- Updated text on the Remodulator to reflect that it does not break on move
- The Chief Medical Officer in ESD Sick Bay now utilizes the correct store icon.
- Bridge officers should now slot appropriately on all of your ships.
- The Exchange, Need or Greed, and Master Looter display all rarity types and search functions properly in Exchange now.
- PvE Queue Updates
- Players should now be able to enter a game in progress
- Players should now be able to join a private game
- Players should now be able to use all settings
- Joining a public game that is in progress no longer prompts the player with a "Ready!" window that is stuck at 0 seconds
- Horta Combat Ally AI has been improved.
- The change costume window will now scroll through all of your costumes.
- The Delta Flyer daily mission should drop the appropriate shuttle items again.
- The C-Store Lirpa and Batleth should now have their proper, unique geometry.
- The Delta Flyer can once again be renamed.
- The Ship Selector on Drozana and at the Captains table are no longer only showing your currently selected ship
- Commander Menn Hilo on Earth Space Dock now has a proper uniform
- The Chel Grett Cruisers now scale with level when doing the Deferi Outpost daily
- Players can now zoom in the tailor using their mouse wheel.
- The zoom levels on the First City map have been updated.
- Resolved some typos in Deferi Snow Tuber crate.
- The Lunge description has been updated
- Tuned Tutorial Borg to work better with Ground Combat 2.0
- Improved overall buff rate that the Leadership trait provides
- The display name for updated BOff skills have been changed
- You will now see Sweeping Strikes, Battle Strategies, Exothermic Induction Field, and Electro-Gravitic Field.
- Updated the display name for Betleths [sic]
- They were missing the "Mark" rank in suffix.
- Resolved a minor typo in Lirpa description.
- Resolved a bug that was causing BOff to cast powers like Photon Grenade at their feet.
- Resolved a bug that limited Boffs power range.
- Tuned Klingon Bekks to have the same health as Federation Security Escorts.
- Very Rare Tricobalt Torpedo can now be equipped to a ship while on the ground.
- The Support Drones should more reliably target and attack enemies.
- Update to rewards for Fleet Actions.
- 1st place now earns random Purple item
- 2nd and 3rd place earn random Blue item
- All other participants now earn a random Green Item
- When the borg have adapted to any of your weapons, the icon for your remodulate power will appear over your shoulder.
- The FX for the mouth of the Bajoran Wormhole should now be in line with the IP.
- Resolved an issue where certain STF borg boss powers appeared as a grey square on lowend cards.
- The fx for nanite health monitor will no longer last longer than the duration of the power.
- Added the glow back to the Borg Shields for player ships.
- Fixed the flickering issue with the Aegis material.
- Breaking the Planet Updates:
- Artillery Spotters required have been reduced from 12 to 8
- Consoles have been reduced from 20 to 10
- The Klingon versions of the following Featured Episode Arcs have been changed
- (This change went live with Season 4, but was mistakenly not noted)
- The Breen Arc requires level 11 to start
- They will scale to level after that
- The Devidian Arc requires level 21 to start
- They will scale to level after that
- The Romulan Arc requires level 31 to start
- They will scale to level after that
- Engineer Meyer no longer gets stuck while defending him during the Escort objective
- The repeatability of the following diplomacy missions has been removed until we can resolve a bug that made most players unable to repeat them.
- Ancestral, Quarantine, Standoff, Trade Deal
- If the Cardassians win without player intervention at the beginning of the mission “Skirmish”, completion of the 'Defeat the True Way Fleet' objective is no longer gated.
- The Outer Cargo Bay doors that werent opening and blocking player from completing “Bringing Down the House” have been fixed.
- M'ven is no longer present on the map during “The House Always Wins” after he was killed in the prior mission.