Star Trek Online Wiki
Romulan RepublicR.R.W. Ortaim
RRW Ortaim
Critter Rank 1 icon
Solanae Dyson Sphere
Active (2409)

The R.R.W. Ortaim is a T'liss Light Warbird in service to the Romulan Republic in 2409, under the command of Commander Rhiel. The Ortaim is stationed at the minefield in the Solanae Dyson Sphere.

Missions given[]

  • “What's Eating Our Mines?”: Commander Rhiel asks the player to determine why the mines in the minefield are detonating more quickly than the Ortaim is able to replace them.
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Romulan Republic
Faction Romulan Republic
Details Romulan RepublicRomulan • RemanNew RomulusNew Romulus CommandRomulan FlotillaThe VaultVauthil StationRomulan History
Ground Forces Uhlan • Guard • Shadow Guard • Sublieutenant • Sublieutenant Engineer • Guard Elite • Shadow Guard Elite • Subcommander • Guard Commander • Shadow Guard Commander • Commander • Guard Captain
Starships Romulan Shuttle • Scorpion Fighter • T'varo Light Warbird • Dhelan Warbird • Mogai Heavy Warbird • D'deridex Battlecruiser • Ha'apax Advanced Warbird • Falchion Dreadnought Warbird • Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird
NPCs A'dranna t’Kerhav • Avran • D'Tan • Kaol • Kererek • Mena • Mivek • Nadel • Obisek • Romulan Ambassador • Tal'Mera • Rai Sahen • Temer • Tiaru Jarok • Tovan Khev
NPC starships R.R.W. Deihu • R.R.W. D'serek • R.R.W. Hasta • R.R.W. Hyperian • R.R.W. Lleiset • R.R.W. M'sarr • Rerik • R.R.W. Temanna • Zdenia