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Star Trek Online Wiki
Special Equipment Pack - Digitizer Plasma Weapons
Very Rare Inventory
Account Bind On Pickup
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

Open to choose a level-appropriate Digitizer Plasma weapon.
Value: 0 Energy credit icon
Special Equipment Pack - Digitizer Plasma Weapons icon
Very rare icon

Special Equipment Pack - Digitizer Plasma Weapons can be obtained from the episode ALL “The Fujiwhara Effect”. Four packs are rewarded for initial completion, as well as subsequent Episode replays.

These packs are Account Bound on Pickup, and so may be traded to other characters on the account via the Account Bank.


Digitizer Plasma Weapons: Opening this pack presents you with a choice of a Digitizer Plasma Torpedo, Plasma Digitizer Beam Array, or Plasma Digitizer Dual Beam Bank. All weapons contained within these crates are of Very Rare quality, and contain fixed modifiers of [Dmg], [CrtD], and [CrtH], and can be re-engineered.


Opening this pack will give you a CHOICE of which you wish to receive when opening this pack:

  • Beam Array, Dual Beam Bank, or Torpedo Launcher

The chosen weapon will be Account Bind on Pickup, of Very Rare quality, appropriate to the level of character that opens it (Mk II-XII).

Phaser space weapons[]

Digitizer Plasma Weapons - Space
Icon Name
Digitizer Plasma Beam Array iconVery rare icon [Digitizer Plasma Beam Array [CrtD] [CrtH] [Dmg]]
Digitizer Plasma Dual Beam Bank iconVery rare icon [Digitizer Plasma Dual Beam Bank [CrtD] [CrtH] [Dmg]]
Heavy Digitizer Plasma Torpedo Launcher iconVery rare icon [Heavy Digitizer Plasma Torpedo Launcher [CrtD] [CrtH] [Dmg]]
Special Equipment Pack (Lock Box and Mission Reward weapons)
Digitizer Plasma (Mission Reward) • Obliviating/A Safe Galaxy Phaser
Courier AntiprotonViridian Plasma32c. PhaserZhat Vash DisruptorBa'ul AntiprotonAssimilated PlasmaAltamid PlasmaCovert PhaserTerran Linked
Phasic HarmonicFerenginar PlasmaDiscovery Disruptor or PhaserDiffusive TetryonIsolytic PlasmaPrivateer's DisruptorUndiscovered PhaserDelphic Antiproton
Kelvin TimelineChronoplasmaTerran Empire Agony PhaserHerald AntiprotonCoalition DisruptorPlasmatic BiomatterVaadwaur PolaronCorrosive Plasma
Phased BiomatterFluidic AntiprotonDestabilized TetryonVoth AntiprotonElachi CrescentNanite DisruptorPhased PolaronPolarized DisruptorPhased Tetryon