Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
Template Historical
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This article contains information that no longer applies to the current version of Star Trek Online. It is provided only for historical purposes.
Faction Klingon Promotion Lieutenant Commander
Given by:
Chancellor J'mpok
61 Expertise icon
Plus all of the following:
  • 6 Additional Inventory Slots
  • 12 Bank Slots
  • 1 Free Costume Change

Mission Text[]

Congratulations, <name>! You have proven yourself to be a strong warrior and invaluable to the Klingon Empire.

Return to Qo'noS. Chancellor J'mpok would like to formally recognize your contributions to the Empire.



Speak to Chancellor J'mpok in the Klingon High Council Chambers at the top of the Great Hall of Qo'noS.


  • Chancellor J'mpok is located by taking the ramps up to the next floor from the main central beam-in area at the Great Hall of Qo'noS.
  • Bekk Strenn is located to the right of the entrance to the Shipyard at the Great Hall operating a console.
