Special Equipment Pack - Emperor Modules has a chance to drop from the [Emperor's Lock Box], available to players of all factions.
This package contains specialized kit modules which are recovered Terran technology. Each Emperor's Kit Module contains the necessary instructions to allow your Captain to make use of an entire new ability in Ground combat. Opening this package will reward you with a new ability, appropriate to your level, and available for all professions.
It is not bound and thus it can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange. At the exchange, this pack can be found under "Reward Packs" tab, while modules are found under "Kit Modules" tab.
The ability module you obtain will be one of the following:
- [Universal Kit Module - Agony Field Generator]
- [Universal Kit Module - Ambush Turret Fabrication]
- [Universal Kit Module - Death Spinner Throw]
The modules you receive will be of Epic quality and bound to account.