Star Trek Online Wiki
Neutrino Deflector Array icon
Common icon
Neutrino Deflector Array (23c) icon
Common icon
Neutrino Deflector Array
Common Ship Deflector Dish
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

+__ Starship Control Expertise
(Improves Control Effects / Resistance to Same)
+__ Starship Drain Expertise
(Improves Energy & Shield Drains / Resistance to Same)
+__ Starship Perception
(Improves Detection of Cloaked Ships)
Value: __ Energy credit icon

The Neutrino Deflector Array is a type of Deflector Dish that gives a boost to the Starship Drain Expertise, Starship Control Expertise, and Starship Perception skills.

Info This deflector improves Science skills :

This item is very useful if you want to increase the defense or you're using one or more abilities types such as:

  • Sensors Scan - reveal cloaked ships much easier
  • Increase defense against push or knock backs or shutdown system from tricobalt or viral matrix .
  • Energy Drain defense ( tractor beams, power syphons, asimilated tractor beams Tractor Beam icon (Borg))
  • Tip Very useful against Borg drains and tractor beams.

Deflector Dish modifiers[]

Deflector Dishes may have additional modifiers that boost various skills. The amount the skill is boosted at a given Mk level is equal to half the amount a deflector's innate skills get at that Mk level. It is possible for a Deflector to have the same modifier more than once. Below are examples of Deflector modifiers.

Uncommon deflectors will have one modifier, Rare will have two, and Very Rare will have three, Ultra Rare will have four. All Epic Deflectors have [Sh/HullCap] as their default fifth modifier, though this can be re-engineered into a different modifier. The [CtrlX] modifier seems to have the highest chance of appearing multiple times on a given deflector.

Modifier Effect Modifier Effect
[CtrlX] +X Starship Control Expertise [DrainX]
[mods 1]
+X Starship Drain Expertise
[EPG] +X Starship Exotic Particle Generator [HullCap] +X Starship Hull Capacity
[ShCap] +X Starship Shield Capacity [ShdHeal]
[mods 2]
+X Starship Shield Restoration
Crafted Deflectors only
[CdrD] Reduces cooldown of Exotic Damage Science skills by 10%. [CdrS] Reduces cooldown of Support Science skills by 10%.
Fleet Deflector Arrays only [mods 3]
[ColCrit] [mods 4] +__ Critical Severity (Based on Hull %)
+__ Critical Chance (Based on Hull %)
[EPS] +X Starship Electro-Plasma System Flow
[WepAcc] +X Starship Weapon Accuracy [DefMan] +X Starship Defensive Maneuvering
Special Deflectors only (Fleet, Mission, Reputation)
[AuxPwr] +2 Auxiliary Power    
[HullHeal] +X Starship Hull Restoration [HullRegen] +X Starship Damage Control
[SciCD] +50 Scientific Readiness [Stealth] +X Starship Stealth
Epic Deflectors
14 options: two of the six standard modifiers combined.
[Sh/HullCap] +X Starship Shield Capacity
+X Starship Hull Capacity
This is the default Epic modifier for Deflectors.
The others must be obtained by re-engineering your Deflector.
[ShdHeal/DrainX] +X Starship Shield Restoration
+X Starship Drain Expertise
[CtrlX/EPG] +X Starship Control Expertise
+X Starship Exotic Particle Generator
[ShCap/EPG] +X Starship Shield Capacity
+X Starship Exotic Particle Generator
[CtrlX/DrainX] +X Starship Control Expertise
+X Starship Drain Expertise
[ShCap/DrainX] +X Starship Shield Capacity
+X Starship Drain Expertise
[CtrlX/ShdHeal] +X Starship Control Expertise
+X Starship Shield Restoration
[ShCap/ShdHeal] +X Starship Shield Capacity
+X Starship Shield Restoration
[CtrlX/HullCap] +X Starship Control Expertise
+X Starship Hull Capacity
[ShCap/HullCap] +X Starship Shield Capacity
+X Starship Hull Capacity
[EPG/ShdHeal] +X Starship Exotic Particle Generator
+X Starship Shield Restoration
[HullCap/ShdHeal] +X Starship Hull Capacity
+X Starship Shield Restoration
[EPG/HullCap] +X Starship Exotic Particle Generator
+X Starship Hull Capacity
[HullCap/DrainX] +X Starship Hull Capacity
+X Starship Drain Expertise
Removed modifiers [mods 5][mods 6]
[PvP Dmg] 3 Bonus Damage vs. other players. [PvP Res] 8 Bonus Resistance Rating vs. other players.
Mark level of item X[1]
Mk I 1.9
Mk II 2.5
Mk III 3.1
Mk IV 3.8
Mk V 4.4
Mk VI 5
Mk VII 5.6
Mk VIII 6.3
Mk IX 6.9
Mk X 7.5
Mk XI 8.1
Mk XII 8.8
Mk XIII 9.4
Mk XIV 10
Mk XV 10.6
  1. ā†‘ X = (Mk + 2) * 0.625, rounded

