Package of Very Rare R&D Materials (Hazard Reward)
Very Rare Inventory
Character Bind On Pickup
Rewards two (2) of each of the following:
- * Argonite Gas
- * Plekton
- * Craylon Gas
- * Radiogenic Particle
- * Dentarium
- * Trellium-KValues do not reflect skills or other modifiers
The Package of Very Rare R&D Materials (Hazard Reward) is a Reward Pack from the Admiralty System, attached to the Assignment Event Stable Particle Fountain. While the Pack requires at least one free Inventory slot at pickup, it gets automatically used/opened and the R&D Materials moved to the R&D Inventory.
Each Package grants two of all six very rare R&D Materials:
- 2× [Argonite Gas]
- 2× [Plekton]
- 2× [Craylon Gas]
- 2× [Radiogenic Particle]
- 2× [Dentarium]
- 2× [Trellium-K]