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USS Voyager

U.S.S. Voyager, showcasing its Secondary Deflector

Secondary Deflectors are a type of starship equipment which interact with Science Bridge Officer abilities. There are several types of Secondary Deflector, each with a different effect, which are detailed below.

Most ships do not have a secondary deflector slot. Science vessels which have both Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting will have a secondary deflector slot.

Types of Secondary Deflectors[]

Standard Secondary Deflectors[]

Secondary Deflector Effects
Deteriorating Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon [Deteriorating Secondary Deflector] Enhances Debuff-focused science skills, applying moderate radiation damage over time to the target.
Inhibiting Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon [Inhibiting Secondary Deflector] Enhances Control-focused science skills, applying moderate radiation damage after a delay to the target.
Resonating Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon [Resonating Secondary Deflector] Enhances Support-focused science skills reducing damage to the target’s shields as well as improving the effectiveness of incoming heals for a short time.
Solanae Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon [Solanae Secondary Deflector] Enhances Debuff-focused science skills, improving the player's Shield and Power subsystems.

The effect is triggered whenever a Science Bridge Officer ability is used. Engineering, Tactical and Specialization bridge officer abilities cannot proc the secondary deflector's effect, even if they have control, debuff or support effects, nor can any non-bridge officer ability. Of the 23 existing Science boff abilities as of this writing, most will proc the effect of one of the three types, except two[1]:

Debuff and Drain effects[2][3]
Control effects[3]
Support effects
  1. The abilities Delayed Overload Cascade and Very Cold In Space do not currently proc any of these effects.
  2. These Debuff abilities also proc the effect of the [Solanae Secondary Deflector] and [Quantum Phase Resilient Shield Array].
  3. 3.0 3.1 These Control and Debuff/Drain abilities also proc the effect of the [Gamma Synergistic Resilient Shield Array], excluding Structural Analysis and Tyken's Rift. Delayed Overload Cascade also procs this effect, though Very Cold In Space does not.

Competition Secondary Deflectors[]

Competition Secondary Deflectors (shared stats)
Very Rare Ship Secondary Deflector
Character Bind On Pickup
Rear Admiral, Upper Half
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers


+13.1 Starship Drain Expertise


+13.1 Starship Control Expertise


+13.1 Starship Shield Restoration

Ultra Rare quality (all 3):
+13.1 Starship Control Expertise
Sensor Analysis (all 3)
  • If Target is a Foe: -7.5% outgoing damage per stack (6 max stacks)
Value: __ Energy credit icon

Available from the Competitive Wargames reputation system after reaching Tier II, Competition Secondary Deflectors come in the same 3 types as the standard ones, but instead of one of the usual Very Rare modifiers, they have a passive boost to Sensor Analysis that lowers the (enemy) target's outgoing damage, as well as three standard modifiers' worth of stats at Very Rare quality, meaning they have one more than a standard secondary deflector. At Ultra Rare quality, they all receive a [CtrlX] mod.

Secondary Deflector Effect
Deteriorating Competition Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon Deteriorating Competition Secondary Deflector Built-in modifiers: [DrainX]x2 [EPG]
Deteriorating Secondary Deflector
Radiation DoT to target of Science Boff Debuff abilities
To affected targets: Deals 972.3 Radiation Damage (50% Shield Penetration) every second for 10 sec
Inhibiting Competition Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon Inhibiting Competition Secondary Deflector Built-in modifiers: [CtrlX] [DrainX] [EPG]
Inhibiting Secondary Deflector
Delayed Radiation Damage to target of Science Boff Control abilities
To affected targets: After 4 seconds, Deals 2032.9 Radiation Damage (50% Shield Penetration)
Resonating Competition Secondary Deflector iconCommon icon Resonating Competition Secondary Deflector Built-in modifiers: [DrainX] [EPG] [ShdHeal]
Resonating Secondary Deflector
Shield Hardening Buff
Applies to Science Bridge Officer abilities that heal or buff
Increases the effectiveness of hull heals on target by 2% for 15 sec
2.5% Shield Resistance for 15 sec