  1. ā†‘ The drain resistance part of the [DrainX] mod was known as [Ins] during a previous skill system—standing for Starship Power Insulators—until Power Insulators was rolled into it. For a time after, [Ins] still appeared but erroneously gave Control Expertise; any old items with this problem were converted to correctly give Drain Expertise instead. It still appears on some Deflectors, and [Ins] is now aliased to [DrainX] on the exchange to ensure those searching for the old mod can find the new one.
  2. ā†‘ The [ShdHeal] mod was known as [Em] during the old skill system—standing for Starship Shield Emitters—and for some time after. It still appears on some Deflectors, and [Em] is now aliased to [ShdHeal] on the exchange to ensure those searching for the old mod can find the new one.
  3. ā†‘ Sometimes these stats are integrated into other special deflectors, including Elite Fleet Deflectors themselves.
  4. ā†‘ [ColCrit] scaling is as follows:
    • CrtH scales linearly at 0.04% Critical Chance per 1% of Hull HP, for a maximum +4% Critical Chance at 100% Hull HP.
    • CrtD scales linearly at 5 + 0.15% Critical Severity per 1% of Hull HP above one third of max hull. Thus:
    • From 0 to 33.33% Hull, it gives +5% Critical Severity
    • At 50% Hull, it gives 5 + (0.15 * 16.66)% = 5 + 2.5% = 7.5% Critical Severity
    • At 100% Hull, it gives 5 + (0.15 * 66.66)% = 5 + 10% = +15% Critical Severity.
  5. ā†‘ "It is no longer possible for crafted Deflectors ... to gain the [PvP Res] and [PvP Dmg] attachments. "
  6. ā†‘ "Resolved an issue that was allowing [PvP Res] and [PvP Dmg] mods to still appear on crafted Deflector Dishes."

The sum between X modifier value and the same basic deflector stat will be also rounded. For example, a [Neutrino Deflector Array Mk V [CtrlX]] will display +13 Starship Control Expertise instead of +13.2.


Skill bonuses are given for common items only.

Rank Mark Starship
Inertial Dampers
Power Insulators
Values (Energy credit icon)
Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare
I 3.8 3.8 3.8 2,500 3,325
II 5 5 5 5,000 6,650 8,300
Lt. Cmdr. III 6.2 6.2 6.2 10,000 13,300 16,600
IV 7.5 7.5 7.5 15,000 19,950 24,900 30,000
Commander V 8.8 8.8 8.8 20,000 26,600 33,200 40,000
VI 10 10 10 25,000 33,250 41,500 50,000
Captain VII 11 11 11 30,000 39,900 49,800 60,000
VIII 12 12 12 35,000 46,550 58,100 70,000
Lower Half
Rear Admiral
Upper Half
IX 14 14 14 40,000 53,200 66,400 80,000
X 15 15 15 45,000 59,850 74,700 90,000
XI 16 16 16 50,000 66,500 83,000 100,000
XII 18 18 18 55,000 73,150 91,300 110,000

