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Star Trek Online Wiki
KentariNew Kentar System
New Kentar System
Gon'Cra Sector
Alpha Quadrant


The New Kentar System is a system located in the Gon'Cra Sector of the Alpha Quadrant. System, which is hidden within an artifically-created nebula, has one heavily industrialized and polluted M-class planet, homeworld of the Kentari.

System Description[]

The Gon'Cra Nebula was recently discovered by Lukari long-distance probes. Preliminary scans indicate the presence of inhabited planetary mass within the conflicts of the nebula.

Missions involved[]

Other involvement[]

  • "Featured Episode: Mirrors and Smoke": Aboard the L.S.S. Reskava, chief science officer Becaal informs Captain Kuumaarke that he has uncovered evidence that the Gon'Cra Nebula is artificial, likely having been created within the past 300 years. They speculate that the navigational hazards posed by an artificial nebula would make it an ideal place to conceal something, as most traffic would avoid the area. Kuumaarke decides to inform the Lukari's allies, and investigate further.



  • System was added with the expansion of the Alpha Quadrant in Season Twelve: Reckoning on January 26, 2017.
  • After first contact with the Lukari in “Mirrors and Smoke”, the system previously remained listed as "Gon'Cra Nebula" on the galaxy map despite the presence of the Kentari civilization. This was changed to reflect the discovery of the Kentari System post-Mirrors and Smoke with the release of “Melting Pot” and Season 14: Emergence on October 3, 2017.

External links[]

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Kentari Union
Faction Kentari
Details Kentari UnionKentariGon'Cra Nebula • New Kentar • Dranuur System • Kentar
Ground Forces Kentari Partisan • Kentari Medic • Kentari Lieutenant • Kentari Commander
Starships Duuvit Frigate • Braanur Cruiser
NPCs Cajemaa • Eschel • Kiiluun • Mijeenu • Pentaaro • Taavenuu • Tuulemaan
NPC starships K.D.W. Factoria