Healed Hulks[]
Go To Traelus System[]
Go to the Traelus System. Be sure you chose to Enter the Traelus system rather than entering the PvP queues when you get there.
Science Officer:Starfleet lost contact with the network 47 hours ago. It could be an equipment malfunction, but it could also be sabotage. Both the Klingons and the True Way could take advantage of holes in our sensor nets to attack the Federation.
Science Officer:It took cunning to intercept the signal for ourselves, and it has been a valuable source of information for the Empire. It is a source of information that the Empire is willing to take great pains to keep.
Qo'noS lost contact with the network 47 hours ago. It could be an equipment malfunction, but it could also be sabotage. If the Federation discovers our subversion of the network, they would immediately attempt to take it back. If the True Way is involved, sabotaging the network would allow them to launch attacks on border planets with impunity.
Scan Satellite Podarge[]
Head to the first satellite and scan it once you are close enough.
Engineering Officer:
We need to be careful in what order we carry out the necessary repairs.
Perform Maintenance on Satellite Podarge[]
The maintenance tasks for Satellite Podarge are:
- 2 Alter Electro-Plasma Flow Rate
- 3 Initialize Subspace Dampening Field
- 0 Realign Solar Panel Array (Any Order)
- 1 Replace Damaged Fuses
Three of these must be performed in the correct order:
- Replace Damaged Fuses
- Alter Electro-Plasma Flow Rate
- Initialize Subspace Dampening Field
Realign Solar Panel Array can be performed at any time in the sequence.
If you get a step out of order, the maintenance fails, and you must take additional steps to repair the satellite.
Fix Damaged Satellite Podarge[]
They're not kidding about damaging it further. Perform the maintenance steps in the wrong order and you'll fail the objective, which will be replaced with the objective to fix the damage you just caused.
Engineering Officer:We're going to need to replicate a replacement part, and unfortunately, I don't have all the necessary materials on board. Luckily, there's a thorium-rich asteroid nearby. We'll have to destroy it to get at the ore, but we should get enough material to replicate the new part.
Engineering Officer:Captain, I take responsibility for this mistake, and will willingly submit to any discipline you deem necessary.
We will need additional materials to replicate a replacement part. There are thorium-rich asteroids nearby. We will need to destroy one of the asteroids to get at the ore we need, but once we do that, we will be able to complete the repairs.
Destroy Thorium Rich Asteroid[]
There is a nearby thorium-rich asteroid which will provide the raw materials you need. It is fairly simple to destroy it as you approach.
Collect Thorium from Asteroid Debris[]
Once the asteroid is destroyed, fly withing a couple kilometers of the debris to gather the thorium.
Replace Damaged Circuitry with Thorium Replacement[]
Return to Satelite Podarge to perform repairs.
Science Officer:
We are ready to move on to the next damaged array.
Scan Satellite Ocypte[]
Move along to the next satellite and scan it once you get near.
Engineering Officer:
The damage to this satellite is due mainly to simple wear and tear on its systems. Once we take care of these minor repairs, it will be fully operational.
Perform Maintenance on Satellite Ocypte[]
Satellite Ocypte Maintenance options (order does not matter):
- Patch Computer Matrix
- Replace Capacitance Cell
- Upgrade Radiometric Converter
Science Officer:
I recommend that we begin work on the next array.
Scan Satellite Aello[]
Head to the final satellite and scan it once you are near enough.
Engineering Officer:There's too much damage to repair remotely. We'll need to send over a repair team. There's atmosphere inside the array still, so they should be OK.
Engineering Officer:There's too much damage to repair remotely. We'll need to send over a repair team. There's atmosphere inside the array still, so they will be able to complete their work without additional equipment. As they make the repairs, they can search for signs of sabotage or weapons fire.
Beam Over Repair Crews[]
Beam over some repair crews while you are close enough to the satellite to do so. All will be well for a few seconds, until...
Protect Satellite Aello From True Way Squadrons[]
Tactical Officer:
A squadron of True Way starships will warp in and target the satellite while your repair teams are on it.
If Satellite Aello is destroyed, the mission will fail. You must successfully defend it. Draw their fire away from it, and destroy them.
Before you have defeated all of the first squadron, another squadron will warp in and attack the satellite as well.
Tactical Officer:
I'll notify the away team that we can transport them back to the <Shipname> as soon as they have completed their repairs.
Repair Satellite Aello[]
Science Officer:
We can energize on your command, sir.
Now that things are quiet once more, head back to Satellite Aello to pick up your repair crews.
Beam Up Repair Crews[]
Science Officer:The signals are strong, and we will be prepared for an attack on our borders by the True Way or the Klingons.
Science Officer:The signals are strong, and I have confirmed that Qo'noS is receiving them. Starfleet will never realize that we've taken their early warning network for ourselves.
Beam aboard your away teams and you are ready to depart the system.
Return to Sector Space[]
Tactical Officer:
Report to Neutral Zone Contact[]
Hail your Neutral Zone contact to report the success of your mission.
Franklin Drake:The Klingons tried to subvert those satellites for their own use once. I'm pleased that you have stopped another attempt to subvert our early warning system.
K'men:Starfleet relies on its precious technology so much. If we turn it against them, our victory will be assured.