Other Deflector Dishes[]

v · d · e
Gear Upgrade System ā€¢ Level Scaling Equipment ā€¢ Mark ā€¢ Modifier ā€¢ Quality ā€¢ Re-engineering ā€¢ Research and Development
Starship Components
Deflectors Regular: Standard ā€¢ Graviton ā€¢ Positron ā€¢ Tachyon ā€¢ Neutrino
Special: Neodymium ā€¢ Tal Shiar Tachyon
Set: Aegis Graviton ā€¢ Assimilated ā€¢ (Breen) Polarized Parabolic ā€¢ Counter-Command ā€¢ Delta Alliance ā€¢ Dyson ā€¢ Honor Guard Positron ā€¢ Iconian Resistance ā€¢ Jem'Hadar ā€¢ Kobali ā€¢ M.A.C.O. Graviton ā€¢ Nukara ā€¢ Omega Force Tachyon ā€¢ Quantum Phase ā€¢ Reman Prototype ā€¢ Romulan Prototype ā€¢ Sol Defense ā€¢ Solanae ā€¢ Terran Task Force
Fleet: Fleet Deflector Array
Secondary Deflectors Regular: Deteriorating ā€¢ Inhibiting ā€¢ Resonating
Set: Solanae
Fleet: Strategic Secondary Deflectors
Impulse Engines Regular: Standard ā€¢ Combat ā€¢ Hyper
Special: Efficient ā€¢ Combat Hyper ā€¢ Dynamic Reroute ā€¢ Prototype Gravitic Modulation ā€¢ Tetryon-Plasma (small craft)
Set: Aegis Hyper ā€¢ Assimilated Subtranswarp (Standard) ā€¢ (Breen) Supercooled Combat ā€¢ Counter-Command Hyper ā€¢ Delta Alliance Hyper-Efficient ā€¢ Dyson Combat ā€¢ Honor Guard (Combat) ā€¢ Iconian Resistance Hyper ā€¢ Jem'Hadar Combat ā€¢ Kobali Hyper ā€¢ M.A.C.O. Standard ā€¢ Nukara ā€¢ Omega Force Hyper ā€¢ Quantum Phase Combat ā€¢ Reman Prototype (Combat) ā€¢ Romulan Prototype ā€¢ Sol Defense ā€¢ Solanae Hyper-Efficient ā€¢ Terran Task Force
Fleet: Fleet Engines
Warp Cores
Regular: Standard ā€¢ Deuterium-Stabilized ā€¢ Field Stabilizing ā€¢ Hyper Injection ā€¢ Overcharged ā€¢ Plasma-Integrated
Special: Tal Shiar Adapted Borg ā€¢ (Jem'Hadar) Standard
Set: (Breen) Cryoplasma Infused ā€¢ Counter-Command Hyper Injection ā€¢ Delta Alliance Trajector ā€¢ Dyson Field Stabilizing ā€¢ Iconian Resistance Hyper Injection ā€¢ Kobali Field Stabilizing ā€¢ Obelisk Subspace Rift ā€¢ Solanae Overcharged ā€¢ Temporal Phase Overcharged ā€¢ Terran Task Force Quantum Capacitor
Fleet: Fleet Warp Cores
Warp Cores
Regular: Standard ā€¢ Field Stabilizing ā€¢ Hyper Injection ā€¢ Overcharged ā€¢ Plasma-Integrated ā€¢ Thoron-Infused
Special: Dual Injection
Set: (Breen) Cryoplasma Infused ā€¢ Counter-Command Hyper Injection ā€¢ Delta Alliance Trajector ā€¢ Dyson Field Stabilizing ā€¢ Iconian Resistance Hyper Injection ā€¢ Kobali Field Stabilizing ā€¢ Solanae Overcharged ā€¢ Temporal Phase Overcharged ā€¢ Terran Task Force Quantum Capacitor
Fleet: Fleet Singularity Cores
Shield Arrays Regular: Standard ā€¢ Covariant ā€¢ Regenerative ā€¢ Resilient
