrounding the tanks to gain access to them. Interact with the tank to seal it off. It takes 2 minutes for the Borg to beam back in and start another coolant leak. The coolant tanks are located mainly at the corners of the corridor and at the ends.