Consoles-only content ahead. The following article or section describes content only available on XBOX One and PlayStation 4. |
- Jumping and pitch control in space have been improved to act more smoothly and consistently.
- Targeting has been greatly improved on ground maps when aiming or targeting friendly or enemy NPCs.
- Resolved a number of issues which were occasionally causing maps to crash.
- Resolved a crash that would occur when trying to claim an upgraded item when the player’s inventory was full.
- Resolved a crash that occured when pressing A on the ground while in a loading screen.
- Resolved a crash that happened when trying to retrieve items from the Account Bank.
- Resolved an issue where occasionally in the tailor, images would take too long to load.
- Resolved an issue where character creation would fail if any name field had less than 3 characters.
- Player cannot complete character creation until each name field has at least 3 characters.
- Companions better match speed with player when player is walking slowly.
- Resolved an issue where lighting would be incorrect in many indoor maps.
- Added some VO, sound effects, and ambient audio which was missing throughout the title.
- The player is now locked in place when in the queue lobby window.
- Added a number of new loading screens.
- Resolved an issue where scarves would move around wildly when moving.
- Made numerous small updates to the UI throughout the Start Menu Options and Character Creation to make information more clear.
- Added an EBS message to the login screen to convey when the server is down for maintenance.
- The newsfeed on the login screen now updates when the player first sees the screen.
- Choosing to Revert to Defaults now functions correctly in Options.
- The following Console active abilities will now show up in the correct radial menu:
- Analyze Weakness
- Fleet Maneuver Alpha
- Fleet Maneuver Gamma
- Tachyon Inversion Beams
- Variable Auto-Targeting Armament Systems:
- Character Sheet: Stats
- Removed Progress tab
- Removed Stealth Detection Rating stat
- Health and Shields now go by "Max Health" and "Max Shields"
- Ship Shields now represented by one value rather than "Fore", "Aft", etc.
- Separated things in "Stats" to "Attack" and "Defense" categories
- Removed Inertia stat
- Removed Officers passives box
- Character Creator:
- Player cannot now select a disabled Fleet slot.
- There is now a new "Slot Type" selector when a player modifies or creates a costume that makes it clearer what costume types players can have.
- Added a recently selected color section to the color palate in the character creator so a player can more easily match colors to other pieces of the uniform.
- Presets are now their own tab.
- Resolved an issue where sliders in the character creator would lose precision the more they were adjusted.
- Each category has its own subtabs, including ‘Advanced’ if appropriate.
- The last selected/currently applied item in the grids now has a blue outline except for Uniforms.
- Uniform presets now show if they cost Zen.
- In the Advanced subtab, if it exists for the category, the headers are now selectable when they are selected, show the Randomize and Reset functions.
- There’s no longer a consistent glow around a player’s head in the character creator.
- Transwarp Window:
- Corrected the transwarp cost display.
- Added a display of the player's current resources and disabled the "OK" button if the transwarp cost was too high, to make it clearer when transwarping was disabled.
- Players can now move items from the inventory into the account bank.
- The Travel menu is always set to appear but the Transwarp button is disabled if the player can't afford to Transwarp.
- Team UI no longer overlaps the item received pop up window.
- Added a System List to the map while in Sector space.
- "Aim mode as toggle" setting now appears in the settings menu when in space.
- Scrollbars are now reset to the top of a window when the window is reopened.
- Resolved an issue which displayed the incorrect rank of a captain when comparing the information on a ground map versus a space map.
- Resolved a few issues where text overlapped in the Options menu.
- Resolved an issue where item description would stay on screen even when it’s no longer highlighted.
- PVP: Resolved an issue where players who are not the host could select a PVP Queue map selector and change kill count.
- Increased bottom margin of Away Team Picker so status text doesn't overlap button prompts.
- The d-pad icon for full impulse is no longer overlapped by player icons in queues.
- Added a bottom margin to the "options" context menu for missions in the journal.
- Made the Space Reticle more visible.
- Altered the design of the shield tray space HUD element to match other updated HUD elements.
- The Show Scoreboard button for PvP is no longer appearing in PvE queues.
- Resolved an issue where closing a store in the Sell Tab and then opening a different store without a sell tab would break the store.
- The private message from the Fleet Details menu no longer opens behind the window.
