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Star Trek Online Wiki
Faction NeutralThe Old Ones

The Old One Yenvep

NPC Faction
Notable Species:
Old One
Extra-Milky Way
Foreign Policy:
Alliance Relations:

The Old Ones are an advanced, sentient ornithoid species from outside the Milky Way. They amplified their substantial mental abilities via their transmuter technologies allowing them to alter the environments around them.


Two Old Ones, Korob and Sylvia, set up an observation outpost on Pyris VII during the mid-23rd century. They encountered the USS Enterprise and held members of the crew for study in 2267. Both died after James T. Kirk destroyed their means of support in an effort to escape capture.

Missions involved[]

  • “Cat's Tale”: The Old Ones have returned to the planet Pyris VII. They came here as explorers, to learn more about our universe and the beings that live within it. Unfortunately, they have been imprisoned by the Devidians. These powerful energy beings may be seeking to use the technology of the Old Ones to conquer and feed on other life forms.


  • Holuk
  • Livia
  • Yenvep

See also[]

External links[]

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Factions by Quadrant
α Breen ConfederacyCardassian UnionDeferiDrantzuliFederation (Starfleet) • Ferengi AllianceKentari UnionLukari ConcordiumNa'kuhlTholian AssemblyTrue Way AllianceTzenkethi Coalition
β Federation (StarfleetDSC StarfleetTOS Starfleet) • Gorn HegemonyIconianKlingon Empire (Klingon Defense Force) • Klingon Empire RebelsKlingons (2256)NausicaanOrion SyndicateRomulan RepublicRomulan Star EmpireReman ResistanceSon'aVulcan
γ DominionFek'Ihri HordeHur'q
Δ Automated Personnel UnitBenthanBorg CollectiveThe CooperativeBluegillHazariHierarchyHirogenKazonKobaliKrenimMalonOcampaOctantiTalaxianTureiTuterianVaadwaur SupremacyVoth
Others Borg KingdomCoalitionCreaturesDevidianElachiTerran EmpireUndine (Species 8472)Vorgon