Special: Hyper-Capacitor ā€¢ Metaphasic (small craft) ā€¢ Numiri Regenerative ā€¢ Paratrinic
Set: Aegis Covariant ā€¢ Assimilated Regenerative ā€¢ (Breen) Dielectric Oscillation Resilient ā€¢ Counter-Command Covariant ā€¢ Delta Alliance Unimatrix ā€¢ Dyson Regenerative ā€¢ Honor Guard Covariant ā€¢ Iconian Resistance Resilient ā€¢ Jem'Hadar Resilient ā€¢ Kobali Regenerative ā€¢ M.A.C.O. Resilient ā€¢ Nukara Crystalline Resilient ā€¢ Omega Force Standard ā€¢ Quantum Phase Resilient ā€¢ Reman Prototype Covariant ā€¢ Romulan Prototype Covariant ā€¢ Sol Defense Covariant ā€¢ Solanae Resilient ā€¢ Terran Task Force
Fleet: Fleet Space Shields
Ship Weapons Regular: Beam Array ā€¢ Dual Beam Bank ā€¢ Turret ā€¢ Cannon ā€¢ Dual Cannons ā€¢ Dual Heavy Cannons ā€¢ Quad Cannons ā€¢ Torpedo Launcher ā€¢ Mine Launcher ā€¢ Missile
Fleet: Fleet Space Weapons
Devices Consumable: Batteries ā€¢ Deuterium Surplus ā€¢ Dewan Herbal Life Support Additive ā€¢ Hargh'peng Torpedo Launcher ā€¢ Prototype Ablative Jevonite Hardpoints ā€¢ Satellite Turrets and Torpedo Platforms ā€¢ Scorpion Fighters
Permanent: Nimbus Pirate Distress Call ā€¢ Non-combat pets ā€¢ Red Matter Capacitor ā€¢ Subspace Field Modulator ā€¢ Temporal Negotiatorā€¢ Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon
Consoles Regular: Engineering Consoles ā€¢ Science Consoles ā€¢ Tactical Consoles ā€¢ Universal Consoles
Fleet: Advanced Engineering Armor Consoles ā€¢ Advanced Engineering RCS Consoles ā€¢ Weapon Signature Nullifiers and Amplifiers ā€¢ Advanced Tactical Vulnerability Consoles ā€¢ Particle Focuser Science Consoles
Hangar Bays All: Hangar pet
Personal Equipment
Regular: Vendors ā€¢ Special kit frames ā€¢ Kit modules ā€¢ Legacy Kits
Fleet: Embassy Kits ā€¢ Spire Experimental and Prototype Kits ā€¢ Research Lab Kits ā€¢ 23rd Century Kit Modules ā€¢ Colony World Kits
Regular: Energy Dampening ā€¢ Physical Augmentation ā€¢ Polyalloy Weave
Recoil Compensating ā€¢ Integrated Targeting ā€¢ Energy Harness
Environmental Suit
Fleet: Fleet Ground Armors
Pistols Compression Pistol ā€¢ Dual Pistols ā€¢ Stun Pistol ā€¢ Wide Beam Pistol
Rifles Full Auto Rifle ā€¢ High Density Beam Rifle ā€¢ Sniper Rifle ā€¢ Split Beam Rifle
Assault Assault Minigun ā€¢ Blast Assault ā€¢ Pulsewave Assault
Other Melee weapons ā€¢ Special Ground Weapons
Fleet: Fleet Ground Weapons
Personal Shields
Regular: Personal Shield ā€¢ Special Shield
Fleet: Fleet Personal Shields
Ground Devices Regular: Food ā€¢ Non-Food ā€¢ Tribbles