Star Trek Online Wiki
Star Trek Online Wiki
NeutralSakari System
Sakari System
Delta Quadrant

Sakari Sector Map

The Sakari System is a system located in the Syllerran Sector of the Delta Quadrant.

System Description[]

The Sakari civilization was assimilated by the Borg in the late 22nd century. The survivors retreated into caves beneath the surface, setting up elaborate systems to conceal their presence from outsiders. Discovered by the crew of U.S.S. Voyager in 2373, the Sakari agreed to trade gallicite, which is abundant on their world, for ways to improve their security and shielding. They still remain aloof from most other species, but will on occasion allow outsiders to gather gallicite in exchange for goods or technology that will help the Sakari remain hidden from the universe at large.

Missions Involved[]

External link[]
