Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
Portable Shroud Generator
Common Ground Device
Consumed On Use
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Grants a 10% damage bonus for 5 seconds when Shroud ends
+475 Stealth for up to 10 seconds (Fragile)
Value: 320 Energy credit icon
Portable Shroud Generators icon
Common icon

Portable Shroud Generator

You can receive 10 of these when completing the “Of Bajor” mission.

This unassuming devices were created to allow Vorta the option to accompany their Jem'Hadar soldiers into hostile territory. It allows non-Jem'Hadar to briefly enter a Shroud-like state. This device is only powerful enough to allow for a single use.


  • Targets Self
  • 0.5 sec activate
  • 20 sec recharge
  • 1/1 charges
  • Grants a 10% damage bonus for 5 seconds when Shroud ends
  • +475 Stealth for up to 10 seconds (Fragile)