Ship and Shuttle Requisitions NPCs, also known as Ship Vendors, can be found at the shipyard section of the following locations:
- Lt. Laurel, Earth Spacedock, Sol System, Vulcan Sector
- Dant Kroll, Deep Space K-7, Sherman System, Aldebaran Sector
- Lt. Cmdr. Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer, Starbase 39, Sierra System, Sierra Sector
- Lt. Ship Vendor, Earth Spacedock (23rd Century), Sol System, Vulcan Sector
- Lt. Cmdr. Ship Vendor, Starfleet Academy (23rd Century), Sol System, Vulcan Sector
- Bekk Strenn, First City, Qo'noS System, Omega Leonis Sector Block
- Bekk Vranx, Ganalda Space Station, Ganalda System, Archanis Sector
- Centurion Maeka, Romulan Flotilla, Azure Sector
- Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer, New Romulus Command, New Romulus System, Azure Sector
- Starship and Shuttle Requisition console, Tactical level, Fleet Starbase, Aldebaran Sector/ Archanis Sector
- Lt. Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer, Hathon, Bajor, Bajor System, Bajor Sector
- Eclia, Deep Space Nine, Bajor Sector
- Ens. Ship Assignment Officer/ Docking Master, Fleet holding Deep Space K-13, 20 Draconis System, Draconis Sector
- Dominion Facility (tutorial-exclusive location)
Delta Quadrant: All of the following locations may be accessed via the Iconian gateway in the Jouret System, Azure Sector, Beta Quadrant.
- Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer, Delta Quadrant Command, Jenolan Dyson Sphere, Alsuran Sector
- Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer, Dyson Sphere Joint Command, Solanae Dyson Sphere
- Ship Requisitions Officer, Fleet Spire, Solanae Dyson Sphere