Star Trek Online Wiki

Prototype Plans are blueprints used for crafting via the assignment system. They are acquired by successfully completing Secure Prototype espionage assignments.

They can then be used for Deliver Prototype Technology to Allies in Gamma Quadrant (awarding Gamma Quadrant Commodities) or to build Satellite Turrets or Torpedo Platforms via Assemble from Prototype assignments. *just to add ~ you get the plans from being in a "sector" of space, check your "Current Map" on the craftable page, which you will see the craftables for that current area of that space "sector". The blueprints will be different in different areas like at Deep Space 9 you will find Chroniton Torpedo platform prototype plans. This is where the weapon set can be found as well in this area.

List of prototype plans[]

Icon Name
Heavy Phaser Turret Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Heavy Phaser Turret Prototype Plans
Heavy Disruptor Turret Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Heavy Disruptor Turret Prototype Plans
Heavy Plasma Turret Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Heavy Plasma Turret Prototype Plans
Heavy Tetryon Turret Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Heavy Tetryon Turret Prototype Plans
Heavy Polaron Turret Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Heavy Polaron Turret Prototype Plans
Heavy Antiproton Turret Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Heavy Antiproton Turret Prototype Plans
Photon Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Photon Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans
Quantum Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Quantum Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans
Plasma Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Plasma Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans
Transphasic Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Transphasic Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans
Chroniton Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Chroniton Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans
Tricobalt Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans iconCommon icon Tricobalt Torpedo Platform Prototype Plans