Getting your Competitive Wargames reputation to Tier VI will allow you to Claim Account Wide Reputation Gear Discount that reduces all but the Assessed Strategem cost by about half. Additionally, purchasing one Competition Secondary Deflector at the standard/account-discounted price will unlock a Competitive Wargames Secondary Deflectors Discount, allowing you to buy further ones at a reduced price, also about half. These two discounts stack:

Currency Standard
Competitive Mark icon Competitive Mark 750 375 375 188
Assessed Stratagem icon Assessed Stratagem 5 5 3 3
Refined dilithium icon Refined Dilithium 32,000 16,250 16,250 8,125
Energy credit icon Energy Credit 40,000 20,000 20,000 10,000

Fleet Secondary Deflectors[]

Main article: Fleet Secondary Deflectors

Available at the Fleet Research Lab and Fleet Colony World are Secondary Deflectors that also come in the three basic types, but with one of the standard modifiers replaced with a special modifier:

  • Research Lab Strategic Secondary Deflectors boost either Accuracy, Defense or Energy Weapon Damage.
  • Colony World Secondary Deflectors boost either Hull Capacity, Shield Capacity, or Projectile Weapon Damage.

They otherwise function the same as standard secondary deflectors and are available with the same modifier options. See the Fleet Secondary Deflectors for more information, including pricing and unlock requirements.

Gear Upgrade[]

The Secondary Deflector can be upgraded through the Gear Upgrade System, and requires Tech Upgrade Kits from the Science School, or Universal Tech Upgrades.

Secondary Deflector modifiers[]

Like standard Deflectors, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare, and Epic Secondary Deflectors gain additional modifiers, however these items also gain a single special enhancement at Very Rare rarity. All Epic Secondary Deflectors have [EPG/ShdHeal] as their default fifth modifier, though this can be re-engineered into a different modifier. The amount the skill is boosted at a given Mk level seems to be about 14/15, or halfway between what a primary deflector gets innately, and what it gets from a mod. It is possible for a Secondary Deflector to have the same modifier more than once, up to a max of 3 times (at Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra Rare). The following is a list of possible Secondary Deflector modifiers:

