Star Trek Online Wiki
VothRex Bazratat
Rex Bazratat
Voth Battlezone

Rex Bazratat is a Voth Bio-Engineered Dinosaur (presumably a Bio-Engineered Furiadon, given Bazratat's size and abilities), and an optional boss in the Voth Battlezone, often seen wandering the Park with several Bio-Engineered Dankanasaurs. Due to his speed, he is often difficult to find, unlike the Inquisitors and much less Generals from the City and Outskirts respectively.


  • Voth Antiproton Dual Beam Attack
  • Voth Mortar Attack


  • Vicious Bite, a toxic damage attack
  • Tail Swipe, a physical damage attack
  • Medium Raptor Antiproton Beam, an antiproton damage attack

Missions involved[]

External link[]

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Faction Voth
Details VothSolanae Dyson Sphere • Dyson Sphere Battlezone • Allied Zone • Contested Zone • Voth Zone
Ground Forces Voth Specialist • Voth Medic • Voth Spec Ops • Voth Strike Commander • Voth Supply Runner • Bio-Engineered Dankanasaur • Bio-Engineered Furiadon • Bio-Engineered Viriosaurus Rex • Voth Mech Repair Drone • Ceratopsid-Class Exosuit • Dacentrus-Class Exosuit • Polyonax-class Exosuit • Artillery Barrage
Starships Aceton Drone • Voth Ward Repair Ship • Voth Frigate • Voth Palisade Frigate • Voth Borg-Killer Frigate • Voth Bastion Cruiser • Voth Bulwark Battleship • Voth Citadel Dreadnought
NPCs Curalk • Dran • Eknar • Foluma • Nelen Exil • Rex Axxara • Rex Bazratat
NPC starships Aetonyx • Balaur • Caudipteryx • Gryponyx • Koparion • Maleevus • Othnielia • Polyonax • Rugops • Seitaad