Special Equipment Pack - Nanite Disruptor Weapons
The label on this box indicates that it is a new form of energy weaponry commonly used by the Tal Shiar. They have incorporated nanites into their energy streams, which are specifically programmed to disrupt shield harmonics, causing this weaponry to become known as "Nanite Disruptors." Whether the item contained herein is a ship weapon or a personal weapon remains a mystery until the box is opened. Whatever weapon is within will be scaled to match up with the level of the character that opens it.
[Special Equipment Pack - Nanite Disruptor Weapons] can be obtained from the [Tal Shiar Lock Box] & [Infinity Prize Pack: Weapon Pack].
Contains either a Nanite Disruptor Ship weapon or a Nanite Disruptor Ground weapon, only in Very Rare rarity type.
The Special Equipment Pack - Nanite Disruptor Weapons Pack is not bound and can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange.
- At the Exchange, this pack can be found in "Reward Packs" tab if you type on search "nanite disruptor" and use the Rare option.
The item obtained from this pack is also not bound and can be traded, mailed, sold or purchased from the Exchange.
- At the Exchange, the weapons from this pack can be found in "Personal Weapons" tab (for ground weapon) or in "Ship Weapons" tab (for ship weapon), if you type on search "nanite disruptor" and use the Very Rare option.
You will receive 1 random very rare Ground Nanite Disruptor weapon or a Space Nanite Disruptor weapon from the tables listed below:
Space Weapons[]
Nanite Disruptor weapons - Space | ||
Icon | Name | Effects |
[Nanite Disruptor Beam Array] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Dual Beam Bank] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Cannon] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Dual Cannons] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Turret] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance |
Ground Weapons[]
Nanite Disruptor weapons - Ground | ||
Icon | Name | Effects |
[Nanite Disruptor Compression Pistol] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Wide Beam Pistol] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor High Density Beam Rifle] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Split Beam Rifle] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Assault Minigun] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance | |
[Nanite Disruptor Pulsewave Assault] | Shield Bleedthrough Lowers Damage Resistance |
This pack can be opened by players of all factions.
The combinations of the modifiers [CrtH], [CrtD], [Dmg], [Dot3]...may vary.
Special Equipment Pack (Lock Box and Mission Reward weapons) | |
Digitizer Plasma (Mission Reward) • Obliviating/A Safe Galaxy Phaser Courier Antiproton • Viridian Plasma • 32c. Phaser • Zhat Vash Disruptor • Ba'ul Antiproton • Assimilated Plasma • Altamid Plasma • Covert Phaser • Terran Linked Phasic Harmonic • Ferenginar Plasma • Discovery Disruptor or Phaser • Diffusive Tetryon • Isolytic Plasma • Privateer's Disruptor • Undiscovered Phaser • Delphic Antiproton Kelvin Timeline • Chronoplasma • Terran Empire Agony Phaser • Herald Antiproton • Coalition Disruptor • Plasmatic Biomatter • Vaadwaur Polaron • Corrosive Plasma Phased Biomatter • Fluidic Antiproton • Destabilized Tetryon • Voth Antiproton • Elachi Crescent • Nanite Disruptor • Phased Polaron • Polarized Disruptor • Phased Tetryon |