Modifier Effect Modifier Effect
[CtrlX] +X Starship Control Expertise [DrainX] +X Starship Drain Expertise
[ShdHeal] +X Starship Shield Restoration [EPG] +X Starship Exotic Particle Generator
[HullCap] +X Starship Hull Capacity [ShCap] +X Starship Shield Capacity
Very Rare
[SA -Def] Sensor Analysis (-Defense):
The enemy target of your Sensor Analysis ability will also receive a Defense debuff that increases in effectiveness the longer you have the target under the effect of that ability. The debuff is -2% per stack, up to a maximum of -12% at six stacks.
[SA +Heal] Sensor Analysis (+Heal):
Improves the healing buff of Sensor Analysis when used on a friendly target by 20%.
[SA +Dmg] Sensor Analysis (+Damage):
Improves the damage buff of Sensor Analysis when used on an enemy target by 20%.
[+Chance] Precision Sub-System Targeting:
Improves the chance for Subsystem Targeting abilities to knock a subsystem offline by 25%.
[-Recharge] Accelerated Sub-System Targeting:
Reduces the recharge time of Subsystem Targeting abilities by 25%.
Fleet Strategic Secondary Deflectors Fleet Colony World Secondary Deflectors
[Acc] +Z Accuracy Rating [HullCap] [1] +Z Starship Hull Capacity
[Def] +Z Defense Rating [ShCap] [1] +Z Starship Shield Capacity
[EnDmg] +Z% Energy Weapon Damage [ProjDmg] +Z% Projectile Weapon Damage
Epic Secondary Deflectors
14 options: two of the six standard modifiers combined.
+Y Starship Exotic Particle Generator
+Y Starship Shield Restoration
[EPG/HullCap] +Y Starship Exotic Particle Generator
+Y Starship Hull Capacity
[CtrlX/EPG] +Y Starship Control Expertise
+Y Starship Exotic Particle Generator
[ShCap/EPG] +Y Starship Shield Capacity
+Y Starship Exotic Particle Generator
[CtrlX/DrainX] +Y Starship Control Expertise
+Y Starship Drain Expertise
[ShCap/DrainX] +Y Starship Shield Capacity
+Y Starship Drain Expertise
[CtrlX/ShdHeal] +Y Starship Control Expertise
+Y Starship Shield Restoration
[ShCap/ShdHeal] +Y Starship Shield Capacity
+Y Starship Shield Restoration
[CtrlX/HullCap] +Y Starship Control Expertise
+Y Starship Hull Capacity
[ShCap/HullCap] +Y Starship Shield Capacity
+Y Starship Hull Capacity
[HullCap/ShCap] +Y Starship Shield Capacity
+Y Starship Hull Capacity
[HullCap/ShdHeal] +Y Starship Hull Capacity
+Y Starship Shield Restoration
[ShdHeal/DrainX] +Y Starship Shield Restoration
+Y Starship Drain Expertise
[HullCap/DrainX] +Y Starship Hull Capacity
+Y Starship Drain Expertise
Mark level of item X [2] Y [3] Z [4]
Mk I 2.8 1.9  
Mk II 3.8 2.5  
Mk III 4.7 3.1  
Mk IV 5.6 3.8  
Mk V 6.6 4.4  
Mk VI 7.5 5  
Mk VII 8.4 5.6  
Mk VIII 9.4 6.3  
Mk IX 10.3 6.9  
Mk X 11.2 7.5  
Mk XI 12.2 8.1  
Mk XII 13.1 8.8 5.3
Mk XIII 14.1 9.4 5.6
Mk XIV 15 10 6
Mk XV 15.9 10.6 6.4
  1. 1.0 1.1 The [HullCap] and [ShCap] mods found on the Fleet Colony World secondary deflectors give less skill than the normal modifiers, despite having the same name. Thus, a Colony World secondary deflector with "[HullCap]x2" will give X+Z Starship Hull Capacity.
  2. X = (Mk + 2) * 0.9375
    Values in-game are shown rounded to the nearest tenth.
  3. Y = (Mk + 2) * 0.625 = 2/3X
    Values in-game are shown rounded to the nearest tenth.
  4. Z ≈ (Mk + 2) * 0.375
    Not enough data points to be exactly certain.


  • Secondary Deflectors can be crafted in the Science School of Research and Development. They can be upgraded using the Science Tech Upgrades or Universal Tech Upgrades. They will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement, which is random for standard secondary deflectors, but predetermined for special deflectors (noted above).
  • EC Stores will sell basic Secondary Deflectors.
  • Secondary Deflectors also have a chance to drop in loot when defeating enemies in space.

See Also[]

