Star Trek Online Wiki
Shield Weakening

This skill increases the amount of weapon damage that penetrates your enemies' shields.

By default. most enemy starship shields will prevent 90% of the energy damage dealt by your weapons from hitting the hull. For each point of Shield Weakening skill, an additional 0.1% of your damage will reduce the resistance of shields to attacks dealing increased damage to sheilds.


  • +50 Shield Weakening Additional Bleedthrough = +5%
  • +35 Shield Weakening Additional Bleedthrough = +8.5% (Improved)
  • +15 Shield Weakening Additional Bleedthrough = +10% (Advanced)


Tactical Skill 4 R1

Shield Weakening is a Captain Tactical skill that is available to all Captains. There are three total skills in this chain, each costing 1 Space Point to purchase.


Shield Weakening translates into a Shield resistance rating debuff and is not the same as Shield Penetration/Ignore.

Abilities Affected

Ship Shields


Point Progression
