The Klingon First City of Qo'noS
Qo'noS is the Klingon homeworld, located in the Qo'noS System of the Qo'noS Sector. It is surrounded by the Praxis Belt, the shattered remains of the moon that exploded in 2293.
- Surface
- First City, capital city and central hub for Klingon players
- Klingon Academy, providing lore missions and new duty officers
- Ketha Lowlands, agricultural area and seat of the House of Martok. Only visited during “Bringing Down the House” and “The House Always Wins”.
- Klingon Defense Force Headquarters. Only visited during “Blood of the Empire”.
- In orbit
- Aenigma Nebula, access to captains table
- Shipyard, player shipyard functions accessible from the First City map.
- Praxis belt (not visitable)
Qo'noS was ruled by the tyrant Molor until the 9th century when Kahless the Unforgettable slew him in single combat using the newly forged Sword of Kahless. Kahless ruled as emperor of a united Klingon Empire and conquered the Fek'Ihri. After his death, Qo'noS was invaded and sacked by the Hur'q. One of the artifacts stolen was the Sword of Kahless.
Qo'noS was first visited by humans in 2151, by Jonathan Archer. By the 23rd century Qo'noS had a large Orion embassy sector and aliens including Trills frequenting it. In 2293 Praxis was destroyed due to overmining which threatened the habitability of the planet. The damage to Qo'noS meant the Klingons could no longer afford to maintain a hostile attitude towards the Federation. Their resulting detente lead to the Khitomer Accords and the Federation-Klingon alliance.
Missions involved[]
“Journey to Qo'noS”: The player brings a prisoner to Qo'noS.
“First City”: An introduction to First City.
“Duties of Command”: The player must find and speak to their former First Officer's par'Mach'kai.
“The Hunt is On”: Drake has escaped and the player must track him down within First City.
“Friend or Foe”: Worf and the player talk on Qo'noS
“Bringing Down the House”: The player visits the Ketha Lowlands.
“The House Always Wins”: Worf and the player talk in the Ketha Lowlands and in First City.
“Blood of the Empire”: Qo'noS comes under attack from the Fek'Ihri.
“Destiny”: The Loresingers of First City and Worf fill the player in on the Fek'Ihri and the Sword of Kahless.
“Surface Tension”: Qo'noS comes under Undine attack. On their victory, the three factions unite in the Great Hall to celebrate until the appearance of an Iconian.
“Brotherhood of the Sword”: Qo'noS is subjected to a Herald invasion.
“The Centre Cannot Hold”: In 2411, J'Ula calls for a meeting with the High Council in the Great Hall and Chancellor J'mpok requests the player's attendance. A battle ensues after the meeting between the Khitomer Alliance and Klingon Defense Force against House Mo'Kai and other Klingon Rebels, leading to a Civil War.
“A Day Long Remembered”: The final battle of Qo'noS takes place and the player, Martok, J'Ula and L'Rell fight ground troops making their way to the Great Hall. Aakar wounds Martok at the courtyard, forcing him to retreat and lures J'Ula into a duel to the death with J'mpok while he fights the player and L'Rell. With the help of Adet'pa, the player breaks through his personal shields and transporters, killing him just as J'Ula falls to J'mpok. However, J'Ula passes the Chancellorship to L'Rell instead, and a celebration event is held two weeks following the fall of J'mpok in the Great Hall.
“Remain Klingon”: While battle occurs on the surface, a team of Alliance forces coordinated by Adet'pa, Kagran and Martok (after beaming up) work to destroy the Targ and the Kri'stak. L'Rell, having received Chancellorship, ceases hostilities and announces the end of J'mpok's reign, calling all warriors to return to the Empire without vengeance befalling them.
External links[]
- Qo'noS at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
- Qo'noS at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
Klingon Defense Force
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Details | Klingon Defense Force • Klingon Empire • Klingon • Gorn • Orion • Nausicaan • Lethean • Ferasan • Great House • Qo'noS • Klingon Academy • Rura Penthe • Boreth • Ganalda Station | |
Ground Forces | War Targ • Bekk • Warrior • Officer • Munitions Officer • Targ Handler • Swordmaster • Dahar Master | |
Starships | To'Duj Fighter • Bird-of-Prey (Prime Timeline) • Bird-of-Prey (Kelvin Timeline) • Raptor Escort • Klingon Battle Cruiser • Negh'Var Warship • Vo'Quv Dreadnought • Bortasqu' Dreadnought Battlecruiser | |
NPCs | B'vat • Galera • J'mpok • Ja'rod • Jurlek • K'Gan • K'men • K'Valk • Kagran • Kahless • Koren • Martok • Nin'Yan • Rodek • Alexander Rozhenko • Sirella • Temek • Torg • Worf | |
NPC starships | I.K.S. Batlh • I.K.S. Bortasqu' • I.K.S. Chot • I.K.S. Kal'Ruq • I.K.S. Kang • I.K.S. Kor • I.K.S. Kri’stak • I.K.S. Lukara • I.K.V. Quv • I.K.S. Seg'pa • I.K.S. Rotarran • I.K.S. Targ (B'rel class) • I.K.S. Targ (Klothos class) • I.K.S. Worvig |