- Added the total Zen amount to the bottom of Featured Products and Item Description pages in C-Store.
- Made the inactive weapon icon smaller than the active weapon icon.
- Made the inactive weapon icon darker.
- Added energy credits currency symbol to Edit Record UI's cost label.
- Updated look of the Team status UI elements with faction specific designs to match the rest of the HUD.
- Holding Joypad Down in space now sets the throttle to zero.
- Resolved an issue where functionality would be lost on the Captain’s Log screen.
- Resolved an issue where the button to view gamercard was greyed out on Xbox.
- Made the "Terms of Service" button always be present in the Options menu in the Login screen.
- The three PvP report UIs now hide themselves when the player is no longer in a PvP map with a scoreboard.
- The Crew Stations UI has been updated to more clearly show all information.
- Sector map closes after a navigation destination has been selected.
- Rename Ship menu now correctly displays the total cost by only charging the player for fields the player has actually changed.
- If the player has no incoming hails, a message is displayed explaining this, and the hail description is cleared.
- Resolved an issue where Science and Tactical power radials did not display all powers when using the Dyson Science Destroyer ships.
- The single letter in the ship Registry field is no longer half cut off.
- Added an Arc Link button to the login screen.
- Ready indicators for special ships power bars are now hidden in sector space.
- Crew Stations list now shows all ranks of powers instead of just Ensign rank powers.
- If the selected item is unaffordable in the C-Store, the "Select" option is now greyed out and does nothing.
- Ship Tailor: Materials that have a Zen cost have the Zen icon displayed next to their labels.
- Bridge Officers now use the Bridge Officer class instead of the player's class.
- This was causing Bridge Officers to default to the costume color scheme of their captain instead of their own class.
- The extra Alien trait slot is now in the correct spot with the beginning traits for Alien captains.
- Resolved numerous issues where options changes would not actually save.
- Rank display has been added to the Bridge Officer Crew Stations window.
- Added an error message when trying to Dry Dock a ship but the player has filled all Dry Dock slots.
- Resolved an issue where Tier 1 unlocks for Specializations appeared available when they were not.
- Resolved an issue where the top issue in a list when using a slider would get cut off.
- Resolved an issue where the commission officer window would close as soon as it opened when commissioning an officer.
- Players can now plot a course to a Quadrant on the Galaxy Map.
- Stranded in Space:
- Added Waypoint back to the Azura in the final step.
- Increased the interaction distance to save the Captain.
- Process to leave the final map of "Stranded in Space" is now easier to complete.
- Smash and Grab: Tovan Kev is now lit in contact windows.
- Resolved an issue where players could be blocked from entering the Vega Colony in the Federation tutorial.
- Sphere of Influence: Resolved an issue where progression could sometimes be blocked at the “Decide fate of the Gateway†objective.
- Night of the Comet: Player is no longer attacked in the contact window at the end of the episode.
- Skirmish: Player is no longer attacked in the contact window at the end of the episode.
- Coliseum: Resolved an issue where the Communications Array spawned under the terrain making it hard to interact with.
- Alpha: Resolved an issue where episode would not always complete when choosing to Beam Out at the end.
- Resolved a few episodes where auto-travel was not sending the player to the correct location.
- Resolved an issue that could block progress in the episode “The Ultimate Klingonâ€.
- Resolved an issue that could block progress in the episode “Jabberwockyâ€.
- Added more waypoints for mission steps in episodes such as:
- The Hunt is On
- Tradecraft to Azha System
- Blood of the Empire
- Bringing Down the House
- Temporal Ambassador
- Heading Out
- Doomsday Device
- Updated the minimum rank on the Federation 2800 missions to match previous Cardassian missions as well as the Klingon equivalents.
- Resolved an issue where players could fly outside the map in Qo’noS System.
- Resolved an issue where the "Claim a New Ship" mission objective in rank upgrade missions completes without meeting the requirements.
- Player will need to claim the ship in order to finish this.
- Resolved an issue where certain kits were not upgrading correctly.
- Fleet Maneuver Gamma now has applies a lockout period to the player’s team when used.
- Updated the name of the spinkick from Sweeping Strikes to "Sweeping Strikes" to be consistent.
Known Issues[]
- Kassae II has a low FPS issue.
- Some maps have a low lighting issue.
- Some highlight arrows in the UI get slightly cut off such as with Specializations.