This skill increases the rate at which your hull is
passively repaired over time. Each point of
Damage Control skill increases your Regeneration
Rate by 1% of its base value.
All starships have unique base regeneration values, which may vary from ship to this. This skill will always provide a percentage-base improvement to that base value. Your Base Regeneration rate is reduced to 20% of its full value in Combat.
Total Skill Bonus
- +50 Total Regeneration Base Bonus (Out of Combat) = +50% (In Combat) = +10%
- +35 Total Regeneration Base Bonus (Out of Combat) = +85% (In Combat) = +17% (Improved)
- +15 Total Regeneration Base Bonus (Out of Combat) = +100% (In Combat) = +20% (Advanced)
Damage Control is a Commander Engineering skill that is available to all Commanders. There are three total skills in this chain, each costing 1 Space Point to purchase.
Abilities Affected[]
Starship Passive Hull Regeneration
- Deflector with Hull Regen Modifiers
Engineering Fleet: (4%) +40 Hull Regeneration for 30 sec
Console - Science - Nanite-Reinforced Circuitry: +28% Hull Regeneration (+14% in combat)
Dynamic Power Redistributor: +500% Hull Regeneration for 20 seconds
Protomatter Field: +250% Hull Regeneration for 20 seconds (Increases based on Hull Restoration)
Console - Universal - Obfuscation Screen +13.3 (2.5%) Hull Regeneration
Automated Protomatter Conduits: +100% Hull Regeneration for 15 sec
Enlightened: +15% Hull Regeneration
Hull-Repairing Nanites: 20% Hull Regeneration (40% out of combat)
Living Hull: +30% Hull Regeneration (+15% in combat)
Regenerative Control Synergy: 45% Hull Regeneration for 10 sec
Repair Crews: +5% Hull Repair Rate (stacks up to 5 times).
Protomatter Capacitor: +28.5% Hull Regeneration for 15 sec (Increases based on Hull Restoration)
Self-Replicating Hull : +20 (20%) Hull Regeneration for 15 sec (stacks up to 3 times)
Bio-Link : +25 (5%) Hull Regeneration to team for 20 sec (stacks up to 3 times)
Set Bonus[]
- Improved Hull Regeneration: +2.5% Hull Regeneration
- Kobali Reactive Hull Regeneration: +20% Hull Regeneration (Scaling as hull takes damage)
- Autonomous Regeneration Sequencer: +1% Hull Regeneration every 2 sec
- Nothing is Lost Forever: 120% Hull Regeneration (Half during combat)
Protomatter Regenerative Influx increases Hull Regeneration by 150% for 10 sec.
- Nurse Duty Officer - (Hull recovery variant): Up to 20% (Can stack up to 3)
(Turn the Tide): Up to 300% hull regen per minute for 15 sec