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Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction Starfleet Sardah System Patrol
Story Arc:
The Klingon War
18 Expertise icon

Mission Text[]

The Nausicaans have displayed increased activity in this region of space and it seems to have intensified around the debris fields orbiting this planet.

The numerous ships detected in this system have been harassing the legitimate salvage operations of the system's inhabitants.

The Nausicaans have never been known to make tactically sound decisions and this aggressive intrusion on what is an arguably low-value salvage operation underscores their reputation, Captain.

However, the Nausicaans are quite dangerous and they are harassing Federation citizens. Our orders are to eliminate this threat.


Patrol the system and engage Nausicaan ships.


  • Secure Sardah System
    • Defeat Nausicaan Squadrons (5)
    • Return to Sector Space

NPC starships[]