v · d · e
Gear Upgrade SystemLevel Scaling EquipmentMarkModifierQualityRe-engineeringResearch and Development
Starship Components
Deflectors Regular: StandardGravitonPositronTachyonNeutrino
Special: NeodymiumTal Shiar Tachyon
Set: Aegis GravitonAssimilated(Breen) Polarized ParabolicCounter-CommandDelta AllianceDysonHonor Guard PositronIconian ResistanceJem'HadarKobaliM.A.C.O. GravitonNukaraOmega Force TachyonQuantum PhaseReman PrototypeRomulan PrototypeSol DefenseSolanaeTerran Task Force
Fleet: Fleet Deflector Array
Secondary Deflectors Regular: DeterioratingInhibitingResonating
Set: Solanae
Fleet: Strategic Secondary Deflectors
Impulse Engines Regular: StandardCombatHyper
Special: EfficientCombat HyperDynamic ReroutePrototype Gravitic ModulationTetryon-Plasma (small craft)
Set: Aegis HyperAssimilated Subtranswarp (Standard)(Breen) Supercooled CombatCounter-Command HyperDelta Alliance Hyper-EfficientDyson CombatHonor Guard (Combat)Iconian Resistance HyperJem'Hadar CombatKobali HyperM.A.C.O. StandardNukaraOmega Force HyperQuantum Phase CombatReman Prototype (Combat)Romulan PrototypeSol DefenseSolanae Hyper-EfficientTerran Task Force
Fleet: Fleet Engines
Warp Cores
Regular: StandardDeuterium-StabilizedField StabilizingHyper InjectionOverchargedPlasma-Integrated
Special: Tal Shiar Adapted Borg(Jem'Hadar) Standard
Set: (Breen) Cryoplasma InfusedCounter-Command Hyper InjectionDelta Alliance TrajectorDyson Field StabilizingIconian Resistance Hyper InjectionKobali Field StabilizingObelisk Subspace RiftSolanae OverchargedTemporal Phase OverchargedTerran Task Force Quantum Capacitor
Fleet: Fleet Warp Cores
Warp Cores
Regular: StandardField StabilizingHyper InjectionOverchargedPlasma-IntegratedThoron-Infused
Special: Dual Injection
Set: (Breen) Cryoplasma InfusedCounter-Command Hyper InjectionDelta Alliance TrajectorDyson Field StabilizingIconian Resistance Hyper InjectionKobali Field StabilizingSolanae OverchargedTemporal Phase OverchargedTerran Task Force Quantum Capacitor
Fleet: Fleet Singularity Cores
Shield Arrays Regular: StandardCovariantRegenerativeResilient
Special: Hyper-CapacitorMetaphasic (small craft)Numiri RegenerativeParatrinic
Set: Aegis CovariantAssimilated Regenerative(Breen) Dielectric Oscillation ResilientCounter-Command CovariantDelta Alliance UnimatrixDyson RegenerativeHonor Guard CovariantIconian Resistance ResilientJem'Hadar ResilientKobali RegenerativeM.A.C.O. ResilientNukara Crystalline ResilientOmega Force StandardQuantum Phase ResilientReman Prototype CovariantRomulan Prototype CovariantSol Defense CovariantSolanae ResilientTerran Task Force
Fleet: Fleet Space Shields
Ship Weapons Regular: Beam ArrayDual Beam BankTurretCannonDual CannonsDual Heavy CannonsQuad CannonsTorpedo LauncherMine LauncherMissile
Fleet: Fleet Space Weapons
Devices Consumable: BatteriesDeuterium SurplusDewan Herbal Life Support AdditiveHargh'peng Torpedo LauncherPrototype Ablative Jevonite HardpointsSatellite Turrets and Torpedo PlatformsScorpion Fighters
Permanent: Nimbus Pirate Distress CallNon-combat petsRed Matter CapacitorSubspace Field ModulatorTemporal NegotiatorDelta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon
Consoles Regular: Engineering ConsolesScience ConsolesTactical ConsolesUniversal Consoles
Fleet: Advanced Engineering Armor ConsolesAdvanced Engineering RCS ConsolesWeapon Signature Nullifiers and AmplifiersAdvanced Tactical Vulnerability ConsolesParticle Focuser Science Consoles
Hangar Bays All: Hangar pet
Personal Equipment
Regular: VendorsSpecial kit framesKit modulesLegacy Kits
Fleet: Embassy KitsSpire Experimental and Prototype KitsResearch Lab Kits23rd Century Kit ModulesColony World Kits
Regular: Energy DampeningPhysical Augmentation Polyalloy Weave
Recoil CompensatingIntegrated TargetingEnergy Harness
Environmental Suit
Fleet: Fleet Ground Armors
Pistols Compression PistolDual PistolsStun PistolWide Beam Pistol
Rifles Full Auto RifleHigh Density Beam RifleSniper RifleSplit Beam Rifle
Assault Assault MinigunBlast AssaultPulsewave Assault
Other Melee weaponsSpecial Ground Weapons
Fleet: Fleet Ground Weapons
Personal Shields
Regular: Personal ShieldSpecial Shield
Fleet: Fleet Personal Shields
Ground Devices Regular: FoodNon-FoodTribbles